Boris Bystrov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Fans are often wondering that it becomes with actors and actresses of Soviet cinema, which previously burned, found out on the street and invited to act in the most promising projects. Someone implemented himself in the family, someone tragically left life, and someone continued his creative way as a dubling actor.

People's Artist of the Russian Federation Boris Fastrov

Honored People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Boris Bystrov, managed to be implemented as theatrical and film actor, and also presented his voice to such cult characters as Homer Simpson, Scoobi-Doo, Alastor Gryum from Harry Potter and many others.

Childhood and youth

Boris Evgenievich Fastrov was born on February 12, 1945, under the very end of the Great Patriotic War. The parents of the boy divorced when he was 10 years old. At such a young age, Bore had to decide with whom he should remain from adults.

In one of the interview, the actor recalled that during the scroll-produced process in court chose his father, since Mom by the time he had already found a new man and was not to the child. However, later the woman has established relations with her son.

Boris Fasts in youth

At the beginning of the 60s, the young man entered the MCAT studio school, where he received a diploma of the Honored Artist of the RSFSR A. M. Kareva at the age of 21. Immediately after that, Boris was invited to the service of Lenk.

Two years later, in 1968, the guy joined the acting composition of the Moscow Dramatic Theater named after M. N. Yermolova. He was especially remembered by the audience on the roles in the performances of "Treason", "Balls and Passions of St. Petersburg", "How I loved you!", "Slave", etc. Bystrov is the leading artist of the Ermolova Theater now.


Having a pretty appearance in youth, the fastest fulfilled his first central role in the cinema immediately after the end of Mkat. He reincarnated in Aladdin in the Soviet fairy tale of the director of Boris Khightarev "Magic Lamp of Alladina".

Boris Fasts in the film

Participation in this project instantly made yesterday's student of the USSR star. He had faithful fans who recognized the young man in public places and were invited to drink together. According to the memories of the artist, he almost turned into an alcoholic at that time - first time Boris drank because of his popularity, and then - because he was stopped learning.

The novice artist of the cinema rapidly changed outwardly - he began to recover (his growth is 181 cm, the weight is about 100 kg), rude, to be covered with bristles. In this adult, a man could not be seen a sophisticated prince in Silks of Eastern Nationality.

Boris Fasts in the picture

Boris Bystrov tried to restore the glory, expanding his filmography in such pictures as the "adventures of a yellow suitcase", "Meeting at the old mosque", "hit! Still!", "The investigation leads the signs: a bouquet at the reception", but repeat the debut Success failed.

Boris Fasts in the film

Then he decided to change his activity a little, engaged in voice acting foreign art paintings and animated films. The first character of the faster voiced in the early 1970s - they became Everett Brown from the Oscarone melodrama "Gone by the Wind".

The Russian viewer can hear Boris, looking at any movie with the participation of the famous Hollywood actor Marlon Brando, as well as including the cartoons "Simpsons", "Futurama", "Scooby-Du!". In general, the artist took part in almost 500 works, among which the sound of the legendary paintings "Route Devil", "Iziction Witch", "Dracula", "Schindler List", "People in Black" and many others.

Boris Fasts in the picture

In addition, Boris Bystrov starred in the detective series of 2009 "Isaev" directed by Sergei Ursulak, based on the works of Writer Julian Semenov about the most famous intelligence in the Soviet and post-Soviet space. He performed the role of Merkulov-senior. The 16-serial art project received good reviews of film critics and spectators.

Personal life

The personal life of Boris Bystrov was the same saturated as professional. The actor was married 3 times. His first spouse became the Soviet actress Inna Kmit, the daughter of the role of Petki in the painting "Chapaev" Leonid Kmita. The woman was known to the viewer on the game in the comedy "She loves you" director Vladimir Polyakova.

Inna Kmitts and Boris Fast

The daughter of Catherine appeared in their marriage, which went at the footsteps of the parents and also became an actress. At the age of 16, she changed the surname of the father to the maternal. The woman got the greatest popularity as the heroine of the films of the perestroika. Her amplua is marginal characters, such as drug addicts, prostitutes and witches. Catherine Kmiti often appeared in the frame nude.

Daughter Boris Bystrov Ekaterina Kmit

Spouses Boris and Inna lived together for about 10 years, after which they divorced. The former wife of the actor died on February 7, 1996 due to the problems with the heart.

The second wife of Bystrov became the famous ballerina and the artist of pop dance Tatiana Label. However, in contrast to the past actor's relations, this marriage lasted for a short time - the girl went to the Canadian city of Montreal, and her spouse preferred to remain in the Soviet Union. Spouses had no joint children.

Boris Bystrov with wife Irina Savina

The third wife of Boris began again a colleague on the workshop - actress Irina Savina, with which he met at the theater M. N. Yermolova, where the future pair worked together. In 1989, they had a son named Nikolai, who, like his father, began to do a dubbing from the young years (he voiced the character of Daniel Radcliffe in all 8 parts of Sagi Harry Potter).

Actor voicing Boris Bystrov in 2019

The guy is an active user of the Social Network "Instagram", where the variety of photos is laid out - with rest, work and at home.

Boris Bystrov Now

The actor continues to engage in voice acting in 2019, his latest projects were the musical of the Bastera Skranggs Ballad, the Multi-Series Cartoon "Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Fate" and the Comedy "Holmes & Watson".


  • 1967 - "Magic Lamp of Alladina"
  • 1968 - "Strike! Still!"
  • 1970 - "The Adventures of Yellow Suitcase"
  • 1978 - "The investigation is conducted by signs: a bouquet at the reception"
  • 1979 - "White Bear Skur"
  • 1984 - "TASS is authorized to declare ..."
  • 1984 - "Stretched, Stretched, Charm ..."
  • 1991 - "Shamp"
  • 2007 - "Kings of the game"
  • 2009 - "Isaev"

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