Katerina Kabanova - biography, appearance and character, quotes, actress


Character History

The literary heritage, which left the descendants Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, today forms the basis of the classical theater repertoire. "Thunderstorm" is a play, which, like other writings of the playwright, puts important issues of morality before the public. The action develops around the main character, Katerina, whose loyalty and treason become a stumbling block in family life.

History of creation

Writer Alexander Ostrovsky

The drama called "Thunderstorm" came out from under the island feather in 1859. He presented a work to the public, returning from the journey along the Volga. According to literature, Alexander Klykov became the prototype of the main character. An unknown girl completed the life of suicide, pushing the playwright to thoughts about the possible plot of the play. Its biography and conflict between generations of "fathers and children" are captured by Ostrovsky in all its severity. The latter became a link in the history of a real heroine and a fictional character.

The winged phrase "Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom", which characterizes Katerina, belongs to Nikolay Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov. Similarly, the poet described Russian reality - merchant life, which had to plunge the main heroine of the play. Ostrovsky is opposed to a bright start in the face of Katerina "Dark Kingdom." The name of the work describes that gamut of the feelings with which the heroine was faced in confusion, under the oppression of fear, tragic love and accumulated feelings that change her attitude to life.

Illustration for book

The heroine was in the stale atmosphere of the provincial settlement, where the generation of "fathers" with conservative ingredients and stamps dominates. A place in the house where Katerina fell after the wedding, suggested humility, respectful attitude, silence and patience. The mind and common sense who promoted Kulibin, and the spiritual purity of Katerina in this world were alien and rejected. The death of the heroine became her liberation.

The fate of the heroine is tragic. Loneliness, the lack of human live interest pushed her to Boris. The appearance of a man creates the impression that his personality has nothing to do with the inhabitants of morally wretched Kalinov. The illusion that the characterities of the character of the chief may coincide with her ideals, pushes the heroine to the actions, to which she did not prepare life before marriage.


A raining girl, not ready to put up with the familiar elegas of the Kabanov family, quickly acquires a bad reputation. The characteristic of the proud, a gusty and depressed heroine is similar to the description of Tatiana Larina, who rushed into the outer of the senses and turned out to be rejected. The hardness of the character that the heroine did not change even in difficult life circumstances, led it to the fatal decision. The death of Katerina became for her deliverance from the hated world.


The action of the play occurs in the city of Kalinov, located on the coast of the Volga. The yard costs the 19th century, and in the center of events it turns out a girl with a sensitive heart and a positive character - Katerina Kabanova. Coming out married the unloved man, Tikhon, Katerina languishes in his house, which boils the Kabaniha, the elderly woman of obsolete concepts and morals. Nearby and obedient Tikhon never stands up for his spouse, while mother-in-law does not give daughter-in-law of a quiet life.


Fresh breath to the life of a girl brought a young man who came to swim to the uncle, a merchant of wild, from the capital. Katerina penetrates with a hot feeling and understands how hopelessly her position. One day, Tikhon is out of Kalinov for a couple of weeks, and this moment imposes his sister, sympathizing in Katerina. She organizes a meeting of a girl with Boris to clarify relationships. In love, it is possible to spend alone 10 nights, until the time is not returned by Tikhon.

Katerina suffers from longing for the beloved and remorse of conscience, surging on her in connection with the treason that occurred. She comes with a shelter to her husband and mother-in-law. Tikhon wants to make concessions, but Kabanikha revolts against. Boris leaves for three years to Siberia, explan to uncle under the threat of depriving the inheritance. He does not want to take Katerina with him, fearing the uncle of anger. Katerina in the gust of despair rushes from a cliff to the river and sinking. Tikhon, who tried to save her, remains to watch the death of his wife because of the destruction of harsh cabani, which will subsequently accuse the tragedy.

Katerina and Boris.

The victim or winner of Katerina in this story - everyone decides himself. But her sincerity, the power of will and the dignity with which the girl suffered life tests, it is worth respecting. Her attitude towards love, honor and decency allows not to doubt the purity of her soul. The intolerableness of the existence, pushing the heroine to treason and suicide, is its main excuse. The girl, being an Orthodox Christian, deliberately went to suicide, taking sin to the soul before God and not afraid of his karas for it. She challenged society and generally accepted traditions.


Dramatic works are rarely used for visualization on large screens. They are relevant for theatrical layouts, since the laws of theatrical and cinematic interpretation will differ. At the beginning of the 20th century, when the cinema has not yet had a sufficient amount of authentic material for adaptation, the directors preferred the works of great writers and playwrights.

Alla Tarasova in the role of Katerina

For the first time, "thunderstorm" was fused in 1912 on the PATE film studio. Vera Pashmann embodied Katerina Kabanov in the frame. At the age of 25, the performer starred in two kinokartin on the plays of Ostrovsky: "Thunderstorm" and "Dustpannica".

In 1933, the Soviet audience saw the film Vladimir Petrov. Alla Tarasova played a major female role in it. In 1934, the picture conquered a prize at the Film Festival in Venice. Due to many historical peripetia, the tape was almost lost, but it managed to restore it in 1965.

Lyudmila Shcherbinina in the role of Katerina

In 1977, Felix Glyamshin and Boris Babochem submitted to the public TV except "Thunderstorm", which became the classics of Soviet cinema, filmed based on dramaturgical works. The role of Katerina Kabanova played Lyudmila Shcherbinin.

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