Sergey Shahrai - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Politician, Constitution, Amendments, Son, Daughter, Moscow State University 2021



Now Sergey Shahrai is a famous politician, a statesman and doctor of law, which has become a co-author of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. For the service, the people has orders, medals and diplomas, as well as personal gratitude from the Russian president.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Mikhailovich was born in April 1956 in the Crimean city of Simferopol, the far ancestors of the family were the tersk Cossacks. The father is a military pilot, however, after the accident that occurred, which fell on the period of reducing the staff of the armed forces, the man returned to the soldier's native village and for 30 years he headed the collective farm there.

The Shahrai school studied well and graduated from her gold medal, after which he entered the university in Rostov-on-Don. However, on this training was not stopped, the young man entered the graduate school and there he continued to receive education. And after 4 years he defended his thesis and won the degree of a candidate of law. Later Sergey Mikhailovich wrote Doctoral, and before that he received a diploma of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Career and political activities

Political career in the biography of Shahrai began not immediately. In his youth, after graduating, the future author of the Constitution of the Russian Federation taught in Moscow State University and also created the laboratory of legal informatics and cybernetics, which was led to 1990. In his youth, a man sought to introduce new developments in the sphere of politics.

Just during this period, Sergey was able to participate in the creation of an electronic counting system when voting and the preparation of the legal component of its algorithm, or rather, to lead this process. During subsequent government meetings, this development has not been successfully used.

In December 1991, the leaders of the three Slavic republics took place in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, based on the results of which it was decided that the USSR no longer exists as a subject of international political law. Shahraja set the task to write draft of the Belovezhsky Agreement. The main task in the preparation of this document, supplied by Boris Yeltsin, was to find a way to avoid the Yugoslav version of the decay of the country, which took place in the war.

Later, in an interview, Sergey Mikhailovich called Mikhail Gorbachev, the main culprit of the disintegration of the Union. At the initiative of the latter, the activities of the CPSU, the party, the former, according to Shahrai, the center-forming in the life of the USSR. Also, the politician noted that the last Soviet Secretary General understood the essence of the car managing the country.

Further career policy quickly went up. Until 1992, Shahrai performed as a state adviser to Russia on legal politics. After some time, the deputy receives the post of deputy chairman of the Government, on which the work of the State Committee on National Policy, as well as the Ministry of Security, Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice.

In a difficult time for the country, it was necessary to change the current Constitution. The draft of the new document was created by Sergey Mikhailovich and Sergey Sergeevich Alekseev himself. The authors prepared not only him, but also the text of the state program, which Yeltsin presented at the referendum in April 1993.

According to Shahraj, in the work on the new Constitution of the Russian Federation, together with Alekseev, he relied on the ideas of Mikhail Speransky, who managed to delimit the activities of the monarch and government. Later, the politician noted that he was satisfied with the work - after all, according to their fundamental law, Yeltsin worked for less than 6 years, and Vladimir Putin - 26.

The work of Shahraj in the Accounts Chamber began in 2000, where he got the position of Deputy Head of the Authority. In subsequent years, the politician occupied a number of other state posts. He worked as the head of the apparatus of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, and in a year he became president of the National Badminton Federation, but at the personal request to the President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, left this post in 2009.

Also, the State Affilitary was in the ranks of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of physical culture and sports and an interdepartmental commission on improving the quality of higher legal education. Since 2011, he received a member of the Scientific Council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Later, along with the socio-political activities, Sergey Mikhailovich continued his work in the field of science. Shahrai took the post of dean of the Higher School of State Audit of Moscow State University. In addition, the Board of Directors of Moscow State University was headed. From 2018 he was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Questions of Natural Science and Technology".

In 2020, politicians gave a number of interviews related to the amendments made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Shahrai noted that innovations amounted to a slight percentage of the document, which emphasized the quality of work carried out by him in the early 90s. In addition, the politician shared with journalists thoughts about the phenomenon of "zero" the terms of the rule of Vladimir Putin, gave an assessment of the actions of the President of the Russian Federation, described a possible mechanism for nominating the head of state to the 5th term.

Sergei Mikhailovich noted that the changes introduced into the basic law will allow deputies of the State Duma, senators and other civil servants to receive new powers. Also, the politician called Dmitry Medvedev "Quasi-Vice President". In the same year, the author of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 gave a forecast of Anatoly Chubais, who took the position of the Presidential Special Representative for Relations with International Organizations.

Personal life

Shahrai - exemplary family man. The personal life of the politician tied up with his wife Tatyana Yuryevna in his youth, and to this day the couple is in excellent relations. By education Wife policy is a philologist. Choir gave birth to Sergey three children: Sons of Sergey and Mikhail, as well as the daughter of Maria.

Senior Son Sergey decided to go in the footsteps of the Father. In the Vladimir region, the young man headed the inspection on housing issues. However, at the end of May 2018, it became known that the young boss is no longer an employee of this authority, and soon from the site of the man was missing a photo of a man. Thus, the rumors about the resignation of Sergey Sergeevich confirmed before this.

Sergey Shahrai now

In 2021, politician continued to work at the university, and also did not cease to give an analytical interview.

Awards and titles

  • 2008 - Order "For merits to the Fatherland" IV degree (December 7, 2008) - For a great contribution to strengthening the constitutional and legal foundations of the system of state financial control
  • 2014 - Order of Friendship (June 23, 2014) - for the labor successes achieved, a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the implementation of the foreign policy framework of the Russian Federation, merit in the humanitarian sphere, strengthening the legality, protection of the rights and interests of citizens, many years of conscientious work and active Lawmaking
  • 1994 - Medal "Defender of Free Russia" (August 5, 1994) - For the fulfillment of civil debt in the protection of democracy and constitutional system, August 19-21, 1991, a great contribution to the implementation of democratic transformations, strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples
  • 1995 - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation (September 23, 1995) - For merits in strengthening legality
  • 2010 - Honorary Matter of the President of the Russian Federation (January 15, 2010) - For merits in the implementation of state financial control and many years of conscientious work
  • 1995 - gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation (August 14, 1995) - for active participation in the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
  • 1996 - the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (July 9, 1996) - for the active participation in the organization and holding of the elected campaign of the President of the Russian Federation in 1996
  • 1997 - the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (March 11, 1997) - for the active participation in the preparation of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation by the Federal Assembly of 1997
  • 1998 - gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation (March 30, 1998) - for the active participation in the preparation of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of 1998
  • 2011 - gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation (April 29, 2011) - for the labor successes achieved and many years of conscientious work
  • 2006 - Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation (April 25, 2006) - for a great contribution to the development of a system of state financial control, many years and efficient service in government bodies
  • 2011 - Order of the Rev. Sergius of Radonezh III degree (ROC, 2011) - for the help of the Russian Orthodox Church and in connection with the 55th anniversary of the birth

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