Luke Wilson - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In the face of American actor Luke Wilson combines charm, kindness, vulnerability and ironiness, and with such a set he is just called to play romantic heroes. In this amplua, the artist appeared in the famous Comedy "Blonde in Law", and the role brought him worldwide fame. On the account of Luke dozens of cash and festival films, especially convincing it looks like family cinema. Heroes Wilson cause trust, sympathy and sympathy, in whatever straightenings they did not get.

Childhood and youth

American actor Luke Cunningham Wilson was born in 1971 in Dallas - the oil capital of Texas. The boy became a younger child in the family. Laura and Robert Andrew Wilsons brought up three sons, and each of them chose an acting profession. Mother worked as a photographer, and his father - advertising director in the American non-profit television broadcasting service (PBC). The ancestors of Wilsons were immigrants from Ireland.

Owen Brothers, Andrew and Luke Wilson in childhood

Endrew's elder brother was born in 1964, Middle Owen - in 1968. All sons built a career in Hollywood, often participating in joint projects. As a child, the brothers attempted to build their own business. It was the Lawn Rangers company, which provided the care services for the sale of local sites and lawns.

The guys visited the private school of St. Mark, where only Catholic boys studied. In the first year of study, Luke was chosen by the President. The guy adored the sport and did progress in athletics. Until now, Wilson is among the top five recordsmen at 400 and 800 meters during the entire existence of the school.

In his youth, the hatch was difficult to decide on the choice of profession. After graduating from school, the guy entered the Texas Christian University, but threw his studies. The second attempt to get a higher education was training in the Southern Methodist University of Dallas, who Wilson also did not finish.

In 1993, the young man, together with the brothers, went to Los Angeles, where he began to study in the West College. Initially, Luke planned to focus on sports achievements, but became interested in dramatic art and decided to tie his career with a movie.


The first acting experience in Luke's biography became the main role in the short film "Bottle Rocket" in 1994. The tape was collaborated with Brother Owen Wilson and director Wesz Anderson. The picture in 13 minutes told the optimistic and crazy history of Texan guys who have impaired themselves with successful thieves.

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The film was shown at the Sandance independent cinema festival, where he attracted the attention of the Oscar-free director James L. Brooks. With the assistance of the master, the story moved to a large screen, and in 1996, the tape came out in a full meter and received the MTV channel award for the best directorial debut.

After the success of the guys tightly settled in Los Angeles, having equipped the house where the three Wilson Brothers began to live: Three Wilson Brothers and Wes Anderson. Friendly and creative union turned out to be strong and fruitful: Tandem subsequently released not one original and successful project, including the "Academy of Rashmor" and the "Family of the Tennbaum".

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Since 1997, Luke's career went uphill. In the late 90s, he takes part in 3-5 paintings every year, including in the leaders of Creek-2 and "Charlie Angels". In 1998, Wilson encourages the role of a romantic hero in the criminal comedy "best people," where Drew Barrymore plays the main role. The film tells about the group of friends who make robbery on the way to the wedding.

Star hour, who brought a hatch world famous, became the role of an intelligent lawyer Emmett Richmond in the romantic comedy "Blonde in Law" (2001). The film was accompanied by cash success and folk love, and the continuation did not make himself wait long. Sikvel came out in 2003, lifting in the ranking, but almost without losing in the profit of the first tape.

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The charming actor with sad eyes is the image of a cute and harmless guy in which he appears in the Christmas melodrama "Hi family!" (2005). The on-screen beloved hatch here became the heroine of Sarah Jessica Parker.

In 2006, Wilson plays a major role in the fantastic comedy Mike Jadzha "Idiocracy". He portrayed an ordinary US military personnel chosen for a cryogenic project, which awakens after 500 years of hibernation. By this time, the society is much undelooked, and the hero turns out to be the most intelligent of those living on the planet.

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In the thriller "Vacancy for Sacrifice" (2007) partner Luca was Kate Beckinsale. The actors played a married couple, stuck in a terrifying roadside hotel, from which it is not so easy to get out.

Luke Wilson is not limited to acting, but tries himself as a screenwriter, director and producer. In 2003, he released the melodrama "History Wayndel", in 2014 - a short filter Satellite Beach.

Personal life

Luke can not be called a single, although he is still not married and he has no children. In the personal life of the actor, novels are constantly developing, sometimes developing in a long relationship. But while the only wedding photo on which he lit up is a frame from "Blonde in Law - 2", where his on-screen wife became Reese Witherspoon.

Luke Wilson and Drew Barrymore

The first serious passion of Wilson - Drew Barrymore, with which the guy met in 1996 on the set of the film "The Best People". First, friends have fought over the hatch that the fame was brought to him with a star, and not an acting game. Couple met for 3 years. In their account, collaboration in 4 paintings, including the famous "Charlie Angels".

In 2000, Wilson starred in the "Family of the Tennbaum" with Gwyneth Paltrow, and their on-screen "chemistry" was so convincing that the actors were attributed to a brief, but stormy romance.

Luke Wilson and Meg Simpson

According to the portal, from 2003 to 2005, the hatch girls were: American model Joy Bryant, singer and actress Alison Eastwood, fashion model Jennifer Walcott and the star of Playboy magazine Odra Lynn.

Since 2008, the guy became interested in basketball player Meg Simpson. These relations turned out to be durable and durable, but after 6 years, the couple broke up. Now Luke officially does not meet anyone and remains enviable fiance. At the actor four nephews: Andrew's son, Joseph, and Owen's children - Robert Finn, Ford and Laila.

Luke Wilson now

A man lives in Los Angeles, its condition is estimated at $ 30 million. The artist has no official account in "Instagram" and other social networks.

Luke Wilson in 2019

For 2019, 5 films with the participation of the actor are announced, including the film-based Bestseller Donna Tartt "Schegol". This time, the Hero of Luke is unlikely to seem cute, as he will fulfill the role of the father of the main character in the picture, and this character is difficult to call positive.

Wilson's filmography will be replenished with the filmalman "Berlin, I love you," where the verge of love in a big city is shown in the novel cycle. Partners of the actor on the site of Helen Mirren, Keira Knightley, Mickey Rourke and other stars.


  • 1994 - "Bottle Rocket"
  • 1997 - "The best people"
  • 1997 - Creek 2
  • 1998 - "Academy Rashmor"
  • 2000 - "Charlie Angels"
  • 2001 - "Blonde in Law"
  • 2001 - "Family of Tennbaum"
  • 2003 - "Blonde in Law 2"
  • 2004 - "Around the World for 80 days"
  • 2005 - "Idiocracy"
  • 2007 - "Vacancy for Sacrifice"
  • 2011 - "Absolute Evil"
  • 2015 - "meadow country"
  • 2016 - "Gastrol"
  • 2019 - "Schegol"

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