Clark Gregg - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Agent Phil Kolson is an important character of the Marvel Universe, without which it is impossible to submit the agents of the organization Sh. I. T. Fans of the world of superheroes can admire them thanks to the actor Clark Greggu, who began the way with episodic roles, to then come to worldwide fame.

Childhood and youth

Clark Gregg is born in Boston, Massachusetts, April 2, 1962 in the family of Robert Clark Gregga-Senior, Priest of the Episcopal Church and Professor of Stanford University. The family often moved, and by 17 years behind Clark was life in 7 cities. In High School, the young man studied in Chapel Hill in Northern California - at this time, Robert Gregg taught at the University of Duke.

Clark Gregg

After school, Clark entered the Weslian University of Ohio, where he studied for 2 years. Then the young man threw his studies and moved to Manhattan.

Sports injury pushed him to this. During his studies, Gregg played a football team, and when he could not continue sports - he received a role in student production. The scene inspired the young man that completely changed the life of the future actor. Another factor that pushed Clark to quit schools and go to New York, became love for music: he was fond of SKA and punk rock and for some time played on the stage of the popular CBGB-Omfug club.

At the dawn of the biography due to the constraints in the means of Gregg changed many professions. In particular, he worked as a guard at the Gugenheim Museum, Bartender and even a parking machine in a restaurant.

However, the idea of ​​obtaining higher education Clark did not leave - a half-starving life of a musician, forced to take for any part-time job, forced to think about the future. A little later, he entered the school of the arts of the Tisch of New York University, an educational institution, from which such stars were released as Woody Allen, Wüpi Goldberg and Alec Baldwin. Gregg Gregg's Art School diploma received in 1986.


For the first time on the screen, Clark appeared in 1988, playing an episodic role in the criminal comedy "everything changes." This work followed the films "Lip Service" and "Creating Shadow" - a picture of the creation of an atomic bomb. Later, the actor was invited to small roles in many movies and television projects. In his filmography and the series "Sex in the Big City", and work in the painting "Artificial Intellect", and shooting in the military drama "We were soldiers."

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A truly popular actor Clark became in 2008, when the film "Iron Man" came out on the screens - Gregg was played by the role of the secondary, but significant for the plot of the agent Phil Kolson. His character is a kind of link between Agents "Sh. I. T. " And other heroes of the film marvel.

Although Gregg is not very high (the growth of the actor is 175 cm) and does not possess the "superhero" appearance, he successfully embodied on the screen the image of a rigid person who can lead the organization and repulse enemies. Kolson is the hero of many films, serials and animated series franchise.

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Later, the character appeared not only on the screen, but also in comics, as well as in computer games for the fictional universe. Today, MARVEL superheroes is difficult to imagine without Phila Kolson, and the lion's share of the character's success belongs to Greggu, because the hero created first of all - until 2010 the agent in comics appeared.

As a result, the episode in the "iron man" led to the fact that in the popular multiserial project "Agents Sh. I. T." Kolson is one of the central characters of the plot, without which the organization would not exist. At the age of 40 years old, Gregg won the recognition of the public on a par with such young stars of the series, like Chloe Bennet, Elizabeth Henstridge and Bretton Dalton.

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In the intervals between the work on the image of the Agent Kolson, the actor was filmed in films, distant from the superhero theme. For example, in a youth comedy "to sleep with? !!" Gregg appeared in the image of Clark's judge, conservative in the views of the father of the main character.

Gregg is known not only as an actor. He created the 2008 Film film on the novel by Chuck Palanik - the Writer who gave the world of the Fight Club. Clark Directory Debut received a special jury prize "Sandens" in 2008 and as a whole was adopted by critics favorably. By the way, the "suffocity" Gregg not only took off - also wrote a script for the film. Another scenario work of the actor is the plot of the paintings "What hides a lie", filmed by Robert Zedekis and became the 10th Cash Film of 2000.

Personal life

The personal life of the actor is constantly in the sphere of interests of fans. In 2001, in the picturesque beach Martas-Vinyard Clark married Jennifer Gray, the star of "dirty dancing", and at the time of the ceremony the actor's wife was already pregnant. On December 3 of the same year, Clark and Jennifer daughter appeared. Stella Gregg is the only child in the family, there are no other children.

In Clark's life, heavy periods happened: the actor does not hide that there was no time abused by drugs and alcohol. In one of the interviews, Gregg admitted that he met the detrimental habits in his youth, during his life in Chapel Hill. According to him, it was a city of student parties in which he began to participate as a teenager. However, he began to seriously drink and drink psychoactive substances later later, while studying at Weslimian University.

Interesting and the path of religious quest Clark. Despite the church San Father, now the actor professes Judaism. He came to this religion because of his wife: Jennifer - Jewish and the faith of the ancestors.

Jennifer Gray, Stella Gregg and Clark Gregg

According to Gregga, by the time of the transition to Judaism behind his shoulders were 20 years of experience with David Mamemet - an American actor, a Jew for nationality, as well as the New York theatrical community (where, obviously, also a lot of Jews). Therefore, after joining Judaism, he seemed to feel at home.

Fans can follow the life of the actor in its accounts in Twitter and Instagram. There Clark shares the news about the shooting, short videos and photos from everyday life. By the way, the picture of the artist is also published and pictures made in training - Gregg is seriously fond of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and has a black belt in this form of martial arts.

Clark Gregg now

2019 for Gregga - another year under the sign of the Colon agent: Clark is again engaged in this role in the next superhero picture "Captain Marvel".

Clark Gregg in 2019

Another object of interest of actor fans has become the status of Phila in the 6th season of the series "Agents" Sh. I. T. ". The 5th season ended for the agent in a sad note of humility with the death of his body. And in the trailer of the series, published in January 2019, Kolson is definitely alive. However, the hero clearly suffers from amnesia and, perhaps, changed vitality.


  • 1988 - "All changes"
  • 1993 - "Chronicles of Young Indiana Jones"
  • 1995 - "Suspicious faces"
  • 1999 - "Magnolia"
  • 2000 - "Sex in the Big City"
  • 2002 - "We were soldiers"
  • 2006 - "When a stranger calls"
  • 2008 - "Iron Man"
  • 2010 - "Iron Man 2"
  • 2011 - "TOR"
  • 2012 - "Avengers"
  • 2013 - "Who to sleep with? !!"
  • 2013 - "AGENTS 'SH.I.Т'"
  • 2016 - "Night Law"
  • 2019 - "Captain Marvel"

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