Lee Child (Jim Grant) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The novelist Lee Child is known in literary circles thanks to a series of thrillers about the former police officer Jack Richer, who is randomly involved in drama and criminal disassembly. The works of the writer are a fruitful basis for detective serials and films.

Childhood and youth

The present name of the writer is James Jim Grant. His biography originates on October 29, 1954 in the English city of Coventry. James is the second of four sons. His younger brother Andrew Grant is also a writer, the author of the novels about David Trevelyan and the detective of Cooper Delero.

Lee Child

When cheating turned 4 years old, the family moved to Birmingham to give children a better education. Up to 11 years old, the boy studied at the Cheryry Orchard elementary school, then at the School of King Edward.

In 1974, a 20-year-old young man entered the University of Sheffield to the Faculty of Law, although he did not plan to associate life with the right in the future. Free Time Lee Child devoted not to law practice, but work behind the theater's scenes.

In 1977, the guy received a bachelor's degree in law. Years, in 2009, Lee Child returned to the university to get a diploma of the doctor of philosophy in the field of literature.

Lee Child (right) in youth with brothers

Before becoming a famous novelist, Lee Child worked on a senior position at the British TV channel Granada Television in Manchester. Advertising a man gave 18 years of life, from 1977 to 1995. He had to control more than 40 thousand hours of airtime, compose hundreds of commercials and plots for news materials.

When Childa, the faithful employee of Granada Television, was fired for the non-compliance with the subordination, he decided to become great called the corporation.


The author's literary pseudonym consists of two parts. Lee was born out of a joke when someone from family members perceived the sound of the Renault's Le Car's brand name as "Lee Car", that is, "Lee Machine". As for Child (Child), Grant dreamed of putting his books on library shelves between the works of the great novelists of Raymond Chandler (Chandler) and Agatha Christie.

Writer Lee Child

Lee Child calls the novels "the most pure form of entertainment." The debut work, the main goal of which consisted in distracting people from the oppressive reality is the "Floor of Death" (1997), the first thriller about Jack Reacher.

According to the plot, a former police officer arrives in Margrave, Georgia, on an excursion. Suddenly, a man is arrested on suspicion of murder, which occurred on the eve of the diner. Of course, in law enforcement agencies there are those who believe that Jack is innocent. Together they find a real criminal, but turn out to be drawn into a more serious deal with the participation of the Aryan Brotherhood.

Lee Childe books

The debut romance about the Reacher brought Cheild international recognition - American, British and Japanese literary critics awarded writer 5 trophies for the best debut. Child is taken for the writing of every new book from the series on the anniversary of the writing of the first novel. As a result, it turns out on the book a year, in 2019 there is a "Blue Moon".

Chelt's novels are called commercial, because the author is not focused on the literary attractiveness of the work, but on his demand for the reader. For example, one of the Rcher's parents is a Frenchman. This fact of the biography of the hero is introduced in order to attract fans from France. The writer calls the novels about Jack Realcher's story:

"Someone makes very bad actions, but Reacher Mustit."
Tom Cruise as Jack Rcher

For example, in terms of "the price of her life" (1998), a former detective is kidnapped together with a lame girl who helped move across the road. The "trap" (1999) is devoted to the investigation of the murder of a detective, with whom Jack accidentally gets acquainted in the resort.

The ideas of episodes are periodically repeated. So, in terms of "Guest" (2000), as in the "floor of death", there are suspicions of murder on Rether, but this time two women become victims. The "kidnapper" (2006) talks about how Jack helps a businessman pull out a wife from captivity.

Romans about the Reercher are great for shields: in narration a lot of action, shooting and drama. So far, among two dozen works, the video version received only two novels. "Shot" (2005) lay down the fighter "Jack Reacher" (2012), in terms of "never return" (2013) the second part of 2016 released. In both cinents, the main role was performed by Tom Cruise.

Books about Jack Reacher, both novels and stories, are published in 35 countries in 27 world languages. Lee Child once noted that he would write about the former police officer until the demand for the narrative of his adventure would fall. Judging by the level of sales, the Sunset of the Writer's Career is far: the average sales of each part are about 1 million copies.

Personal life

In 1975, Lee Child married a girl named Jane. The couple is still together, live in the native city of Spouse - New York. Rail a daughter Ruth. Their personal life is so secluded that the press does not have a single family photo.

Lee Child (Jim Grant) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021 12679_6

The writer is a fan of the Football Club "Aston Villa". Sometimes the names of the players from this team appear in the novels about Reacher.

Lee Child now

In April 2019, the premiere of the 24th book about Jack Reacher under the name "Blue Moon" will take place in the United States. Of course, Fans of creativity Lee Childe will receive 25 novels, the work on which is now being done.

The translation of bestsellers into Russian is late, so in February 2019, only the 22nd novel will appear on the shelves of bookstores - "midnight line".

Lee Child in 2019

In November 2018, Lee Child reported that he was withdrawing the rights of the Paramount Studio. Instead of a third film with Tom Cruise, the writer decided to remove the series with another actor. The reason for the cessation of creative cooperation was the low increase in the cruise (170 cm): in novels it is repeatedly indicated by the powerful physique of the former policeman and his impressive growth - 195 cm. Therefore, Child is now negotiating with NetFlix and looks short to high actors.


  • 1997 - "Floor of Death"
  • 1998 - "The price of her life"
  • 1999 - "Trap"
  • 2000 - "Guest"
  • 2001 - "Bloody Echo"
  • 2002 - "Accurate Calculation"
  • 2003 - "belief means"
  • 2004 - "Enemy"
  • 2005 - "Shot"
  • 2006 - "Kidner"
  • 2007 - "Solid problems and troubles"
  • 2008 - "nothing to lose"
  • 2009 - "I'll leave tomorrow"
  • 2010 - "61 hours"
  • 2010 - "It is worth the death"
  • 2011 - "Case"
  • 2012 - "wanted"
  • 2013 - "Never go back"
  • 2014 - "Personal Interest"
  • 2015 - "Make me"
  • 2016 - "Evening School"
  • 2017 - "Midnight Line"
  • 2018 - "Past time"
  • 2019 - "Blue Moon"

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