Olga Baghan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



A straight look of a large sad eye, stubbornly compressed lips, two tougy braids on the shoulders - such an actress Olga Baggan millions of Soviet cinemars remembered. The image of the girl Nadi Smirnova in the film "Man was born" became the biggest and bright role in the movie. But the fate played a keen joke with her - giving a big start, she took away acting at her acting. Olga Ban stopped shooting, it led to the crash of personal life, depression and tragic leaving from life in the heyday.

Childhood and youth

Olga Pavlovna Bagan was born on November 25, 1936 in Chisinau (at that time the territory of the Kingdom of Romania). Father was a man party, worked in external. Being a tary communist, gave children the names of the new era. The eldest daughter became era, son - decret, and the youngest daughter waited for the name of the Constitution.

Olga Bagan in youth

This mother no longer squeezed and declared an ultimatum - or the daughter will receive the name Olga, or abortion - and won. For childhood, Olga came and the difficult war years, and post-war devastation. In search of a better life, the Baggan family moved to Moscow. Here began for the girl a new life.

Olga grew not too sociable child. Already then, she was overcome internal experiences, contradictions, the Duma, who issued only a deep view of Karich's eyes.


It is this look that is called, hooked the film director, looking for actors for the episode of the film "Over the Showcase of the Department Store" (1955). As a result, the girl was on the set, playing the buyer who chooses the costume to his companion. The name of the debutant, alas, did not enter the titers. But after next year, he knew the whole country thanks to the film Vasily of the Orda "Man Born" (1956), in which Olga played a major role.

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Heroine Ban, Nadia Smirnova - a young graduate who came to Moscow, but instead of studying diplomas, full difficulties, lies and disappointments. Nadia deceives the beloved person and leaves one in a foreign city with a child. Only having met the opposite of the deceiver - a good and decent guy Gleb, she gains genuine happiness.

The film, in which, together with the debutant, there were such beautiful actors, like Vladimir Andreev, Vladimir Gusev, Nina Doroshin, looked at millions of spectators. The picture caused a considerable resonance: some condemned the girl, others sympathized. But the main thing - no one remained indifferent to the plot, nor to the brilliant game of the young, nobody famous actress.

Olga Baghan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 12497_3

It is noteworthy that Olga's role, herself knows, led by Lyudmila Gurchenko (director Ordinsky was the first husband of the actress). However, Gurchenko also turned out to be involved in the glory of Olga - she voiced this role. Having learned about it, the debutant was very upset and long wore his insult.

After this work, Olga entered VGIK to the course of Vladimir Belokurov and Mikhail Romma. Inga Budkevich became her classmates, Ariadna Shengeli, Eduard Isaov, Vasily Shukshin, Andrei Tarkovsky - a friendship with him actress jester throughout his life.

Olga Baghan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 12497_4

In 1957, being a student, Baggan is filmed in the Drama "Born Storms". In the center of the plot, revolutionary events in Poland of 1918, a story of the love of the young underground of Raymond and Olesy (Olga Bagan) unfolds on this background.

Another main role in the Baggan filmography is in the comedy short film King Buben (1958), but it did not have much success. In 1962, the actress played another 2 episodic roles in the films "Dismissal ashore" and "Somewhere there is a son."


In 1958, Olga Baga settled in the Stanislavsky Theater, played on the same stage with Evgeny Urban, Evgeny Leonov, Maya Menglet, Evgeny Mestern. But for 18 years of ministry, the actress has become actually a star of one role - a prince in the play "Little Prince" in the same name of Antoine de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale.

Olga Baghan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 12497_5

Olga very much loved this role and played "on the gap" every time, which could not keep feedback in the hearts of the spectators - all Moscow and guests of the capital went to the role of Prince. Over the years, it became more complicated to play a fragile child, and every time the woman pulled himself with corsets, and after the performance, he was increasingly exhausted, taken for a glass.

2 years before death, in 1976, Ban gone from the Stanislavsky Theater and served in the Moscow Literary and Dramatic WTO Theater.

Personal life

In the biography of the actress there were two marriages. The first is in early youth with the actor and movie actor Yuri Grebenshchikov. What prompted it to part this beautiful acting couple - it is not known for certain. In the sidelines, they rumored that he was carried away by a certain actress and Olga did not forgive intrigue.

Yuri Grebenshchikov and Olga Baggan

One way or another, on the eve of its 30th anniversary of the actress was already a free woman. Grebenshchikov left her two-room apartment, although they did not have children. Again, well-knowledgeable people people told that Yuri to the latter loved Olga, although he married the second time.

Olga also married soon. At his anniversary, she met the son of the famous Soviet poet Konstantin Simonov - a writer and human rights activist Alexey Simonov. More precisely, they have already met before, and Alexey was fascinated by the actress. And after that evening, their rapid novel began, just as rapidly flowed into marriage.

Olga Bagan with son Eugene

In 1968, the son of Olga and Alexey, who was named Eugene in honor of the grandmother - Mama Simonov. The first who congratulated the newly-made parents with a joyful event, became Yuri. They retained with Olga good relations.

The Simonov family existed for almost 5 years. But after the divorce, former spouses communicated. The actress has increasingly left the son of mother-in-law, and herself searched for consolation in alcohol and new relationships, connected with unworthy people who were deceived, crushed. Shortly before death, the woman married a former prisoner, which literally picked up from the street.


The actress died on New Year's Eve in 1978. He drank a huge dose of sedative and alcohol - this was the cause of death. The first who learned about her death was Yuri Grebenchikov. As if having taken trouble, I came home in the morning, but it was too late.

The actress was buried in the Khovan Cemetery. For a long time, her grave was neglected and even almost lost, but thanks to fans and members of the "Society of Necropolitis" was put in order. Today, a modest monument is installed here, people put a photo portrait, planted flowers.

Tomb Olga Ban.

Documentary films were taken about the life and work of Olga Baggan, which entered the transmission cycle "To remember."

Son Olga Pavlovna - Eugene - left Russia in the United States, graduated from the prestigious Yale University, his profession is related to the environment. He has long been living in China, married, has a son of Daniel and Mary's daughter. It does not like to talk about mother, for him it is a forbidden topic.


  • 1955 - "For the shop window of department store"
  • 1956 - "Man was born"
  • 1957 - "Born Storm"
  • 1958 - "King of Buben"
  • 1962 - "Dismissal ashore"
  • 1962 - "Somewhere there is a son"

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