Anna Shersher - biography, appearance, quotes, image and character


Character History

The novel Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace" is recognized as a classic example of Russian literature. This product combines the depth of meaning, the elegance of the narration, the charm of the Russian language and a huge number of characters. The book describes the social topics and the features of the 19th century society. It raises problems, the relevance of which is not lost over time. Characters of the work helps answer questions from different areas, covering the point of view of representatives of that era.

Writer Leo Tolstoy

The first heroine, accompanying the reader throughout the story, becomes Anna Pavlovna Sherler, the owner of the salon, in which guests from the highest light are gathering. The main topics in the cabin are the situation in the country and the action of Napoleon.

History of creation

"War and Peace" - a claimed novel who has gained success immediately after the publication. The excerpt of the work was published in 1865 in the magazine "Russian Bulletin", and in 1866 readers familiarized themselves with the three subsequent parts of the novel. Later, two more episodes were published.

Lion Tolstoy writes

Characteristic of the work as a novel-epic is not accidental. The author's intent is truly scalled. The book describes the biographies of characters, among which there are real personalities and fictional images. Tolstoy described the heroes with his peculiar psychological confidence, and literary criticians always sought to find prototypes used by him in the creation of literary portraits.

Researchers "War and Peace" argue that, working on the images of heroes, Tolstoy was repelled from the descriptions of business abilities, behavior in romantic relationships, from tastes. In the future, the characters were distributed through the families, becoming growth, kuraggic or Blocks. The character of each hero was prescribed separately, undergoing adjustment in relation to reliability regarding the era, the psychology of society of that time and historical reality.

Anna Sherler (Frame from the film)

Literary criticism is observing the binding of some images to real people. The aristocrat, the owner of the St. Petersburg salon Anna Shersher is one of these heroes. In the book, her brainchild is an antipatriotic creation. Here at the receptions manifests the hypocrisy of her guests. Anna Shersher appears a sample of falsehood and falsehood, demonstrating the chiffness and character traits corresponding to the medium that it forms in the cabin.

It is curious that at first Tolstoy took the heroine a different role. Working the image of the heroine, he wanted to call her Anneta D. and make a friendly pretty lady from the highest society. The contemporaries were found in the final version of the portrait Shereler similarity with Freilina Alexander Andreevna Tolstoy, a relative of the writer, which he loved. The final character of the character has undergone major changes and has become the opposite of the prototype.

"War and Peace"

Reception in the cabin at Anna Sherler

Anna Pavlovna Shersher, according to Tolstoy, was Freillan Empress Maria Fedorovna. She kept the salon for representatives of the highest light, where political and social issues were being discussed. In the evening in her institution and the story begins. Age Sherler is close to forty years, the appearance lost to the former freshness, the natura is distinguished by agility and tact. Anna Pavlovna has an influence and do not mind to participate in court intrigues. It builds relations with people on the basis of current considerations. Tolstoy made a heroine close to the family of kuragin.

A woman is constantly moving the liveliness and gust, which was explained by her position in society. In the Shannel saloon, the most relevant topics were discussed, and a curious person was "presented" for dessert. In accordance with the fashion of the early 19th century, its circle is executed by patriotism, and the themes under discussion are war and Napoleon. Anna Pavlovna supported the general mood and endeavors of the emperor.

Portrait of Empress Mary Fedorovna

The insincerity of the heroine swayed into her actions and words, although she skillfully managed with hypocrisy and false lioness. She created a comfortable image for himself, appearing before the guests of the one who was not in practice. The meaning of life Sherler was in the existence and demand of her mug. She perceived the salon as a job and drove his success. A sharp mind, a sense of humor and politeness of a woman did their job, helping to charm any guest.

In the cabin acted the unlawful laws, with whom everyone who wanted to participate in it. Many visited him to be aware of the last urban news and see their own eyes, as intrigues are built among representatives of higher world. There was no place here with real feelings and objective opinion, and Anna Pavlovna watched no one to speak for adopted in the cabin.

Pierre Duhov and Henen Kuragin

The phenomenon of Baudzova in the circle caused discontent from the hostess, as Pierre was not a secular person and was distinguished by the naturalness of the behavior. His behavior was perceived by guests as a bad tone. The evening was saved by visitor's departure.

The second appearance of Anna Pavlovna on the pages of the novel occurs during the Borodino battle. It still controls the salon and maintains falsepatriotic moods. The day of the day was the reading of the Patriarch letter, and the situation of Russia and the battle was discussed. Tolstoy specifically twice describes the evenings in Shero's salon, demonstrating that, despite the change of political situation, there are no changes in the circle. Secular speeches are not replaced by actions even during the present threat to Moscow. Thanks to such a presentation it becomes clear that the victory over the French is won by an exclusively by the force of a simple people.

Countess Rostov (Frame from the film)

In view of the close relations of Mrs. Sherler with the Kuragin family, the conclusion is obvious about why Anna Sheer and Helen is childless. The choice of women is independent and voluntary. They were more attracted activity in society than the execution of family debt. Both interested perspective to shine in the world, and not the opportunity to hear the family and mother of the family. Antipode Sherler in this sense was the Countess of Rostov.


The novel is often chosen for the screenamization of Soviet, Russian and foreign director, seeing an example of an imperious classics, a bridgehead for visualizing images and disclosures of multifaceted characters.

The first three films on the plot of the works of Tolstoy were dumb: two of them belonged to the director Peter Chardynina. After a long time, the director King Vido shot the first color tape with sound. In the film "War and Peace" Natasha Rostov played Audrey Hepburn. The image of Anna Sherler, as in the previous ribbons, was not disclosed fully.

In the 1959 tape "Also People" directed by Georgy Dellai, there was no such character.

In Sergey Bondarchuk, Sergey Bondarchuk "War and Peace" for the first time, Anna Shersher received a well-deserved attitude thanks to Anna Stepanova, embodied heroine on the screen. Barbara Young played Freilline Empress in the British series of director John Davis, released on screens in 1972.

Angelina Stepanova and Gillian Anderson in the image of Anna Pavlovna Sherler

In the 2007 series, shot by Robert Dornhelm and Brendan Donnison, the image of Anna Sherever was absent, and instead of the salon, the appropriate action was unfolded in the house of growth.

The series Toma Harper, published in 2016, presented the image of Anna Sherler performed by Gillian Anderson.

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