Bronn - Biography Character "Games of Thrones", actor, character, quotes


Character History

The universe "Games of Thrones" is rich in the original characters of the first and second plan. Bronn is one of the latter. His prototype in the series was remembered by the audience skill skillfully lead the fight. Among the shortcomings of the mercenary serving the house of Lannister - greed. For the sake of money, this character will go anything.

History of creation

The literary basis of the series "The Game of Thrones" served a series of novels "Song of Ice and Flame". George R.R. Martin always dreamed of becoming a writer, but everything was not suitable for the development of a career. In 1977, the tragic death of a friend pushed Martin to active activities. The writer understood that the life of short - to embody his dreams need as quickly as possible. The author began to transfer the ideas of literary works on paper.

Writer George R.R. Martin

By 1977, by the shoulders of Martin was published a collection of stories "Song about Leah". The decision to embody the ideas increased the productivity of the writer. By 2003, his monograph had 13 books, among which were novels and collections of fantastic stories.

Work on the sage "Song of Ice and Flame" began in 1991. The first novel was published in 1996. They became the "game of thrones." It was followed by the "Battle of Kings" and "Storm Swords", "Pir of Vultures and Dance with Dragons". Soon there were separate fragments - additions to each part of the saga, more describing the most curious literature literature lines.

George R.R. Martin wrote several books playing a role to the novel. In 2017, work continued on the main part of the Saga "Winter Winds".

Books of George Martina

The world of the writer is replete with ambiguous authentic characters. As narratives are the main actors of the novel. The Universe "Ice and Flame Songs" is rich in secondary characters that appear in the narration of episodically and contributing to the development of action.

Heroes die and are born along the description of the events. Among them are Lords, Septons and Meters, soldiers and knights, slaves and kings, beautiful ladies and mercenaries like Bronnar.

"Game of Thrones"

The past armor is hidden under the curtain of secrets. Hero himself told that he was involved in the murder of a woman who pounced on him, a harvest with an ax. Being a young man, he defended how he could, and won the battle. The battle of the Chernivota brought the hero knightly title. Masterfully owning a sword and onions, Bronn showed the best fighting qualities using agility and quick response.


Readers get acquainted with mercenary when he is in the hotel and is present at the arrest of Tyrion Lanner. Together with the colleague Chigette, Bronn offers the help of Camelin Stark, counting on generous thanks. In the process of delivery of Dwarf, Bronn understands that the prisoner is sympathetic, and the big awards do not have to wait. Arriving in the valley, along with the captive of Bronn rises into the eagle nest. The mercenary spoke in a duel for honor and justice, presenting the interests of Tyrion, and defeated the opponent. After the joint expulsion, Bronn began to serve Lanner.

Mercenary career developed quickly. Tyrion made him commander of the guard and entrusted a set of mercenaries to protect the royal harbor. During the battle, he was led by the defense and after the victory over the enemies became the knights of the Bronnis draft. As an arms, he used the image of a burning green chain depicted on a gray background. Lannister generously paid the knight's services and dissolved the squad.

Tyrion Lannister.

After completing the work, the mercenary was thinking about Randillu Tardi, but Tyrion made Bronn a more interesting offer. The new task of the knight was the collection of information about Mendon Mura, which was given to him with great difficulty. Tyrion was accused of killing the king, and Sersa bribed Bronni to prevent his victory in a duel for the honor of Lannerner. Bronnar was married to Lollys Stoffwehrt, ugly woman, pregnant after group rape.

The knight independently gathered the mercenarious detachment in Stockwehrt. The born Son of Lollys called Tyrion, which was cracked by Serne. Balman Bechka was ordered to kill the height. Berch called Bronna to a duel on a spear. The mercenary struck the hitch of the enemy with a spear. With a fall, Berch broke both legs, and Bronn managed to bring out who paid for his death. The sudden death of the wife made mercenary by Lord Stokshant.


The television version opens a little more details about the personal life of Bronnou. Spectators learn that in childhood the boy beat their parents, and the mother suppressed him. For working cases, mercenar had to be in the north of the kingdom near the wall, so many thought that Bronn was running out of the night watch.

Frame from the series

The first appearance of the hero takes place in the series called "Caring, Bastardes and Broken Things". He is striking with his military skills and is distinguished by non-powerful blows, but a rapid response to what is happening. Decity brings over the armor, forcing me to go to any actions for money. The greed of the fighter becomes the subject of ridicule among his environment. He visits Tyrion in prison, based on the fact that the dwarf is able to kill the price of the server.

As in the book, the appearance of Bronna is associated with the need to catch Tyrion. The mercenary reflects the punch of the robbers who attacked the travelers on the road to the eagle nest, and responds to the offer of Tyrion for the sake of remuneration.

Jame Lannister

He acts instead of dwarf on a duel and kills the opponent. Together with Tyrone, they hold the way to river lands to Taiwin Lannist, where the army is going to battle with starks. Bronn works on Tyrion and his brother, Jame Lanner. In the capital, he quickly mastered the position of bodyguard and commander of the city ward. The mercenary participates in the planning of battle with Barateon Stannis, who declared the rights to the throne, and destroys it in the battle during the draft.

"The game of Thrones" is famous for the large number of hero deaths, to which the audience have time to get used. Preporing who will suffer death in the new season is impossible, and any threat to the address of the character can hint at his ambulance death. Bronn could die from the blow to the poisoned dagger, who used Tien, but the hero admitted to her unprecedented beauty and received an antidote. Death spits the knight and after the threat of Tristan, in a fight against Vardis and against the psa killer.

Jerome Flynn.

In the image of Bronna, British actor Jerome Flynn spoke in the frame. Career Artist began in the 1990s with an episodic role in the series about policemen. Flynn tried himself at the musical field, speaking in a duet with a friend in the Robson and Jerome group, and even achieved the audience to raise him to the top of the British charts. The actor also tried himself in voicing television projects and director. The filmography of Jerome Flynna consists of 30 roles, including the image of the armor from the "Game of Thrones" is the most famous and successful.

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