Czar (Ivan Mahalov) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Ivan Mahalov, he is Czar - the Russian rapper, which grew up in Germany in the family of emigrants. Starting with songs in German, the musician gradually created compositions and in Russian. The main characteristic of the king creativity can be called the provocativeness of the content and abundant use of the Russian mat. Nevertheless, in the modern Russian rap culture, Ivan takes not the last place, and his work attracts more fans to him.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Dmitrievich Mahalov (so in fact, the name of the musician) was born in the city of Borea of ​​the Nizhny Novgorod region on February 27, 1984 in the family of engineer and the teacher of the German language. In the mid-1990, parents diverged, and the future rapper, together with his mother and sisters, went to Germany.

Czar (Ivan Mahalov)

As a child, Ivan was fond of basketball and art graffiti. In sports hobbies, the cross was injured - the young man fell unsuccessfully, broke the elbow and could no longer play. After graduating from school, Ivan entered the construction college, where he studied for 3 years. For a while, Czar even worked as a builder, but it admits that the study did not give anything - as a result, he still became a rapper.


The pseudonym Czar Ivan did not take himself at once: at first he called himself M. Mecker - it was like the name of the famous M. Messer pimp. In adolescence, the future musician met another outcomes from Russia Artem Frank - now he is known as 1.Kla $ rapper.

CZAR and 1.KLA $

Young people began to record the first compositions, and at the beginning - exclusively in German, although Ivan sometimes inserted rows in Russian tracks. The feature of the early creativity of CZAR has become the tough texts of an unacceptable content in society, the sample for which classical music became.

In 2000, 2 years after the start of cooperation with Artem, Ivan, along with 1.kla $ won in the Battle tournament, which brought the money for young people in biographies earned by creativity. Obtained 4 thousand DM (in the modern equivalent it is about € 2 thousand) the guys spent on the arrangement of their first recording studio. Another 2 years, Artem and Ivan recorded their first album in the German "Weiß Blau Rot".

Rapper Czar.

By 2007, the musician changed the pseudonym and began to be called the king (there are two ways to write with Latinov: Zarj and Czar). After that, together with 1.kla $ Ivan recorded the album "Your Mother", in the texts of which the large number of Russian obscene vocabulary appeared. A characteristic example of the creativity of the king of that time is the song "I want".

Also, young people organized the RW combination. The abbreviation could be decrypted in two ways: as Rap Woyska or Rotenburg Wümme is a city where Ivan lives. Later, Schokk joined the union - another German rapper, the exit from the USSR.

1.kla $, czar, schokk

In 2009, Ivan released a dirty language mixture. After a year, Rap Woyska left Schokk, and disagreements between musicians led to a long-term "bifu" - so called conflicts between Hip-Hop culture figures. However, later the artists settled contradictions and in 2018 they even recorded a joint track "Another Tornado."

In the spring of 2001, Ivan and Artem became the winners of the public vote on the site in the category "Best Rapper", and the album "Your Mother - 2" on was in the top ten. However, after that, 1.kla $ announced the completion of the career, and Rap Woyska ceased to exist.

Czar (Ivan Mahalov)

After the collapse of the combination of Czar, for some time collaborated with the Ginex team and Raper K.R.A. With the last Ivan even went to a joint tour and planned to write an album, but this did not happen. In 2012, Internet voting was launched in Russia, designed to determine who spectators want to see the concert on the scene in honor of Russia's Day.

Czar turned out to be one of the winners and was even invited to the event. However, shortly before the concert, his performance was canceled. On this occasion, together with Shot, who fell into a similar situation, the rapper recorded the composition "At the bottom of Russia" and spoke with the call to boycott.

Czar and Harry Ax

In 2013, Ivan recorded the album "not format", and also failed to defeat in Versus Battle against Harry Ax. In 2014, rapper was again needed to participate in Versus Battle, this time in Kiev, but the event was canceled due to the political situation in Ukraine.

The next disc Ivan came out in 2017. It was not a new job: in "Divers Est.1999" the musician gathered old compositions that created at the very beginning of creativity. The return of CZAR in modern popular rap culture took place in 2018: Ivan was in charge of creating the Album "Para", which was well perceived by domestic network rap resources.

Personal life

Despite the hard image and very specific texts, in the personal life of Ivan - an exemplary family man. His wife is called Tatiana, together with her husband she lives in the German city of Rothenburg-on-Vämy. In 2015, a couple had a son of Christopher, and in September 2018, Czar reported that he would soon have two children - Tatiana is pregnant with the second son.

Czar and his wife Tatiana

Large interest is the numerous Tattoo Ivan. The first tattoo musician made at 18 years old - these are the words Macky Mecker on the left shoulder. On the knuckles of the fingertips of the right hand, today's pseudonym musician Czar. Also on the body of Ivana there was a place to hell playing violin and the inscriptions Phoenix.

The last rapper, according to him, did during the depression. Catholic rosages with a cross Czar stuffed so that the Most High always was with him, and the pen on the forearm means that Ivan independently writes the texts of their compositions.

Tattoo czar.

A tattoo in the form of a playing cube on the back of the palm is deserved separate attention. The upper face shows 5 points. In the musician community in Vkontakte, where Ivan is one of the administrators, a tattoo is interpreted as a "man in 4 walls".

In Russian criminal traditions, such 5 points can fill out only people who have visited. That Ivan himself put in this tattoo, it is unknown, but on the Internet you can find information that in 2008 he had problems with the law, because of which he could not even go to Berlin on the shooting of the New Russian Standard clip.

Czar now

At the end of 2018, Ivan released a clip on the song "Faceless" and announced the release of the new album "Pig Drum", the release of which was appointed for 2019. Now the musician is working on the records of new tracks and shooting clips.

CZAR in 2019

Follow the news from the life of Rapper fans can be on the official pages of CZAR in social networks in VKontakte, in "Instagram", "Facebook" and "Twitter". There, in addition to information about creativity and concerts, you can find and personal photos of Ivan with family.

As for the "Twitter", since the end of 2018, CZAR is leading a new microblogging: the former account was blocked without the possibility of recovery for "directed insults."


  • 2002 - "Divers - Weiss BLAU ROT"
  • 2007 - "Your Mother"
  • 2008 - "My manners"
  • 2011 - "Your Mother 2"
  • 2013 - "Phantom"
  • 2013 - "not format"
  • 2019 - "Pig Drum"

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