Igor Romanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Earthlings Group 2021



The legendary musician Igor Romanov is called a talented highly professional guitar player. He from childhood was fond of music, and when he won, began to perform on the largest scenes of Russia. For his career managed to work not only with the most famous rock bands, but also create a solo instrumental project.

Childhood and youth

Igor was born in the fall of 1953 in St. Petersburg, former Leningrad. Brought up in an ordinary family, attended school. Since childhood, the boy has shown love for music, his parents noticed this and recorded the Son to a music school, where he mastered the game on the violin and accordion.

Igor Romanov in youth

The guitar began playing in the 9th grade. Then he scream inspiration from listening to The Rolling Stones, Cream, Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple. In addition, Romanov spoke in the school ensemble, thus obtaining the first experience of public speeches.

After graduating from school, Igor decided to continue to develop this direction, so he entered the music school named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, the stage of the stage. A professional musician diploma received in 1979. It was then in the biographies of Romanov began to appear first performances on the stage.


The career of the musician began after graduating from the school, at that time he performed in various Petersburg groups. At first it was an art fate group "Russians", which focused on a song and instrumental author's material. Already then the novels for the first time trying to offer some of its own compositions.

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Then he spoke in the team of Vladimir Kiseleva "April", and although the team played quite professionally, it was still considered an underground. In 1978 he was renamed to the "Earthlings" group, which eventually became the starting point in the career of the musician.

Collaborating with a team of 7 years, Igor showed himself as an outstanding composer and an arguer. In order for the group to promote, a young man is arranged to work in the Kemerovo Regional Philharmonic and there he stands up with concerts on a professional scene. Since television broadcast music only by the members of the composer union, the guys had to play famous composers in rock and role processing.

Thus, the greatest fame of the song of Vladimir Miguli and Anatoly of the transverse "grass at the house" was performed by the "Earthlings", in 2009, she even assigned the official social status of the "anthem of Russian cosmonautics", and the collective soluist was handed over to this certificate.

In total, over the years of work with "earthlings", the artist recorded about 20 albums. In this composition, a man performed until the end of 1985. By the time he was already a frontman of the team, he was recognized, asked for autographs, and the female half of the population dreamed of meeting.

Guitarist Igor Romanov

At the beginning of the path, the team spoke with the songs of different genres in the style of reggae, hard rock and instrumental art rock, but gradually, at the insistence of Kiselev, began to move to more commercial topics. Romanov understood that he did not dream about this, and at the peak of his popularity and in demand, he decides to leave the group and start all over again.

All 1986, the novels worked hard to create a new team, in his youth he dreamed of making a team that could answer his requirements and with whom Igor would have a look at the music. By that time, he had already in stock some material for its foundation, although in the process of records changed a lot.

Igor Romanov and Soyuz Group

As a result, he received the name "Union", in the first tracks, the musician himself performed songs himself, then found a professional vocalist, his old comrade Valery Gorshenichev. Victor Drobysilovsky played on the keyboards, Valery Brusilovsky became the drummer, and the bassist - Alexander Krivtsov.

However, the composition of the team changed more than once. Krivtsi bassist quickly dropped, and Oleg Pichurkina received his place, and soon the drummer immigrated to Israel. He was replaced by Konstantin Ivanov. With the new team of Romanov created 2 giant albums. The first was the "Teacher of Success" in 1987, the most poems on the songs were composed by Nikolai Denisov, he is a long-time friend Igor. On the cover posted a photo of a man standing on a scene with a guitar.

Igor Romanov on stage

In 1988, the "Earthlings" celebrate the 10th anniversary, on which the Union group performs together with them. The concert program was called "together", it was shown in the resorts of the Caucasus, as well as in other cities. In September of the same year, the Romanova team first leaves for foreign tour to Hamburg, and later they visited Holland, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria.

Shortly after these events, a vocalist "Earthlings" was addressed for help to Romanov, who wanted to revive the past and to unite together with him. Initially, he thinks this proposal is tempting, he even managed to hold a number of joint speeches and prepare for the concert program.

Igor Romanov

However, after leaving the "Union" of two musicians, who eventually joined Sachkov, Igor decides to devote time to the development of solo career in instrumental guitar music. A man collects a new trio and gives the team the name "Romanoff". In the new project, men recorded 5 albums. No one was going to do from this commercial project, work in this team was for Romanov, rather, for the soul.

It was in Romanov's career and cooperation with Irina Gaidar, a musician even recorded a joint album "White Bird". However, on the record of the only album and two clips, they did not go. In 2001, another project called "NEP" appears in the artist's biography, and in 2003 he begins to cooperate with Alice.

Igor Romanov and Alice Group

With its active participation in 2005, the team records the album "Zong", in 2007 - "Become the North", and until 2016, they create 6 more disks. Despite the permanent employment in the new team, the novels find time and on the recording of the solo record, in 2006 - "Dreams", and in 2013 - "Paranoia".

In March 2018, on the page of the Alice Group on social networks, there was information that Igor Romanov leaves the team, and a new young guitarist comes to his place, who managed to play Ashley Slater and David Brown. The reasons for the care of a musician from the old team are not covered on the Internet, the man himself also prefers not to talk about it.

Personal life

Like other Musicians "Alice", Igor does not want to extend about the details of personal life and gave a little frank interview for the whole career. However, the male fans are still known that Romanova has two children - Alice's twins and Sonya. And Irina Gaidar became his wife, who gave birth to a spouse of daughters.

Igor Romanov and his wife Irina Gaidar with children

Their appearance has become a big event for artists. When girls have grown, in one of them Igor began to notice his character, by the way, both inherited the talent of the parents. Previously, the songs of the daughters of this creative union were often sounded on the radio.

Igor Romanov now

What is now engaged in a musician, unknown. After he left the group, information about new projects of Romanov in the media did not appear.

Igor Romanov in 2019

Despite the fact that in 2019 it marks 66 years old, fans continue to wait from the celebrity of new compositions, which all these years heard with the participation of Igor in various groups.


With a group "Earthlings"

  • 1979 - "Red Horse"
  • 1982 - "Earthlings 82"
  • 1984 - "Way home"
  • 1986 - "Good luck"

With the "Union" group

  • 1987 - "Teacher of Success"
  • 1989 - "Red Light"

With the NEP group

  • 2001 - "Here it is love"

With the group "Alice"

  • 2005 - "Izgoy"
  • 2007 - "Become the North"
  • 2010 - "Kommersant
  • 2012 - "Sabotage"
  • 2014 - "Circus"
  • 2016 - "Excess"

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