Boris Sobolev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, "Going to hell" 2021



The popular Russian journalist Boris Sobolev was famous from the filming of scandalous programs, exposing individual representatives of different activities. In a professional career, a man has many documentaries that affect sharp topics and this attracts the attention of the audience.

Boris Sobolev

The biography of the future journalist began in January 1974 in Moscow, where he was born. The boy since childhood dreamed of writing, so when he graduated from the Moscow school, began to realize the conceived. For this, a young man has chosen Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy. Studying there, Sobolev gradually knows the basics of journalism, and soon the first job associated with a long-standing dream appears in Boris's biography.


The first work on television at Boris appeared in 1994, at that time he still studied at the 3rd course of Moscow State University. However, this did not prevent the career of a young man. You managed to try myself in the role of a journalist Sobolev managed in the TV company "Author television", where he received positive experience in the profession and partially studied it from the inside. A beginner reporter has learned to freely feel in front of the camera, gained experience with people, and sometimes and sometimes collected materials for future programs.

Journalist Boris Sobolev

The desire of a guy to development quickly noticed the leaders of other companies, and soon Boris invite the program "Press Cube". Moreover, he independently prepared materials for filming, raised interesting topics and was looking for relevant information. So over time, from the ordinary journalist rises to the position of the main reporter and the correspondent of the program "time." Previously, this transfer went to NTV, and later it was transferred to the TV Center.

In 1998, Sobolev is again arranged on NTV and has been leading news programs for 3 years. Brought the fame of Boris the famous documentary program "Profession - Reporter". This is a cycle of television reporting films to the sensational themes of the current world. The work of the men appreciated not only the permanent spectators of the canal.

Boris Sobolev

For the established projects in 2006, the All-Russian State Television and Broadcasting Company nominated the reporter to receive the "Teffi" award. And although he did not take a reward, it became an excellent help to continue the career. In 2008, Sobolev invite a new project. It was then that he becomes the main leading of the program "Special Reporter", thanks to which Russian audience learned about him even more.

Boris without fear affects sharp topics and collects hot material for release. The subjects of programs are the exposure of drug addresses and alkomaphics, as well as the demonstration of the true, in his opinion, the work of officials, the disclosure of corruption schemes and so on. At the same time, a man has never been afraid of problems from people working in these areas.

Boris Sobolev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films,

After 4 years, Sobolev is translated into another channel, "Russia-1", and already there becomes the permanent correspondent of the "Westa". The desire of a man to develop his career soon justified himself, Boris began to participate in various information programs of the channel.

Transferred to the screens in December 2012, with his participation, which described the poor training of graduates of the Russian State Trade and Economic University, caused a lot of conversations. After its appearance on the Internet, the interview with students of this university was loudly discussed, which did not respond to elementary questions.

The problems of the current education of Sobolev paid attention to the reports "at the bottom of the knowledge", in which he personally conducts investigations into corruption facts in universities, finds out the cost of entering the university without an exam and a number of other details.

And soon, Boris launched the cycle of copyright programs, which came out alternately for several years and revealed problems that exciting Russians. For example, in the transmission of "crowned individuals", he talks about the victories of girls in beauty contests. More precisely, how this happens is real. A man presents a conversation audience to the courts, made with the help of hidden cameras, with real organizers of such events.

Borisa manages to find out what the first places after which the doors of the fashion and show business industry are opening for young beauties, there are big money. And a 3-minute interview with Inna Zhirkovka, the wife of the Russian football player Yury Zhirkov, who showed himself not from the best side, not responding to simple questions about the land and the sun, as well as children's writers, and at all caused a large excitement on the Internet. After that, there were ridicule in the girl's address, that the husband of Inna threatened the Channel "Russia-1" by the court, but the case did not go further.

In the screens in 2016, the "Burden Gypsy" program describes the companies in population of Russian territories. Gypsy families are justified in cities and villages, and their only type of earnings is a trade of heavy drugs. Moreover, they acquire both children and large women. Boris Sobolev from the inside studied this case and presented to his audience as the true problem of modern society.

In 2018, the next transmission of Sobolev "neither forests or landings" was published on the screens.

Personal life

The journalist is not known about the personal life of the journalist, and this is not surprising, because while Sobolev removes such programs and makes himself the very possible enemies, he is better not to spread about his wife and children.

Boris Sobolev in 2019

Therefore, if Boris has a family, he prefers not to tell. The journalist does not lead a village in "Instagram" and in other social networks does not lay out the photo, but there has a canal on YouTube.

Boris Sobolev now

Boris and now continues to work by a journalist, and also is looking for new topics that remain unexplored for Russians.

At the beginning of 2019, the Sobolev program "Going to the hell,", which became even more resonant than its past projects, were released on the screens. Here, the man demonstrated to the audience the opposite side of the show about the sorcerers, wets and healers, who, after the demonstration of the "supernatural" abilities on television, create a business in people who believe in it and ready to give the latter money in return for help.

The main characters of the program were members of the notorious transfer of the "Battle of Psychics", which, not knowing that they were removed, issued an interviewer the truth about such a show. When he openly requests the ability to demonstrate, receives a failure or a frank failure of the subject. And if "magicians" agree to participate in the experiment, then only with the prompts. Thus, Boris proved that all such programs are built on deception.


  • 2006 - "Retro Terror"
  • 2006 - "Grabova: All-Russian Congress of the Sectors"
  • 2007-2008 - "Auditor"
  • 2013 - "Curonated individuals"
  • 2016 - "Burdy Gypsy"
  • 2016 - "A ticket Anomaly"
  • 2018 - "Nor forests, no landings"
  • 2019 - "Going to hell"

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