Anatoly Petrov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The actor on the set performed only half the conditions for creating a movie. The rest is in the hands of people behind the scenes creating natural make-up or giving their own voice. Anatoly Petrov, who succeeded as an artist and a master of dubbing, his "sound" component is obliged to fabulous characters of Russian cartoons, Jadidaya in three parts of the iconic "night in the museum" and the hero of Bruce Willis in the famous "Moonlight" detective agency. "

Childhood and youth

On the eve of the last July 1958 Day in Leningrad in the family of Petrov, replenishment occurred - the son was born, which Tolery called. A boy from an early age pleased his father with his mother's excellent marks at school, and teachers - incessant taiga and abilities for knowledge, for which invariably and received praise from them. Since childhood, the dream of a child was contacted exclusively with the scene.

Actor Anatoly Petrov

When after the Middle Education Institution I had to choose the further direction of study, the graduate, of course, looked in the direction of the Theater Institute. But parents expressed categorically against, and Anatoly did not have anything, how to go to the border school.

Here he stayed long - prevented soft character. To pass the time, the guy got a job on a petrodvorto clocky, but soon he left it, which cannot be said about the next attempt to storm universities, where "on the actor" is taught.

Anatoly Petrov in youth

And luck smiled in a stubborn attorment - the hospitable Lgitmik opened his doors for him. The student came to the director of Ruben Agamyzyan and Grybla Granite Science with pleasure and excess. As a final project, it was listed "in the lists" in Boris Vasilyev and the Goncharovsk "Ordinary History".

Theater and films

In parallel with the study of Petrov began to try himself on the set. The cinematic biography launched from the episode in the "School Director's Diary" in 1975, at the same time he was engaged in voice acting.

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Among the notable and memorable roles in truly men's multi-sieves films - an operative in the "Gangster Petersburg - 2", Lilin in the first "Special Forces" and Silin in the second, the mayor of the same name in Karpov-2, 3. This also includes participation in Kamenskaya-5, "Returning Mukhtara - 2", "Secrets of the investigation - 7".

At the end of the beloved university, first found himself in the Leningrad "Lenkom", where he was brilliantly reincarnated in Wityush in "Dear Elena Sergeyevna" and appeared in the form of Trepleva in the classical Chekhov "Seagull". Soon, this cultural center Anatoly left and moved to Lensovet, from there - to the "Young Theater", later connecting with the theater on the fountain.

Anatoly Petrov in the theater

At this, the creative searches of Petrov did not end up, and in 1995, a year later, after receiving the honorary "honored" title, became the artist of the famous BDT, where the devotees pleased with the devotees still. The harsh critics do not remain aside, literally falling NICs before the talent and the charm of Petrova - he was awarded the Golden Sofit (individually) and the "golden mask" (as part of the troupe).


"Dubbing is, first of all, work. These are meetings with friends with whom you meet on some projects, and new acquaintances. This is the opportunity to learn about new films and names. This is a very interesting point of the appliance application in a broad sense. "

So shared his own professional opinion about his work Anatoly Vladimirovich, becoming a guest website of the program "Dublyazha's legends". When watching TV shows, the audience could enjoy the unique tempo and intonations of the actor, as well as a truly correct speech. During the conversation, Petrov revealed a lot of secrets relating to sounding. For example, first of all, it is necessary to enjoy that what is inserted by heart and soul.

The once popular "Moonlight" agency ", according to memories, turned out to be a very mischievous series, and during the work on him Petersbourbier had even competed with Bruce Willis in vocal skills. "The 50 first kisses", where Petrov "answered" for Adam Sandler, demanded a lot of strength. As a result, Anatoly even set a kind of record (more than 1100) to repeat the fragment of the text closed in the ring for cyclic playback.

Master Dubli Anatoly Petrov

The artist is also famous for the sounding of cartoon characters in the young citizens of the "three heroes", "Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf", "Ilele Muromets and the Solovier-Robber", "Dwarf Nose", "the adventures of Luntik and his friends."

"In all cartoons, I left my little modest footprint. In some places 5-6 characters for different voices, "the unbelievable charismatic Anatoly Vladimirovich modestly added modestly.

For many years of work on this field and "for a great contribution to the development and preservation of Russian literature" became the owner of Pushkin medal.

Personal life

Marriages between actors are not uncommon, as between the dubbing things by the masters. And speech now is not only about the famous stories about the married "voices" of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, but also about the happy spouses Petrov.

Anatoly Petrov and Elena Solovyova

Chosen by Men - Elena Solovyov, the pupil of the Lion himself, who graduated from the same institute and worked in the youth theater on Fontanka, as well as the future husband. Also, four joint joint projects and one general title of deserved artists of the Russian Federation. Exhaustive details of their personal life - whether children, grandchildren and in what quantity - unfortunately, is not represented.

Anatoly Petrov Now

Anatoly Vladimirovich is also devoted to his work with enviable passion - in 2018, the policeman of the Antip from the next creation of the "Mill" studio spoke like Petrov. In 2019, the filmography was replenished with a mini-series "Desert".

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In the native Tovstonogi drama theater on the main stage is busy in "Mary Stuart", "drunk", "war and the world of Tolstoy", "Thunderstorm", "Governor" and "three fatty". On the second - in the "cripples from Island Island" and "Alice." A separate page with a brief professional biography, roles, excerpts from the press, photographs from the productions and awards are dedicated to the BDT Petrov website.


Roles in movies

  • 1975 - "School Director Diary"
  • 1984 - "Jewelry"
  • 1997 - Alexey Tsarevich
  • 2000 - "Gangster Petersburg. Film 2. Lawyer "
  • 2002 - "Special Forces"
  • 2006 - "Return of Mukhtara - 2"
  • 2008 - "Kamenskaya - 5"
  • 2013-2014 - "Karpov - 2, 3"
  • 2016 - "Angel Heart"
  • 2019 - "Desert"


  • 1985-1989 - "Detective Agency" Moonlight "
  • 1997 - "Titanic"
  • 1998 - "Armageddon"
  • 2006 - "Night in the Museum"
  • 2006 - "Da Vinci Code"
  • 2006-2019 - "Adventures of Luntik and his friends"
  • 2012 - "007: Skyfall coordinates
  • 2014 - "Hotel" Grand Budapest "
  • 2017 - "Three heroes and princess of Egypt"
  • 2018 - "Three heroes and heirs of the throne"

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