Show "Studio Soyuz" - photos, issues, leading, TNT, program 2021



It seems that every Cavanesk, finally completing the speeches in the club fun and resourceful, argues something like this: "You can leave KVN behind, and the humor is never. And rises to a television path, where he continues to mix the public. On TNT, for example, almost everything is subject to former players: a long list of "Once in Russia", Comedy Club, Comedy Woman, Stand Up confidently complements the "Studio Soyuz" with a mark of 16+, the conquering hearts of millions from August 2017.

History of creation and essence of the show

Among the creators, whose main mission is to sing, merge and lightly mock the stars, the General Placer of the Main Entertainment Channel TNT Vyacheslav Dosmukhametov. He, too, by the way, had a close contact with KVN in the past. The crews of the program were his colleagues for the humorous workshop - the participants of the "Union" team, for which the selected name indicates.

"As soon as we completed our Cavaneov's path, we knew exactly that we would remain a single team and we will exist in the entertainment industry as a team. We managed to create a show, which does not look like in your format on one of those presented on television, "Artem Muratov shared with journalists, adding that they initially decided to do the" singing "transmission.

The idea of ​​EX-Captain Aidar Garayev and the Councils were shelled for about 2 years, then filmed a pilot issue, immediately approved by the leadership. Incredibly, but the fact - no one of the leading musical education.

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The main mission "Studio Soyuz", in addition to brightening weekly evening at 21.00, is to find out from invited celebrities, as far as they are welcome in Russian pop culture. And if the project's numbers are clearly and strictly spelled out in the scenario, then dialogues and communication with the stars are absolute improvisation. Although the guys admitted that some melodic compositions are implanted and change along the shooting.

Studio Soyuz is 6 former KVN players and 2 representatives of the Russian show business entered into competition with each other. The first answer gives one who will press the special button faster than the opponent, in the case of the correct one point is counted.

If you really thought and sounded the solution of both players - then both robust. After each round, the number of points scored, and who has them more by final results - the winner is appointed.

The premiere episode "Studios" is presented to the court of viewers on August 10, 2017, where 2 funny friends participated - Garik Bulldog Harlamov and Timur Kashtan Batrutdinov. The second season started in mid-February 2018, the third - 23 August of the same year, the fourth - on the last January day of 2019.

Rules of Competitions

If you believe Cavanechikov, then the first of the competitions were approved by the "cross-free", where part of the Russian-speaking song is translated into a foreign one, and then on the contrary, and "one time is not costy stas". In this experiment you need to insert missing words into the text. It looks like it "Rhymobol" - in meaning and the final version of the consonance is selected.

By the way, in a different competition from the Russian language, the Arm of Hita allegedly was carried out to Staroslavlyansky. For example, behind the phrase "The serfdom was canceled, I am aki Ptah in Yarilova Gornice" Valery Kipelova's song was hiding "I am free."

One of the favorites was and "who made it?". Here the authors, having done thorough work on the selection of unfamiliar incredible clips from the Internet, showed it in the studio for the quartet of the sound tracks. You need to guess the native text. Most often, the rollers were used homemade, user, and sometimes star, for example, Nikolai Baskov or Yuri Shatunov.

The program also analyzed not only hits or video, but also the appearance of performers, or rather, their really existing scenic costumes. Little covered clothes and his carrier, the celebrity strengthened its leadership positions and brought closer.

Also in the arsenal and competition, where the participants separated the grains from the whores, or rather, rap from politics. It did not cost without pictures, as usual, affecting the imagination and forcing them to admire their creators. On them, the popular person cropped with the subject with which she has something in common. For example, Duet "HB" got Bari Alibasov with boxing gloves, which meant: Mohammed Alibasov.

In the three episodes of Aidar Garayev, demonstrated its own vocal data - when sending to the well-known single was woven into the personal work. He was coming to guess ("Song about the song"). The same thing - when the text lacked the parts of speech and hit the opposite, where you need to know the original.

With the help of computer technologies, "Hit knows it". Conditions of the competition are simple: relying on rumor and intuition, to understand whether there is a line performed by a machine voice or not. In a certain sound, a song is recorded in "Dooming the Melody" - it was to recognize it.

