Jennifer McMahon - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Jennifer McMahon is the author of psychological prose, mystical detectives and works in the Gorror genre. The writer is known to the public as an expert in the psychology of fear, and its books recommend fans of creativity Stephen King. The novels of the writers are published in different countries of the world and translated by more than 10 foreign languages. Jennifer McMahon became the author of bestsellers according to US New York Times and Publishers Weekly publications.

Childhood and youth

Jennifer was born in 1968 in the American town of Hartford State Connecticut. The girl lived with a grandmother in the suburbs and from the young age he was distinguished by a rich fantasy. For example, she assured adults that the ghost of Vergil lives in the attic of their homes, and sacredly believed in their arguments. McMahon took up writing in childhood and wrote his first story in the 3rd grade. For the girl it became obvious that her biography would be related to literature.

Jennifer McMahon in childhood

Having finished school, Jennifer entered the Goddard College. She received a diploma in 1991, becoming a bachelor of art, and then studied poetry as a Vermont College student. Having received a specialized education, Jennifer did not immediately apply it in practice. The girl began to look for a job and tried to be realized in different areas. It was a makeup artist, he worked as a courier in Pizzeria and Malyar, even tried herself as a volunteer in a shelter for homeless, but I realized that the soul lies only to literary creativity.

In 2000, Jennifer decided not to resist fate and left his head to writing books. The first novel "Promise that you can not say anyone" turned out to be incredibly successful. He laid the beginning of the writer's bibliography.


The debut work Jennifer McMahon was published in 2007 and immediately gained a grateful public. The book became a bestseller. According to the reviewers, the work is a mystical thriller combined with ghost stories. Roman came out in Germany, where his name was changed to the "Girl in the Forest". In 2008, the book was reprinted in the UK, and then in France and Italy.

Writer Jennifer McMahon

In the same year, the light saw a new product of the author "Island of Lost Girls". The New York Times edition again referred to the publication of the public to McMahon, publishing a review of the novel. The book was immediately published in Germany and the Netherlands, adapting the name under the "Island of Lost Children." The readers in the UK were able to get acquainted with Roman in 2009.

At the same time, McMahon pleased the fans with the release of the book "My Girl Tika", which in other countries took the "girl among the trees" under the neuring. The work was nominated for the prize of the Lambda. Critics saw in it a deepening in the subject of sexual minorities, calling "lesbian teenage fiction." Roman made to the "Rainbow List" of the American Library Association.

Jennifer McMahon signs books

In the spring of 2011, Jennifer published the book "Do not breathe in a word." Like the previous works, she attracted the attention of readers and the interest of the reviewers. In the comments of critics, the characteristics of Jennifer McMahon as the author of the best books in the genre of mystical thriller appeared. Among the popular works of the writer Novels "People of winter", "Sisters of the night", "you can not scare me", "Fire Virgin".

Personal life

Now Jennifer McMahon lives in an old mansion in Vermont, in the city of Montpellier. She is happy in a personal life. The writer consists in relationships with a civic husband of Drea. In 2004, the daughter of Zell was born in 2004. While Jennifer and Spouse do not plan the appearance of younger children.

Zell, daughter Jennifer McMahon

Jennifer periodically gives interviews to journalists and literary critic. Staying open towards readers, it leads a personal account in the Instagram network. The writer is regularly divided into photos with Follovers, publishing atmospheric shots of the workplace. Jennifer loves nature, often resting in a campsite and with special love demonstrates to subscribers his cat Lulu.

Looking through the profile of the writer, Folloviers can estimate the atmosphere in which bestsellers are born. McMahon talks about small addictions in food, shows inspirational views and landscapes of cities in which it happens.

Jennifer McMahon now

At the end of 2018, Roman McMahon "Silence" appeared on the shelves of bookstores. The author of religious mystical works continues creative activities and in 2019 began to create a new detective.

Jennifer McMahon in 2019

Today Jennifer McMahon - Associate Professor of the Faculty of English and Philosophy. The writer explores the basics of existentialism and comparative philosophy, is fond of pop culture.


  • 2007 - "Promise that you can not say anyone"
  • 2008 - "The Island of Lost Children"
  • 2008 - "My Girl Tika"
  • 2011 - "Do not breathe in a word"
  • 2013 - "Don't you scare me"
  • 2014 - "Winter People"
  • 2015 - "Night Sisters"
  • 2018 - "Silence"

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