Roman Kagramanov (Kagramanov) - biography, personal life, photo, news, growth, songs, "Where is the logic?", Nationality 2021



The formula for the success of the Russian blogger, the author of songs, singer and actor Roman Kagamanova "simple": charm and charisma, multiplied by labor and purposefulness. He proved his biography: in order to become famous, it is not necessary to be born in the capital and be a rich man. The guy from the province can also become a star and get a millionth army of fans.

Childhood and youth

Roman Kagramanov (Kagramanov) was born, in the town of Gulkevichi, that in the Krasnodar Territory, in the summer of 1996. Blogger and singer have 2 sisters who live in the Russian capital. The nationality of the chagrids does not hide - Armenian blood flows in his veins.

The period of mature Roma was happy and rich. In the children's and youthful age, he actively participated in school amateurs, enthusiastically played in KVN, coming up with humorous scenes, and also sang, composed songs and music. Creativity did not leave the guy and after graduating from school, although the chosen profession - the novel entered the college of communication and informatics - did not fit the youth hobbies.


Studying in College of the city of Kropotkin (Krasnodar Territory), the guy did not leave the scene: on the 1st year of the year, the novel joined the KVN "Casablanca" team. Here, as in school, he turned out to be a multifaceted: played, wrote scenarios, organized the team's speeches on the regional scene and even taught acting newcomers. A talented artist and a screenwriter noticed and invited to join the KVN team "Hands" team, formed at the Russian University of Cooperation.

Creative activity of Kagamanov was not limited to the game in the club cheerful and resourceful. The novel carried away the dances and even wrote novels. And in 2011, he acted as a blogger: he opened the canal on YouTube, where the small humorous videos laid out, which instantly gained thousands of views and flew around.

The guy was pretty early became independent and learned to earn money, and not to ask them from his parents. As a student, he worked as a waiter and bartender, Doros before the administrator at the bar, where he used his vocal talent and went on stage under the Nick MC Indus.

The novel never stopped at reached and absorbed the experience everywhere - participated in the city and regional music festivals, performed on the holidays of the city and competed in vocal contests. In Kropotkin, he managed to break through in the final of the vocal contest "King Solo". When a young musician and singer heard that the Krasnodar Region came the metropolitan celebrities (both singers and actors) with master classes, then to get to them considered a matter of honor. Having gained experience, he wouldingly shared them with everyone who wanted and applied in practice: organized a stand-in-evening, wrote scenarios, he spoke as an artist.

Good luck smiled at Roma in February 2015: he participated in the casting of the Comedy Battle humorous show on the TNT channel. The young artist could not pass the qualifying stage, but the experience gained was invaluable: the kagramanov plunged into the atmosphere of the show and started dating colleagues comedians.

Next year, the artist recorded his first songs and posted a video on the page in VKontakte. Subscribers rated the talent of the novel and inspired him to continue starting. He was painted by praise, gathered an art group and, calling her Roma Singer, took part in regional projects. Soon the fate of the musician brought with Music Hayk, the former artist of the Black Star label. He introduced a young colleague with many people from the world of music and show business.

From Provincial Kropotkin, Roman moved to Krasnodar, where she soon became a local star - the artist fell asleep with suggestions to act in advertising, participate in concerts and entertainment events. Roma Singer appeared in the studios of local radio and television, was leading in the project "Vocalist" and reached the final of the first music festival "Music Parks".

In 2017, Kagramanov presented the music track "Above", which first sounded in the radio. In the same turning year, the singer became a member of the 3rd season of the New Star project. This is an annual competition that is broadcast on the "Star" TV channel. Vocalist conquered the hearts of a huge audience of the show, but the jury gave the palm of the championship group "Ki? Tua! " At the same time, the judges recognized that the compositions of the novel were the best in the season.

Soon the Khagramanov experienced forces on the casting project "New Star Factory". The novel did not pass the selection, but did not break. Soon he gave fans the song "In Love in You", placing it in iTunes. And then presented the songs "remain" and "amputation of the heart."

Roman's popularity has grown and thanks to the page in "Instagram", where he lays down dozens of humorous videos with the participation of Russian show-business stars. In his account there are vlog, there are joint video with Catherine Wavenas, Stas Kostyushkin, Karina Cross, glucose and others.

Under the curtain of 2018, the artist starred in the video of Olga Buzova on the song "Dance Under Buzov". He "lit up" in the crowd of admiring spectators who repeat the dance movements of the star.

The singer even became a member of the 2nd season of the song "Songs", broadcasting on TNT TV channel in 2019. On Casting, he presented the author's song "Dance, Panther". His speech liked the jury and viewers. The contestant from Krasnodar managed to break into the project along with two hundreds of applicants. However, he could not win the victory.

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After the Cagramanov project introduced several solo compositions. Among them, "how much love is?" And Shake. They quickly became popular among young audiences. Also in discography appeared a duet song with Dan Korshunov called Dubeo.

Against the background of the growing popularity of the novel was invited to the COMMENT OUT show, in which you need to write offensive comments from the stars or perform the task. Stas Kruglitsky became an opponent of Kagamanov. Although both bloggers work in the humorous genre, the contest was serious. It was not without injury - Roman put a jar on his forehead, after which he had a big bruise.

Roman noted the TV channel "Yu". He starred in a few rollers for his "Youtyuba", which looks at the "pregnant in 16" show and gives comments.

Personal life

Charismatic and talented young man always in the spotlight. However, the novel does not tell what is happening in his personal life. On his pages in social networks dozens of photos with girls, but who they come to the artist are unknown. Although the artist admits that "is too much gullible and in love."

Wife and children have no kagamanov yet. But he spends a lot of time with his beloved nephews, sons of a senior sister Mila.

Roman Kagramanov Now

The beginning of the new 2021 was marked for Kagamanov's novel by the comedy series "Nagiyev on vacation", in which he received one of the key roles. Sitkom became a logical continuation of the Nagiyev project on Quarantine, which on the OKKO multimedia service had a high rating. According to the plot, the artist after a pandemic goes to the UAE, where new exciting adventures are waiting for it.

The serial premiere took place on February 12 in the online mode. Dmitry Nagiyev, Roman Kagramanov and Sarik Andreasyan launched video broadcasting in the framework of the internal service "Premiere". Stars communicated with the audience and answered their questions.

In March TV channel "Friday!" Launched the new television show "Tiktok and talents". Its essence is to find talented people who remove creative videos on the social network Tiktok. The concept of the program has no analogues in the world.

Roman Kagramanov became the leading project "Tiktok and Talents". The company was regulated by Todorenko. "For me, this is the first experience in the role of the lead. Impressions are just wonderful, working with regina is a pleasure. Of course, there were a lot of talented guys, but three participants were especially liked and remembered, and they are obvious project leaders for me, "the blogger shared his impressions.

The jury of the project included Larisa Guzeyev and Dima Bilan. However, the decisive word remained for the TV viewers - they choose who of the participants in the project "Titstok and Talents" will become the winner and take 1 million rubles.

Now the kagramanov continues to work on a musical field. He pleased the fans of the new song "Patch". The track was recorded in a duet with singer Evgenia Ershov, who serves under the pseudonym Ershov.

Flashes the novel and in the popular show as a guest. So, he was invited to become a member of the program "Where is the logic?". Together with Misha Marvin, he fought with Valery Skyyrando and Anna Cotoy-Dreibina.

Discography (songs)

  • "Higher"
  • "In love with you"
  • "Stay"
  • "Heart amputation"
  • "Oceans of steel"
  • "Dance Panther"


  • 2021 - "Nagiyev on vacation"


  • "Tiktok and Talents"

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