Sally Field - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Mom Forrest Gampa said to his son that life is similar to a box of chocolate candies - this woman was generally optimistic. Unlike her Sally Field, who gave the audience this character, knows that everything is much more complicated. However, life adversity did not become an obstacle to the achievement of the goals. The girl who mocked in childhood, achieved worldwide success and recognition and found courage to tell about the experience.

Childhood and youth

Sally Margaret Field was born in Pasadine, California, November 6, 1946. Her mother was actress Margaret Field, and the Father - Army officer Richard Dryden Field. The roots of the actress on the maternal line will rise to the first settlers of North America - the ancestor of a woman is William Bradford, Maiflower passenger and the governor of the same colony.

Sally Field in youth

4 years after the birth of the girl, the parents divorced her parents, and then the mother married Jok Mahoni, actor and cascaderal. In Sally, this marriage became a tragic page - in the memoirs, published in 2018, the actress claims that all his childhood stepped off her.


The acting biography of Field began in 1965 - in the Sitzhet "Hydge", she played the title role of the young surficist. At first, the show did not succeed and was closed after the 1st season, but after repeated views, a high evaluation of critics was honored. The "Hydge" became so popular among the teenage audience that, based on the series, a board game was even released using an image created by Sally. By the way, thanks to this film, the audience was able to see the actress in a swimsuit at the very beginning of a career.

Sally Field in a swimsuit

In 1971, the girl appeared in a television film "Perhaps I will return home in the spring," where the escaped teenage girl played, who suddenly returns home in the company of incomprehensible hippie, and the abuse of drugs.

In 1973, after a series of secondary characters, Sally received a major role in the mini-series "Girl from the Magnifier". After the project is closed, the girl began to professionally learn professions and attend classes in the acting studio, in which Strasberg taught. The director became a mentor of the actress, thanks to which Sally managed to get out of the image of the "Neighbor Girl".

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In 1976, Field received a major role in Sibil's Master Series. The girl got a difficult character - her heroine suffered from dissociative personality disorder. The skill of the artist was so struck by the film critics that in 1977 Sally became the owner of the AMMI premium as the best dramatic actress.

After 3 years, Sally starred in the first filmography of Oskarone Cinema, the social drama "Norm Ray". In addition to the cherished statuette, the award for this work was the Cannes Film Festival award for the best female role. In the 1979 film "Poshondon's captions" Sally played with Michael Kane. The tape came out not too successful, however, the game Field attracts the attention of the audience even in failed paintings.

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Another Oscar Field won in 1984 for the role of Edna Spolding in the film "Places in the Heart". Sally appeared on the screen in the image of a woman who during the Great Depression alone tries to cope with the farm and 2 children.

Also, the actress received the "Golden Globe" for this work, but most of all the audience was remembered thanks to the actress after the commissioning of Oscar. Emotional and several papus words "... you like me, right now, you like me!" became an object of repeated parodies and for many years remained in American culture.

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The two-time owner of Oscar and the laureate of many other filmmakers, Sally was very in demand as an actress, removing and in the main, and in secondary roles. In the film "Mrs. Dutfire", Field appeared in the form of Miranda, the wife of the main character, at the same time being a love interest of the Character of Pier's Pier.

In 1991, Sally starred in the painting "not without my daughter", a scandalous thriller, based on the real story of the escape of Betty Mahmoudi and her daughter Makhtob from Iran.

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A small, but touching and sign role Sally played in Oscar "Forrest Gampe" - she got a character of Mother of Forrest, a woman who did not lower his arms, thanks to which not the smartest guy became the hero of war, a millionaire and a happy man. It is noteworthy that at the time of shooting Sally was only 10 years older than Tom Hanks, who played her screen son.

In 2000 and 2001, Field reappeared on television in a bright and characteristic role, repeating the experience of incarnation on the screen of a mentally ill person. Actress played the Mother of Dr. Abby Lockhart, a woman suffering from a bipolar schizoaffective disorder in a popular medical saga "Ambulance". This role brought Sally Prize "Emmy", and the audience of the series during her work increased to 31 million viewers.

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Another successful role on the television of the 2000s was the image of the Walker, the head of the Walker family in the series "Brothers and Sisters". This character brought Sally next Emmy, the award of the US film actor guild and the nomination for the Golden Globe.

In 2010, it became known that the Oscar-free actress would be a member of the superhero film. In the film 2012 "New Spiderman" Field played Mai - aunt Peter Parker, who supports the nephew, even after it became known about its non-standard abilities. Once again in this role Sally appeared in 2014, in the sequel "New Spiderman: High Voltage".

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Also in 2012, Field appeared on the screen as Mary Todd Lincoln, his wife famous American president. Stephen Spielberg, director of the picture, admitted that Sally was the first candidate on his list, since no one better shows the complex image of this fragile woman. For the work of the actress, the first time was nominated for Oscar and, although he did not receive a prize, they deserve fair praise critics.

In 2018, Sally returned to Teleker again, fulfilled the role of Dr. Greta Mantlerey in the series "Maniac", telling about people who agreed to experience a new drug in the hope of cure from mental disorders. That's just about the side effects of Dr. Mantlery, for some reason they did not tell them.

Personal life

From 1968 to 1975, Sally was married to Stephen Craig. From the first husband, the actress was born two children: the son of Peter Craig, who became a writer, and the daughter of Eli Craig, who went in the footsteps of the mother and became the actress and director.

Sally Field and Stephen Craig

In the late 1970s, Field met with Reynolds Berth, and after parting, He was married to the producer of Alan Graysman. In 1987, a couple had a Son Sam, and after 6 years, the spouses divorced.

Sally Field and Alan Grassman

Sally is a public activist. A woman openly opposes wars, fights for the rights of women, and also supports the LGBT community - the problems of sexual minorities affect the personal life of Field. The younger son of the actress is an outdoor gay, and it was the mother who helped him at the 20th age of making a caumbling out.

Sally Field now

Now Actress is the owner of a multitude of prestigious filmmakers and an important member of the US cinematographic community. In 2014, he received a star on the Hollywood "Alley of Glory" - it is opposite the museum of wax figures.

Sally Field in 2019

In 2018, the woman released the autobiographical memoirs, thanks to which fans can learn about the life of the actress, including the terrible truth about what was happening from Sally in youth.

Photos on the network and on the pages of newspapers show that the actress looks great, despite age. Perhaps because it is not trying to pose and supports yourself in good shape: with a rise of 159 cm, the weight of Sally 60 kg, and the woman does not look like an exhaust, nor suffering from excess weight.


  • 1965 - "Hydge"
  • 1976 - "Flying Nun"
  • 1979 - "Roman Ray"
  • 1984 - "Places in the Heart"
  • 1991 - "Only not without my daughter"
  • 1993 - "Mrs. Dutfire"
  • 1994 - "Forrest Gump"
  • 1999 - "Major"
  • 2000 - "Ambulance"
  • 2006 - "Brothers and Sisters"
  • 2012 - "New Spiderman"
  • 2012 - "Lincoln"
  • 2015 - "Hello, My name is Doris"
  • 2017 - "Little Evil"
  • 2018 - "Maniac"

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