Elena Boyko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Deportation 2021



The journalist Elena Boyko became widely known to the Ukrainian and Russian audience due to a hot-tempered nature and sharp statements on sharp political topics. Actually, she for this reason was forced to leave his native Ukraine, however, settled in Russia, and did not measure his fervor, for which anger reappelled again.

Childhood and youth

Elena was born in the spring of 1959 in the Ukrainian city of Lviv. By nationality, she is Ukrainian, although the Polish roots have. Boyko - the pseudonym of the woman, on the passport, she is the name of Vistysur.

Elena Boyko

Lena studied in his hometown, brought up in the usual Soviet family. After graduating from school, the girl entered the Journalist Faculty of Lviv National University, where he received a higher education in the direction in which it also works to this day.

According to published on the Internet information from 1983 to 1987, a woman has served a sentence in the Kachanovsky colony of the Kharkiv region, but the journalist itself claims that he studied at this time at this time. What kind of crime it was condemned, it is not specified in the network.

Journalism and social activities

At the end of the University of Elena worked in various publishing houses Lviv, for some time was the editor of television programs. However, after the events of 2014, which occurred in Ukraine, the woman declared itself, openly expressing the opinion on the new government. From this time on, scandals associated with politics and individual officials began to appear in its biography. It entered the ranks of the oppositionists of the new regime.

Journalist Elena Boyko

For some time, Boyko was a member of the Galitsky Hawk Public Organization, which, according to managers, was engaged in journalistic investigations. As far as its members were legal, the law enforcement agencies, arrested in the summer of 2015 two citizens of Ukraine (organization participants) on charges of "separatist activities". Proof of their guilt served from the arrested phones and computers.

As the head of the opposition antibander resource, the Lviv Hawk Elena, together with his followers on the day of Victory on May 9, came to the monument to the heroes of the war and launched a red banner prohibited in Ukraine there. The woman told that she was often threatened, and information about her criminal past was fabricated and distributed in the active participation of the Lviv police.

Elena Boyko

In addition, Elena began to attend Moscow, to meet with Russian journalists and actively express its position regarding the current state of affairs in Ukraine. Soon the activities of Boyko became interested in the intelligence agencies of her native country, and from ordinary citizens the reporter began to flow threats. Once it was even doused with green. In 2015, a woman gave more interviews for the Donetsk Live channel, and for this followed the initiation of a criminal case against journalist.

The last straw, forced to change the place of residence, served as an unexpected search of the Elena apartment, where the staff of the SBU arrived at night. And since the years take their own, due to strong excitement, a hypertonic crisis happened to Boyko. Elena emigrated to Russia in 2015. And if earlier the woman knew only Ukrainians from political programs well, then after changing the country, the Russian audience was met with her.

Elena Boyko in Teloughdo

Recently, the Ukrainian journalist worked as chief editor of the Yutub-Channel "Visor-TV", which is a video version of the author's project "Ukraine in one line" operating since September 2015.

She also appeared on the Russian political talk show, was a frequent guest of the program "Place of Meeting" on the NTV channel. The woman remembered the audience as a bright character, without a comment on any program, where that was invited as a guest. And in 2017, she took part in a fight live in the Studio of the Transfer of Meeting.

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Information that the journalist disappeared, appeared on the network in December 2018. Two days, Elena's daughter and friends could not contact her, but later she was found. The fate of the woman became known not only to loved ones, but also the Russian media who followed the development of events. Boyko itself called and reported that he was in the center of the temporary content of foreign citizens, awaiting deportation from Russia.

As it turned out later, Elena Borisovna without resistance, at the request of the district policeman, came to the site, allegedly for checking the migration card. However, upon arrival, she was immediately sent to the Preobrazhensky district court. In fairly short time, the consideration of the case on its expulsion from the country was appointed. The result of the hearing was not in favor of the journalist.

Andrei and Julia Norkin

The news that Boyko is behind the bars, extinguished many. Andrei and Julia Norkin, the leading program "Place of Meeting" and his spouse - a public figure. It was Julia first that published information about the disappearance of a woman in December.

Personal life

Although the articles about Boyko on the Internet a lot, about the personal life of the information journalist is almost no. It is known that she has five children. Who were her husbands and other information about the family of a woman are unknown. Communication with like-minded people Elena supports through social networks "VKontakte" and "Instagram", where it is divided with subscribers with its photos and short video from life, and also announces events with their participation.

Elena Boyko now

On January 16, 2019, Elena deported from Russia and transferred to Ukrainian border guards. Despite the acute political conflict with the authorities, Boyko still has Ukrainian citizenship. In their native country, criminal cases have already been initiated against Elena, but the court never managed to consider them, since the woman left Ukraine to that coin.

Elena Boyko in 2019

From Moscow, it was taken to the Belgorod region, on the PPC, a non-designer, for some time it was in a neutral zone, after which it was transferred to representatives of the border guard. Then the journalist was sent to the Kharkiv region, where she was arrested by a local court and now expects transportation to Lviv. There she is already waiting for the staff of the SBU and arrest during the investigation of the case under articles for "calls for violation of the integrity of Ukraine".

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