Karel Chapek - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Czech journalist, playwright and prosaik, nominated in the 30s of the 20th century on the Nobel Prize, Karel Chapek earlier than contemporaries, saw the danger of totalitarianism and scientific progress. The bibliography of the writer who lived 48 years old is extensive and diverse, and the aphorisms are not aging.

Childhood and youth

The future journalist and the writer published the first cry in January 1890 in the north of Bohemia in the family of Medica Antonina Chapeca. Native to Karel, his older sister gelena and older brother Josef became the town of Upice, where Chapsa moved 6 months after the birth of the youngest son, because the father of the family opened the medical office. Young family members were engaged in creativity: Gelen and Joseph tried themselves in literature. Brother Karel, besides, painted perfectly and was famous in the future as a cubist.

Karel Chapek as a child with his family

The culture of Bohemia of the late 19th century was the alloy of the customs and traditions of Chekhov, Germans and Jews, and the patients of chapeca-senior were predominantly craftsmen and small entrepreneurs. Often, he had seen young Karel with his grandparents, leading a rural lifestyle. Therefore, simple people of different nationalities and professions became characteristics of Chapeka's books.

The first stories The future author of "War with Salamandra" wrote in collaboration with Josef. The brothers were very friendly, together traveled along the Czech Republic, Germany and France, wrote travel essays together.

Karel Chapek and his brother Joseph

After graduating from the university in Prague Chapec for some time worked with a governer and librarian. In the biography of the writer there is no military service, as Karel from his youth sulked the spinal tuberculosis. Since 1917, the writer became a regular journalist of the most popular Czech media - first "National Newspaper", and then "People's Gazette".


Creativity Carare Chapeca covers almost all literary genres: Peru writer belongs to feuilutes and essays, stories and fairy tales, novels and translations of verses of European authors to Czech. But the most written was famous for satiri, playwright and author of socio-fantastic works.

Writer Karel Chapek

Chapeca's drama has become the basis of the repertoire of the Prague "Theater on grapes", located in the capital of Czechoslovakia, and one of the plays - "Macrofulosa tool" - later shielded director Evgeny Ginzburg (film, the main role in which Lyudmila Gurchenko played, is called "the secret of her youth") .

Fakeca and Aphorisms of Chapeca are cleaned for quotes. The writer created a unique microdette genre, presented in the collections of "stories from one pocket" and "stories from another pocket." One of these stories, the "poet," tells about the verse, unexpectedly the most observational witness of the road accident, symbolically reflecting in verse all the details of what happened.

Karel Chapec

The case, famous for a chappe-newspaper, lay down the work of "Gordbal", in which innovative presented the position of the writer "Absolute Truth does not exist" - the history of the murder is set out on behalf of three characters.

On the danger of immoral scientific experiments, the writer wrote in an early essay "R.W.", in which the term robot appeared with the filing of Brother Josef, and in the late novel "War with Salamanders". Salamandras in the interpretation of chapeca are the wise of creatures, gradually retaining territory. In nasty aggressive amphibians, the features of Adolf Hitler and his associates are satirically derived.

Karel Chapek in the office

Chapeca fairy tales are addressed not only to the children's audience. "The fairy tale about a dog tail", in which the author as if explains the puppy the need to relieve the "wistful process", fascinating reading and children, and adults. In small prosaic writings with the magical characters of Chapek perpetuated toponyms, familiar to the writer since childhood (so, in the "Fairy Tale about Water" appear the haggings, the Radudchi stream and the UPE River).

Personal life

At the beginning of the 20s, Karel became friends with the actress by Olga Shainpflugovaya, the daughter of the editor of the newspapers, in which Chapek worked. Olga's wife became the wife of Olga only in 1935, when the disease, tormented by the writer for many years, seemed to retreasing. Information about other romantic hobbies of the man and the presence of children does not have: the personal life of Karel did not advertise.

Olga Shainpflugova and Karel Chapek

The only passion of the writer, in addition to the literature, was a photo. An interesting fact: the most published work in Czech in the period between the wars was the Book of Chapeka "Dasha, or the history of puppy life", containing a photo of a rigid focister focister, performed by the writer.

Karel Chapek and Tomash Masarik

Karel created Czechoslovak Pen-Club, friendly with the first president of Czechoslovakia Tomash Masarik, conversations with which two Capeca books were based. Being a Yarym Anti-Fascist, the writer, unlike many contemporaries, did not hurry "reckoning his pants, fleeing the Komsomol," because skeptically referred to social experiments (the writer's political views explained in the article "Why I am not a communist"). Shortly before the death of Karel Chapek found himself in political isolation.


Information about the causes of the writer's death will differ: according to one sources, the writer ruined pneumonia, developed after participation in the elimination of the effects of natural disaster. According to others, Karel has a heart attack.

Tomb of Karel Chapeca

Be that as it may, the end before the occupation of Czechoslovakia, the Hitler's troops saved the antifascist writer from torture and imprisonment in the concentration camp that fell to the fraction of the brother.

The writers buried in the cemetery near the Visegradsky Castle, and the widow hid the writer's archive from the upcoming Germans. Immediately after the end of the war in the native village of Chapek brothers near the mountains of Krkonosh, a museum dedicated to the memory of these people was opened. Subsequently, a monument is established there by Joseph and Karelu.


"The legal government is the one who has superiority in artillery" "People have learned to read the stories mainly because they learned to read too quickly" "War for the colony. Here, wait, frowning savages: will soon become our happy loyal "" Duby. "And if you knew what roots I had!"


  • 1916 - "Shining depths"
  • 1918 - "Garden Crakonosa"
  • 1920 - "Robber"
  • 1920 - "R.U.R"
  • 1921 - "From the life of insects"
  • 1921 - "painful stories"
  • 1922 - "Macro Tool"
  • 1922 - "Krakatit"
  • 1923 - "Letters from Italy"
  • 1928 - "Twelve receptions of literary controversy"
  • 1929 - "Stories from one pocket"
  • 1929 - "Stories from another pocket"
  • 1932 - "Nine fairy tales and one in addition from Joseph Chapeca"
  • 1932 - "Dasha or the story of puppy life"
  • 1933 - "Gordubal"
  • 1934 - Meteor
  • 1934 - "Ordinary Life"
  • 1935 - "Conversations with T.G. Masarik "
  • 1936 - "War with Salamanders"

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