Natalia Trubnikova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The image of an excellent princess Melissae from the movie Leonid Queenikhidze "On June 31", which came out back in 1978, delighted the Soviet viewer. "Who is this unearthly beautiful?" - Immediately a question arose.

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It turned out that the young debutanta is a recent graduate of the choreographic school with the Bolshoi Theater Natalia Trubnikova. It would seem that a new star was born, but fate ordered otherwise - the novel with the cinema did not work out about the actress, but the ballet, mounted since childhood, gave her the joy of self-expression. But the memories of cinema in the artist remained the warmest.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Evgenievna Trubnikova was born on July 17, 1955 in Moscow. Mom - Engineer, Father served in Gossenab, had 2 higher economic education. Mother's parents are metropolitan intellectuals, and the ancestors of the Father are residents of the endless Volga expanses.

Natasha became the firstborn couple. When she turned 4 years old, the younger son of Trubnikov - Victor was born. And Natasha, and Vita from early childhood inspired only one thing - in order for something to achieve, you need to learn a lot and work. Therefore, when at 3 years old girl saw Maya Plisetsk, who performed the "dying swan", understood - to dance the same, you need to learn.

Little Natasha was given at the same time in kindergarten, and in a ballet circle. The desire of the girls to dance was so strong that even enrolling in school and receiving a non-deputy wear of various loads (including music school), she did not leave choreography. She was engaged in studios, and then he entered the choreographic school with the Bolshoi Theater.

"We began to put on your fingers in the school. Feet - in blood. Puck wounds with a film from a raw egg, and from above - a plaster. But the blood still seeps through the pointes. The house did not complain: I was afraid that they would take from the school, "- still remember Natalia those difficult days.

However, the exhausting classes, when the girl in a swimsuit was stood by a ballet machine, with more than the numerous tours: the troupes of young artists Trubnikov traveled all over Europe: Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Monte Carlo, visited 65 countries.

The artist graduated from the school in 1973 and at this point for 8 years danced on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. Natalia was sure that he would pass the final exams on perfectly and would fall on the distribution to the main scene of the country. But here fate for the first time made its own adjustments to her biography. Trubnikova put four and send to the Music Theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko (Mamt).

Films and ballet

In the theater, the career had to be treated with a corps, gradually won the repertoire. Natalia worked on stage just a couple of years when she was invited to the cinema. True, like a dancer, but Mark Zakharov himself. Master then took his own classic film "12 chairs" (1976). The ballerina played the captain of the ship in the scene, depicting the fantasy of Bender's Ostap. And not only played, but also rehearsed with the star, actually putting this dance fragment.

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Natalia was very inspired by this work - she had long dreamed of a movie and received suggestions at the time of school. Boris Buneev wanted to remove her in the Khutorsok in the steppe drama, Andrei Konchalovsky - in the melodraman "Romance about lovers". But the girl, being from nature very shy, refused.

And when confidence and professionalism came, they stopped inviting, and if they were called to samples, they did not claim. As it turned out, the ballet actresses simply were afraid in the sense of their "unreliability": too much ballet remained abroad during the tour. And this meant the collapse of the whole picture and the fate of the actors involved.

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Therefore, when in 1978, Natalia invited to his new picture "On June 31" Musiclov Musiclov, Leonid Queinihidze, she was sure that this shot would be "idle", especially since she was on the main role. But the director defended the Trubnik, and as soon as the Artist's theater was given a vacation, she plunged into the magic world of filming.

Natalia appeared in the image of masonry - princesses living in the XII century. Despite the abundance of grooms, the girl falls in love with Sam's artist who lives in the XXI century. The evil wizard tripled them in time, and then separated. To connect, you need to survive the adventure series. Sam played incredibly popular then Nikolai Eremenko.

"We are very sad, constantly Hokhmili. He was afraid of the choreographic scenes, he repeated all the time: "I just would not dance. God forbid! "," The actress is remembered.

The film was shown in television in the New Year evening on December 31, 1978. And then for a long time forbidden: Alexander Godunov, starred in the role of the court musician Lemison, asked for political asylum in the United States in 1979.

Three years later, the ballerina again starred in Queenihidze in the film "Hat" (1981) about the fate of the Jazz musician Dmitry Denisov. Natalia played a wife of a masterpreme hero of Savitsky - Igor Kvasha performed him.

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It was fortunate enough to play another episode from Mark Zakharov in the Formula of Love, as well as to join the acting in the popular fairy tale "The Secret of the Snow Queen" with Alice Freundlich in the lead role.

In 1988, Natalia Trubnikova starred in the film "Duman" based on the opera "Porgi and Bess". And in the 90th filmography, actresses decorate the role of cumbers in the Russian-Polish-German film "Alaska Kid".

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Meanwhile, the theater was generous for dramatic roles for the artist. Natalia performed Dancing Fleur de Fox in Esmeralde, Paola and Gypsy Zita in Rivarez. She worked with the People's Artist of the USSR Violete Trofimovna Bovet, with which 3 games were preparing: dirt, Mari in Stepan Razene, Kupava in the Snow Maiden.

Removed in the performances of the famous choreographer Mikhail Lavrovsky "Revelation", "Cafe Quarter", in the musical film of the Italian director Eleanora Wolpe "Blind". Over the years of work in the actress Theater received a second education - graduated from the Ballet Maker's faculty of guitis.

Personal life

Is it worth saying that with such a beauty and ballet article (height 176 cm) actress did not suffer from lack of attention. The fans were a lot, even one secret rejoice appeared, which as a gift presented tickets to the best performances of Moscow, and he watched from afar.

With all this, the personal life of Natalia was not stormy: she rejected the relationship with married artists, and among the idle nobody liked it to firmly fall in love. Only come to the troupe MAMT, met her fate.

Anatoly Kulakov, Male Natalia Trubnikova

The chief of ballerina was its partner - Anatoly Kulakov. They got together, starting to rehearse together in the formulation of "insight". And the premiere understood that they were in love. Kulakov was 10 years older than Natalia, the ballet came from figure skating on the advice of the teacher.

Father Natalia - By that time, a major official was not delighted with his daughter's choice, and Mom Anatoly did not really complain about the daughter-in-law, but the artists got married and still prove to all the blessing of this marriage. Ballet stars in all support each other. There are no children from the pair.

"Between us - real Italian passions, which is not a day, then the explosion. I am cancer, element of water. Anatoly - Sagittarius, Element of Fire. Then I fill it, he evaporates me. But there were so many people who are worked around that we do not fit each other that both have a character: no, we will prove you! ", - Ballerina is recognized.

Natalia Trubnikova now

Now, looking at the photos of the artist, it is impossible not to make a compliment of her boyfa relaxation. She still visits the film projects to which it is invited. But today everything is more commonly sharing experience with young people: since 1990, they and her husband founded the "Russian School of Models", in which help girls confidently behave on stage and in front of the camera.


  • 1976 - "12 chairs"
  • 1978 - "June 31"
  • 1980 - "Clown"
  • 1981 - "Hat"
  • 1982 - "Death on takeoff"
  • 1984 - "Formula of Love"
  • 1986 - "The Mystery of the Snow Queen"
  • 1988 - "Duman"
  • 1990 - "Musical Games"
  • 1993 - "Alaska Kid"

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