Richard Strauss - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Composer



Richard Strauss is a German composer, whose expression has become a response to the life of society 19-20th century. One of the most famous music creators in Germany, he was implemented as a musician and conductor. Strauss respected in life, Glory accompanies his behalf and today thanks to the immortal works.

Childhood and youth

Richard Strauss was born on June 11, 1864 in Munich. Richard's father was an outcomes from commoners who managed to achieve recognition and positions thanks to the talent of the fan. He became the first teacher of the Son. The boy's mother was a daughter of a rich brewer and also had a good formation and a tendency to music. In her family were opera artists.

Richard Strauss in childhood

In 4 years, Richard began classes on the piano, and 6 knew a note literacy. By this period include the first copyright works. Strauss Jr. adored the music, he studied with her pleasure and was engaged in the same pleasure. The techniques that the Father passed seemed outdated young people, and he was looking for new trends.

At 10 years old, the boy first heard the musical works of Richard Wagner. Strauss conquered the mood and style of the opera author. In this, he did not converge with his father, who considered the work of Wagner low. Father forbade her son to listen to this music. Richard managed to study the notes of Tristan and Isoldas, only becoming adult.

At the rehearsals of the court orchestra, Strauss-Jr. studied the theory of music and orchestration due to the patronage of the father. In addition, he was engaged at home and studied the gymnasium course. Then, at the University of Munich, the future composer acquainted with the history of art and philosophy.

The conductor Friedrich Mayer gave Strauss Lessons of Harmony and explained the analysis of forms. By participating in the amateur orchestra, Richard tried knowledge in practice and created the first composer experiments. His talent was so obvious that there was no need to enter the conservatory.


The early work of the Strauss was characterized as an example of moderate romanticism. The talent of the beginning of the author appreciated the musical critics, performers and conductors. Hans Background Buloves made a strauss with his successor, entrusted to the young man leadership of the court orchestra of the Duke of Saxen-Maidingensky. But he was drawn on wide expanses, and Richard left the city, striving for great achievements.

Composer Richard Strauss

He won the position of the 3rd Kapelmeister in Munich Court Opera. Musical experiments have developed a symphonic imagination inspired by the trip to Italy, and in 1886 the work of "from Italy" was born.

After 3 years as the minister of the Wayima Court Theater, the Strauss wrote Opera and operated in parallel over the symphony poem Don Juan, presented in 1889. The composition of the strauss had stunning success. Richard was 25 years old, his creative biography began to formation, and the musical world was already ready to submit it.

The next iconic work was the Macbeth Opera. Critics considered it oversaturated, and his father sharply spoke about the writings of the Son, asking for a modification of the material. Instrumental excesses and excessiveness spoiled the impression of music. But the mental state described in it still had to taste some listeners. Shakespeare tragedy, tension and doomed sound in the opera melody.

Portrait of Richard Strauss

In 1889, the public became acquainted with "death and enlightenment", which described human weaknesses and perception of change. The work hears the fear of changes, accompanying the change of government building and unclear the prospects for the future.

In 1893, Strauss was presented to the public a musical drama "Guntram". And in the 1895th showed the audience "Merry Traders of the Tila Ulenshpigel", dedicated to the friend Arthur I will go. The 15-minute work of criticism was characterized as the best in the number of author's compositions. A short play consists of 27 episodes about the life and adventures of the literary hero.

1896th was marked by the release "so spoke Zarathustra." Zaynal took part in working on a musical poem. For a happy accident, he became a ideological inspirer, giving a friend Nietzsche's book.

A symphonic poem consisting of 9 fragments in accordance with the heads of the book became a vivid example of German romanticism. Strains conducted at the premiere in Frankfurt and led critics and the audience. In 1904, he wrote a "home symphony", which was marked by the completion of the work on the cycle of works of this genre.

In 1905, Sarah Bernard Strauss wrote a drama on the play of Oscar Wilde Salome. One and a half years needed Strauss to work on the symphony. The premiere became scandalous. Excessive eroticism, expressive contrasts and illustrative in the scene created apotheosis around the work.

German Puritan viewer with difficulty accepted the essay of the Strauss. Artists refused to play a play. Then followed "Electra". Two works began a procession in Europe, gradually entering the repertoire of various theaters.

