Program "Melniki and Mistnie" - Photo, Olympiad, Lead, Releases 2021



On Saturday morning on the first channel for an hour, erudented schoolchildren and schoolgirls successfully respond to the questions of intellectual Yuri Vyazemsky, who often even people seem to be incomprehensible and too complicated. All this is the wonderful television Olympiad "Mokhpers and Mistnie", which is broadcast on the main channel of the country is no longer the first decade.

History of creation of the program

In early 1992, the Studios of youth and children's programs were formed in the state television and radio company "Ostankino". Their leaders occurred to the idea of ​​creating a television quiz solely for high school students, which was given by the working name "Melniki". The leader immediately chose the writer and philosopher Yuri Vyazemsky due to its successful work in the program with a literary bias "image" from 1989 to 1991.

Yuri Pavlovich suggested the creators of an intellectual show. Interesting ideas are the main prize to enter into one of the best universities of Russia of MGIMO without passing exams, and the transfer format to issue it in such a way that he reminds the television Olympiad. The organizers reacted positively to such proposals and successfully talked about cooperation with the rector of the Institute of International Relations Anatoly Vasilyevich Torkunov.

Vyazemsky demanded the replacement of the already approved director who saw the "clever" more as a comedian, rather than an educational project. Subsequently, his place was taken by the actress and film director Tamara Petrovna Pavlyuchenko.

Grigory Shevelev, who is the Deputy Chairman of the RTRK "Ostankino", proposed a familiar to the Russian audience the name "Melniki and Mistniki", after which, despite the skeptical attitude towards the project of the journalist and writer Egor Yakovlev, the film crew began to implement the intellectual game.

The author of virtually all issues (except those related to the category "Russian") is the lead itself. And the current spouse Tatyana Smirnova, which is the chief editor of the television Olympiad, is helped to make the final sample of the best. According to Yuri Pavlovich, he consciously made a program such "abundant" so that television workers behind him. Also, a man admitted that he created "clever and smarts" for its own entertainment.

By 2019, despite the difficulties arising from time to time (as, for example, the estimated closing of the program in 1998 due to the refusal of ORT to finance it), the first channel has already released and showed more than 900 episodes of the legendary teleproject. "Melniki and Mistnie" 5 times became the laureate of the "Teffi" award in different categories ("Best Educational Program" and "Best Program for Children and Youth").

The essence and rules of the Olympiad

Potential victorian players are selected, based on the answers to the questions proposed by them sent in the letter, and residents of Moscow and the region are invited to a personal interview, during which they perform the necessary tasks. Also, the editors of the program are watching the results of conventional schoolchildren and if they satisfy their result, invite intellectuals to take part in the project.
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The selected participants of the program are called agonists that from the Greek language is translated as "theorient", and members of the jury - astopagas on the name of the Supreme Court in ancient Greece.

In any intellectual competition, they take part, as a rule, 3 players. Each of them has the right to choose a yellow, red or green path, on which it will later move. The first one consists of 3 steps, and a teenager who owns it can make one mistake, the second - 2 steps and the absence of a chance of the wrong answer, the third - 4 steps and the ability to make a mistake twice.

Each release of television quiz is devoted to a certain historical period, a country or humanitarian theme, whether world literature, culture, political science, social studies, geography, diplomacy and the like.

The winner of a particular release becomes the schoolboy who comes to the end of his track faster than rivals, responding to the proposed questions. In the event that the participant has spent all possible chances of a mistake, he is sent to the auditorium to the so-called theorists (these are the audience, and participants at the same time - they have the right to answer the question of the lead and get an order for this). The goal of the game is to reach the final, in which 9 agonists take part, and all the tracks are yellow.

During the final stage, the rector of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations is present. In his eyes, the winner is determined, which is announced directly on the set declare a student of a prestigious university. Every year about 7 applicants become such lucky. The winners also do not remain with empty hands - when renting entrance exams to the university, they receive certain benefits.


Native resident of St. Petersburg, writer, philosopher, professor and candidate of historical sciences Yuri Pavlovich Vyazemsky (real surname Erudite Simonov, and the famous - Mother's famous name) is a permanent leading "cleverware and smarts", as well as his corporate person and author. He is a representative of an ancient and famous noble family.

An intelligent man Himself graduated from MGIMO in the specialty "International Journalism" in the 1970s, and later (in 1993) settled in his native university as the head of the Department of World Literature and Culture. At the University, Vyazemsky reads lectures in English and Russian on disciplines of religious and cultural orientation. It is a polyglot that owns in varying degrees 5 languages.

Before the formation of the intellectual game "Mokhniks and the clever", Professor led the program for young people "Image", according to the format of reminiscent of the quiz in world literature. However, the project was closed due to new political trends 3 years after launch. This experience subsequently helped the intellectual when working in a new and well-known transmission of similar focus.

In parallel with the work on central television and in MGIMO Yuri Pavlovich successfully writes and publishes books (some of the most famous works are works "On the origin of spirituality", "Open Letter Ivan Karamazov", "Jester", "Sweet Spring Baccouds. Great Monday" and others).

Also, being a religious person, drawers articles on moral and witness for the Orthodox magazine "Thomas". He actively promotes his brainchild "clever and clever" in many cities of Russia, coming to educational meetings with schoolchildren.

Vyazemsky is quite optimistic about modern youth. According to him, the current students lie less than their predecessors from the Soviet Union, and more are engaged in self-development. However, he advises the young generation to work harder and not spend a lot of time to rest, as well as aiming for career growth not for the sake of improving the financial situation, and more for the idea.

Program winners

  • Ukrainian Alexander
  • Kuznetsov Ivan.
  • Demchenko Kirill
  • Harutyunyan Alena
  • Shershevich Vladimir
  • Chernyshenko Denis.
  • Obrodin Aleksey
  • Bekoeva Agunda
  • Eumbaev R.
  • Kleschev N.
  • Kapustin N.
  • Dyagilev F.
  • Jukaev A.
  • Balykin V.
  • Vaskin M.

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