Vladimir Kashpur - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



An outstanding Soviet and Russian actor, embodied on the screen dozens of characteristic images. Vladimir Kashpur came to art, heroic passing the second world war. She will remain the main theme of his creativity. The role of Kashpur could be tiny and fleeting, but the viewer still remembered her brighter thanks to the incredible charisma of the actor, his amazing hard work and talent.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Terentievich Kashpur was born on October 26, 1926 in the village of North of the Siberian Territory (now Altai Territory), which is under Barnaul. But the childhood of the boy passed in the Kemerovo region, in the village of Saltymakovo on the Tomi River.

Parents of Terente and Akulina Kashpur are simple people. Father is a worker in Lespromhoz, mother worked in a bakery. Volodya was the youngest - the fourth child. Father took away in 1937. He did not see him more than him, sent an answer to the request: "no alive." Mother remained alone with children. Fortunately, the older children helped, they also taught younger literacy.

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The war found a cshpur with a 15-year-old boy. Two years later, in 1943, he entered the Kharkiv military aviation school of the navigator, which was based in Krasnoyarsk. Practice passed right in the military sky, participated in battles, for which he received a medal "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

He graduated from the school in 1946 and another 3 years served as an assault bombardment aviation until he began to bring vision. From 1949 he worked as a carrier, and in 1951 he went to the actors. It settled in the Vladimir Regional Drama Theater named after Lunacharsky, where she worked until 1956.

"I dreamed about it from my years. He loved to observe and show what they are in their essence. But in general, this profession - God forbid! "He later confessed in rare interviews.


Here he meets Evgeny Evstigneev, who arrived at Vladimir from the Gorky Theater School. The actors became friends and carried this friendship throughout life. They lived in the same room in the hostel, and played on the same stage in such performances as the "nights of errors", "Auditor", "Romeo and Juliet", "Rift", "Love Yarovaya", "Optimistic tragedy".

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Congenital dramatic talent quickly brought Vladimir to the leading actors of the theater. "Nugget", "said critics now. But Kashpur itself, by virtue of natural modesty, applied another status - "self-taught", "dilettage". Therefore, in 1956, he, already a 30-year-old man, enters the MCAT Studio School, take it immediately to the 2nd course. The leader was an outstanding actor and director Viktor Stalitsan, and such future stars were gathered in the group as Vyacheslav Innocent, Albert Philosov, Yuri Krebenchikov, Alla Pokrovskaya.

After graduating from the university, in 1959, the caspur is waiting for the scene of the "Contemporary" theater. But here he served only 2 years and went to his native Mkatovsky layouts, which he devoted his whole life. Among the dozens of the images embodied by him are Kazanoks in the Kremlin Quararants, Sancho Pansa in the "Dulcine Tobos", Vasya in the "Old New Year" play, Sayapin in the "duck hunt" and many others.

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In 1987, after the detection of the theater for two troupes, Vladimir Terentievich remained with Oleg Efremov and began to serve in the MHT named after Chekhov. The bright roles of this period - Zvorykin in the formulation of "Superflya", Pimen in the play "Boris Godunov", Shrich in "Maskarada", marmalands in "Crime and Punishment", Shapkin in "Thunderstorm", Zhevakin in "Marriage".

Kashpur was one of the veterans of the theater, which was already in old age on the scene. His last theater role is the image of a company in the Chekhov classics "Cherry Garden" in the formulation of Adolf Shapiro 2004.


The leader of the actor in the cinema took place in 1959: he played the yurody in the film "Vasily Surikov". In the same year, Gregory Chukhraya is removed in the classical tape "Ballada about Soldiers". The role of Kashpur is Unnamed, in the credits, it is indicated simply as a row of soldiers, but the image of his hero was so colorful that he was simply crashed into the audience, and the phrase uttered to them went to the people:

"Aunt, let's get drunk, otherwise you want to have anything about to spend now."
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From the first years of the filming of the patch did not have downtime: it removed a lot, sometimes in a year there are 3-4 paintings with his participation. Vladimir Terentyevich's films of military topics were brought to Vladimir Terentyevich - "The Path to Saturn" and the "End of Saturn" (Budarin), "Case with Walnign" (Head of Patrol), "The commander of a happy" pike "" (Boatzmann), "The World of Higures - The war of the palaces "(Vasily Bozhenko)," Battalions are asking for fire "(Major Bullbaneuk) and many others.

The actor is removed from the Matters of Soviet Cinema - Gleb Panfilova ("On Fite Brody"), Yuri Lake ("Liberation"), Sergey Gerasimov ("Love a man"), Alexander Alo and Vladimir Naumova ("Legend of Tile"). The biography of men decorate the title of Honored and People's Artist of the Russian Federation, which he receives in 1976 and 1986, respectively.

In 1987, Vladimir Kashpur is filmed in the film Alexander Pokhkin "Cold Summer Fifty-thirds ...". The drama tells about the events following the "Big Amnesty" after Self Stalin in 1953. The actor plays the role of Captain Raid Fadych - one of the few of his life-marginal roles.

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Even in the 90s difficult for Russian cinema, it remains without work. In the filmography of this period of shooting in the paintings "Master and Margarita" (Buffetcher Andrei Fokich), "Wolf Blood" (Egor Welsh), "About Businessman Fomu" (Luka Sovkov).

In recent years, the actor starred in the Drama "Oligarch", in the series "Standbat" (the role of the chairman of Winterin). The last work of Vladimir Kashpur was the role of tray (adult) in the painting of Alexander Atanesian "Bolshe".

The contribution of the artist to Russian cinema is marked by the orders "For merit to the fatherland" (III and IV degree) and the Order of Honor.

Personal life

The artist was a surprisingly modest person: he did not like to give interviews, being photographed.

"Who am I so that people attract attention to themselves? I am an artist, my business to play, understand me, please! "," So he answered all requests to tell about himself, voice the interesting facts of biography.

From the rare revelations, it is known that personal life has happened happily: 40 years he lived with his wife Lyudmila Grigorievna. The spouse of the actor in the profession of medic, all his life worked by the head physician of the hospital, how many children helped to appear on the light - not to count.

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They met at the time of theater youth of the actor, in Vladimir. Let's go with Evstigneev to the evening to the hospital. There and saw Vladimir Terentyevich a bored girl, invited to Tango. Since then, they have not parted. Couple had a son Alexey. He presented the grandmother's parents of Svyatoslav.

"She understood me, read like a book, from crust to crust ... I loved to wait in the kitchen when she comes from work," the artist shared.

Lyudmila Grigorievna died in 2005, 4 years before the death of her husband.


Vladimir Terentievich Kashpur died on October 17, 2009 in Moscow. The cause of death is called prolonged actor disease. The grave is located on the cemetery of the city of Dolgoprudnaya.


  • 1959 - "Soldier Ballad"
  • 1967 - "End of Saturn"
  • 1968 - "On the fire of Broda"
  • 1970 - "Case with long-standing"
  • 1972 - "Commander of happy" Pike "
  • 1973 - "Love a Man"
  • 1976 - "Legend of Tile"
  • 1980 - "At the beginning of glorious affairs"
  • 1985 - "Battalions are asking for fire"
  • 1987 - "Cold summer fifty third ..."
  • 1993 - "About businessman foma"
  • 1995 - "Wolf Blood"
  • 1996 - "Fat Eggs"
  • 2002 - "Oligarch"
  • 2004 - "Penalbat"
  • 2006 - "Babes"

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