Karina Kasparianz - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", "Yutyub", age, growth, Julia Pushman 2021



Blogger Karina Kasparianz is known for users of the Internet since 2013, when the Vlog first presented on the "Yutiub" platform, which tried to diversify the most interesting and fascinating plots from his life. The girl experiments with images, make-up, style, makes original rollers about travel and funny life situations. The motto of her project sounds: Welcome to My Life!

Childhood and youth

Karina Arkadyevna Kasparianz was born on September 8, 1996 in the city of Aktau, Kazakhstan. The Nationality of the Girls formed Armenian roots on Father and Russians on Mom. Parents decided to move to Moscow, when the daughter was fulfilled a year.

As a child, Karina attended the circles and sections: engaged in figure skating and dancing, studied at the music school. However, no hobby was interested in her entirely. As a result, Kasparianz left sports and creativity, but did not cease to love music and reading. In its playlist to this day, the fresh compositions of the favorite Justin Bieber are sounded, Selena Gomez, One Direction groups.

The future blogger graduated from school number 424: It was indifferent to the exact sciences, but in learning languages ​​succeeded. After the completion of secondary education, the girl entered the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service (Ranjigs) at the Marketing Faculty.

Bogging and creativity

Blogging Karina brought a close friend Julia Pushman. She first began to shoot their joint parties, walks, trips to the cottage. Funny sketches with cute girls in the lead roles accounted for the taste of the youth audience. Having received a portion of glory, Karina decided to shoot his video.

The first rollers appeared on the Kasparianz Youtyub-Channel in 2013 - first simple, then more spectacular, saturated with special effects. From dozens of other VLOGers, Karina's creativity differed in front of the camera, a pleasant competent speech, always the solar mood of the author and a spectacular thoughtful image. Despite the inconsistency of model standards (the growth of the girl is 160 cm), it looks harmoniously in the frame and stylishly dressed. And the fans of Karina liked the multifaceted theme of her plots.

"Whether, telling confidently, look good and do at the highest level," she gave this advice to novice bloggers.

Creative flour and questions, what to shoot, the creative girl did not exist. She was inspired by ordinary, casual things. So, Karina spent the excursion to their apartments - old and new, laid out the plots from the vacation conducted in different parts of the planet: in Croatia, Venice, Bratislava, Vienna, Prague.

Vlogs with a note "useful" included tips on favorable shopping, healthy lifestyle, proper slimming, selection of style. A number of vines were devoted to the art of competently to do selfie, emphasizing their advantages. Beauty-dependent fans of the beauty presented a vast thematic block of rollers, which included experiments with cosmetics, copying star meikapa, the secrets of the ideal image.

Of course, as everyone has already held a blogger, Karina knew that the appearance of celebrity in the frame of the Cadre contributes to the incredible promotion of the channel. Therefore, the author initiated the project "Day with the star", which was talked with such popular persons as Valery, Alexey Vorobyev, Sergey Zverev and others.

In blog blogs, the girl raised questions, relevant to her peers: how to survive relationships at a distance, how to raise future children, how to understand men, how to make a girlfriend and no longer quarrel.

A considerable interest among numerous fans of Karina caused her romantic stories in which she, together with a young man, walked around the festive Paris, rested on the beaches, sat down, chose gifts.

Recently, Karina has a dream appeared to film. It all started with the fact that the blogger had already appeared in a professional frame, starring in episodic roles at Timur Bekmambetov in the comedies to "hack bloggers" and "Tree-5", where he played himself.

The rhythm of the life of Karina does not stand still. The girl firmly remembers that it is impossible to leave a blog for a long time, and not to lose subscribers and increase their number, relieves new interesting stories and thinks out new ideas.

Together with Yulia, Pashman Karina developed and released a number of presets - filters for photo processing. The colleague project came seriously by creating a website where users can buy a product of interest in several clicks.

Personal life

Blogger managed to turn into a source of popularity and personal life, devoting her a considerable number of video publishing. If before the fans wondered who her boyfriend, then since 2015 he lost the relevance, because the girl presented the beloved in his plots.

They were the young Armenian OSK Markaryan, with whom Karina met, enrolling in Rowhigs. OSK also led the blog and could boast of his audience for admirers.

Before him, Kasparianz met with the son of the Khabarovsk billionaire Igor Neklyudov Grigory Mamurin, who acquired scandalous fame after cynical videos on Yutubeub, where, in particular, he proposed to drink to people with urine for a considerable amount.

In December 2019, Karina received a proposal of hands and hearts from the wax. The new chapter in the Biographies of the blogger began in June 2021, when she at the age of 24 married a boyfriend, the feelings to which were tested by time.

Wedding lovers played in several stages. An important point was the wedding, solemnly passed in one of the metropolitan temples. After the ceremony, Karina and her husband went to the banquet on the luxurious car of the Rolls-Royce brand. Casparyanz conducted a direct broadcast from the wedding for the Youtyub-Channel, short video of the festival appeared in the account in the "Tyktok".

The blogger communicates with fans and on the "Instagram" page, where the photo is laid out from everyday life in a variety of feshene-images. One girl avoids - snapshots in a swimsuit. Pupils in respect of Armenian traditions, Karina, according to her comments, prefers not to be offended in front of the camera, although easily allows himself on the beach.

Karina Kasparianz now

Karina and now pays a lot of attention to the blog, inspiring the events of his own life and modern trends.

2021 The girl began with a trip to New York and a large roller dedicated to the trip. In the video, Karina spoke about the constraints associated with the coronavirus pandemic in the city, about the local Fastfood, prices for hotels and entertainment for tourists. Travel Topics received a continuation in other rollers about the cities of America.

In the spring of Kasparianz presented a new project: Make Up Yourself Makeup course. Blogger offered students a set of lessons about cosmetics and ways to apply, on skin care methods and exciting contests with valuable prizes.

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