Conductor Richard Strauss

Richard began to work more actively as a conductor and received a post in the Berlin court orchestra. He was then appointed by the music director of the Berlin court opera. Music festivals under the auspices of the Strauss were held in different cities of Germany. Novator turned out to be in demand. He was taken warm on tour, and the listeners in the USA for 2 months "kidnapped" the conductor, who gave 35 concerts in America.

The energetic and hardworking musician created the Kavalera Rose in 1911. He followed new operas, musical writings for choirs and orchestral plays. Strauss traveled with tour of Europe, the United States and in 1913 reached Russia. At that time, he already worked on the "Alpine Symphony", which saw the light in 1915 in Berlin. Her melody is considered one of the most popular in classical music.

The composer collaborated with Hugo Background Hoffmanstalem at work on a "woman without shadow". The premiere of the opera was held in 1919. At the same time, Richard Strauss received an invitation to become the director of the Vienna Opera House, where he worked in the next 5 years. He created ballets and operas.

In the difficult time changing political regimens, Strauss has always remained at its own. He felt the mood of the people and responded to him with music. Without experiencing crises, the composer did not cease to create, writing romances and operas.

Richard Strauss and Hugo Background Hoffmanstal

Heavily surviving the death of Korofmanstal, the musician was looking for a new partner and saw him in Stefan Tsweig. But the Hitler's regime did not approve the author's activities. Strauss was hardly completed with the humiliation of the partner, and he resigned.

The composer worked in a light playful manner, his music is full of positive and vitality. The authorship of the Strauss belongs to the famous Opera "Don Quixote", "Hero's Life" and Suite "Promannism in the nobility". The composer with humor referred to his creativity, calling himself a "second-time".

Personal life

Richard Strauss met his love in 1887, speaking a conductor of the Genzal and Gretel opera. In the formulation, the Artist Powlina Maria de Ana, in which the composer fell in love without a memory. Speaking by her patron, he suggested an artist in the party in the Guntram opera.

Richard Strauss and Powlina Maria de Ana

Powelina has a difficult character. Despite this, in 1894 her wedding with Richard Strauss took place. Marriage was accompanied by scandals provoked by his wife. Strauss was happy in his personal life and persistently tolerated her adversity. After quarrels with his wife, he often visited inspiration, so he considered Paulina the muse. For her, the author wrote a few songs, which hesitated the performer on the pedestal of fame. But this did not reduce the tendency of the Pousin to jealous her husband and arrange the scenes.

Despite the difficult relationship, the couple had children. In 1896, the heir to the composer Franz Strauss was born. His appearance is devoted to "home symphony".

Richard Strauss with his wife and son

But the favorite son did not reduce the degree of hot tempering of the pawlin. She openly immediately responded about her husband, criticized him in the public, demonstrated a unavoyal character in society and kept influential. The shower strays in it did not care, although he became a victim of hot tempering.

Once he received a note on the allegedly started relationship of her husband on the side, the singer divorced him. After that, the Strauss did not live with anyone, since all his life loved one woman and continued to devote her works.


Richard Strauss lived a long life. Death found him in the 86th year. The composer was weak and straw. His body was strongly worn out due to its zealous work. Often let's know about themselves weakness and sick heart. Sometimes Strauss even lost clarity of consciousness. The reason for the death of the composer turned out to be natural by virtue of his age. September 8, 1949 he died.

Grave Richard Straus

A curious fact is associated with the name of the Strauss. It is often taken for a relative of another famous composer, Johann Strauss, who glorified the written waltzes. But the only interesting fact that united two musicians was the increased interest of the Nazis with the arrival of Adolf Hitler.

Musical works

  • 1887 - "From Italy"
  • 1889 - "Don Juan"
  • 1890 - "Macbeth"
  • 1895 - "Merry tricks of Tila Ulenenspigel"
  • 1896 - "So spoke Zarathustra"
  • 1898 - "Don Quixote"
  • 1904 - "Home Symphony"
  • 1905 - "Salome"
  • 1909 - "Electra"
  • 1911 - Kavaler Roses
  • 1928 - "Elena Egypt"
  • 1935 - "Silent Woman"
  • 1938 - "Day of the World"

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