John Si Rieli - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



John Si Riley is a Hollywood actor for whom there are no genre restrictions. He became the nominee of the Golden Globe awards in 2003, 2008 and 2019 and advanced for Oscar's competition in 2003. Spectators know Him on the kinocarty Aviator, "What Gilbert Grape", "Gangs of New York" and others. A talented artist also acts as a screenwriter, composer and a musician.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the actor is John Christopher Riley. Prefix si is a reduction from Christopher. John was born on May 24, 1965. His homeland became the city of Chicago. The boy was a fifth child of 6 children. His father had Irish roots, and the mother was Lithuanian-American origin. To provide a family, the parents worked a lot. Riley-Sr. had his own lingerie business.

John Si Riley in youth

Education The future actor received in a Catholic school for boys. His acquaintance with the acting craft happened by chance. One day, a friend called him to occupation in a dramatic circle, and more John did not miss a single meeting of the participants. From the age of 8, he read the plays and went on stage. The boy also visited a rehearsal in a Catholic school for girls. Having received the Aza profession at the School of Drama Goodman, Riley took an invitation to the Chicago Theater Steppenvulf. So began his creative biography.


The debut on the movie screen took place in 1989, when John Si Riley starred in the film Bryan de Palma "Military losses." It is curious that the initial role of Herbert Hatcher was planned as an episodic, but the director had to taste the game of a young actor. De Palma developed the character history and increased the amount of screen time for it. It was the first success of Riley.

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At first, the artist got the roles of the second plan, but he constantly appeared in large-scale and successful projects that were heard among the public. The 1990s were marked for him with films in films: "What Gilbert Grape is gnawing", "Magnolia", "night in the style of boobies." The short appearance in the frame asked the possibility of cooperation with world name artists. Riley had a chance to work on a single set with Leonardo Di Caprio, Johnny Depp, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise and others.

Gradually, the audience appreciated the dramatic talent of the artist. It began to be recognized, and the directors were increasingly invited by John on more significant roles. 2003 brought Riley nomination for Oscar for work in the "Watches", "Chicago", "Gangs of New York". These films remained in the history of the cinema thanks to a cohesive and talented acting ensemble, the workshop of the work of directors and exciting plots.

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The following works in the cinema for artist were roles in the Aviator ribbons, "Ricky Bobby: Road King" and "Companions". The type of artist gave the opportunity to assume that the producers with great interest will involve him in the comedies, but John managed to show drama potential.

It is curious that from the young age of Riley was fond of not only acting skills, but also music, and showed talent in the painting "Upkat and Falls: the story of Dewey Coke". The director entrusted the actor and the embodiment of the image of the chief hero, and the recording of the soundtrack. John independently wrote a song and executed her. The success of the track was confirmed by the "Grammy" nomination.

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In 2008, the filmography of the Artist was replenished with a picture "Consolidated Brothers", in which Will Ferrell spoke to Will Ferrell. The script for this project John wrote his own. By the way, he did not neglect the animated projects. Having received an invitation to work on visiting the cartoon "Nine", Riley gladly began to work. In the future, he gave his voice to the character named Ralph.

The following full-length projects with his participation were the tapes "Story of one vampire", "Cyrus", "Extraman". Matters filmmakers have always been interested in the type, charisma and the charm of the artist. Thanks to them, Riley collaborated with the famous director, including Roman Polansky. In 2011, the light saw the "Crazy" project. In the same period, the premiere of the comedy "Something wrong with Kevin" with the participation of the actor took place.

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By 2010, the popularity of John Si Riley did not subscribe. He starred in the tape of 2014 "Guardians of the Galaxy," took part in the filming of the project "Terrible fairy tales" and participated in the creation of the Lobster tape, marked in 2015 at the Cannes Festival.

As in his youth, Riley continues to have music. He has its own group called "John Riley and Friends." In addition, it is involved in several theatrical productions on Broadway. Now John Riley is a sought-after artist with big fees whose photos often appear on the reversal of glossy magazines.

Personal life

The actor is happy in a personal life. Since 1992, Riley is married to Alison Dicky. His wife is a film producer. Familiarity of the couple took place on the set of debut for the artist of the tape "Military losses". Alison then worked as an assistant Sean Penn. Meeting with John happened by chance, but changed the fate of young people. After years, they are still together and raising 2 children.

John Si Rieli and his wife Alison Dick

John Riley prefers a vegetarian style of food and is sick for the Chicago baseball team "White Sox".

The growth of the actor is 188 cm, and the weight is 77 kg.

John Si Riley now

Today, social networks like "Instagram" and "Facebook" there are fan communities organized by the fans of John Si Riley's talent. They can be found photos from the prime and interview with the artist dedicated to different projects.

2018 marked for the actor at once several loud premieres. John starred in a biographical picture telling about the life of two comedians, Stan Laurela and Oliver Hardy. The second hero in the frame embodied Riley.

John Si Riel in 2019

In the same year, Western "Brothers Sisters" was released on the screens, in which Riley worked together with Jake Gyllenhol and Hoakin Phoenix. Fans were especially waiting for Holme & Watson tape premiere. Understanding that the choice of artists for such a popular plot is too extraordinary, critics predicted the film. As a result, John Riley was nominated for the Antipremia of "Golden Malina" in the category "The worst actor of the second plan".


  • 1989 - "Military losses"
  • 1993 - "What Gilbert Grape is"
  • 1997 - "Night in the style of bugs"
  • 1998 - "Thin Red Line"
  • 2002 - "Gangs of New York"
  • 2002 - "Chicago"
  • 2003 - "Growney Management"
  • 2004 - Aviator
  • 2006 - "Ricky Bobby: Kore Road"
  • 2009 - "The Story of one Vampire"
  • 2011 - "Something is wrong with Kevin"
  • 2014 - "Guardians of the Galaxy"
  • 2018 - "Brothers Sisters"

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