Guests were also waiting for an unusual karaoke, which indicates the contenders for the victory to sing in different tones, and then shout, whisper and even squeak.

In the 4th season they were added to them and bracelets with current responding to errors in the sounding of the proposed composition; "Feduk Borisovich Gazmanov", where 3 melodies that need to be called simultaneously playing; "Coray", where the familiar composition sounds in the interpretation of modern singers, and "I drop a hat". Also, guests on the clip without sound must determine its author and understand the song on the trailer. Plus - it did not cost and without the possibility of singing in the updated karaoke.

Leading programs

Their six, and they are funny. On the official website of the TNT TV channel in a special section, a brief jogbook biography of each of the leaders and their answers to the burning questions about creating a show is posted.

Artem Muratov, who is responsible for the musical filling, along with the red-haired Elena Gushchina, shared his dreams: what the daughter wants, and Maja is waiting for the transfer. The only lady of the team confessed that she was surprised by Dmitry Nagiyev - by the fact that he did not appear.

Sasha Alomov, he is a DJ-Vija Alom, takes place behind the sound installation and immerses the public in a melodic chaos. Of the guests who agreed to come to the studio, allocates artists from "improvisation". Vitya brushes and Aidar Garayev sit next to the stars and suggest them in contests.

Victor owns a guitar and is able to "push the fur of the button accordion", which he studied in the army. And the ex-captain "Union" revealed his secrets - he is fond of hockey and surprised by the knowledge of Ksenia Borodina in Chance. Kirill Kokokkin, besides what reads the tasks and explains the rules of the game, do not like to go to the concerts of performers, but loves to intrigue others.

Participants of the Soyuz Studio show

The show, as they say, "gone" with the premiere. Persistent work of authors, thoughtful scenario, brilliant improvisation and correctly selected guests for debut did their job. Already after the 5th task of the 1st round, it was "broken" not only the hall, but also the answer to Garik Harlamov's response to the picture with Tarzan, whose head is connected to the bodies of the body in thong.

With the easy hand of residents Comedy Club Further releases produced a similar effect. Of course, nothing else to expect anything from former Cavencenikov - Alexander Revva and Mikhail Galustyan before the beginning of 2019 staged a test drive of new tasks. And Alexander Gudkov forced the opponent Maria Mingharov to ask the humorous mercy. It would be more - what is only its comparison of Egor Creza with a bull-bubble donor.

By the way, the ex-captain "Fedor Dvinyatina" was not first invited to shoot - to a duet with a blogger competed with Catherine Walnava. Not once agreed to Miguel. He opposed to two beauties - first Ekaterina Reshetnikova, then the idea Galich.

The release with the latter can easily qualify for the leader on "brainstorming" jokes. Ida in his inimitable manner taught the dancer to slang internet ("Loyce", "Like", "repost", "Chekin"), and he is to merge with the cabinet and hide from the shockers.

Olga Buzova was a guest seems to be each program on TNT - she looked at the "Studio Union". Here she managed to stand on his knees, to conquer the surrounding hit in notes and cause the viewers of the viewers about their own appearance and behavior manner.

"This is, of course, a very unusual show! Say that I liked it - not to say anything. Very funny headings - liked to guess encrypted words. And it also turned out that I do not badly know the Russian pop. Could not sit on the spot, sang hits. In addition, there is a spirit of rivalry, and it is always fun, "Ex-Tarasova said in an interview after the transfer.

Julia Ahmedova was not only a guest star, but also a friend of Garayev's wife - he met her on his own wedding. Her colleague Nurlan Saburov also often solved the tasks of the "Union" - first in a duet with the planperer of the Glory Commissar, then with Raper Jah Khalib.

Anton Shazhun and Arseny Popov awarded the praise of one of the leading projects.

"The guys from the Show" Improvisation "surprised with a fresh humor, a lightning reaction and originality," explained Alom.

And the arrival of Ivan Abramov was not only saturated with laughter and fun, but also carried the enlightening mission. The former leader of Paraparamen tried to play the tools filling the interior of the studio, and carried out the verdict that they were configured and suitable for use.

Anna Khilkevich, Stanislav Yarushin, Yana Koshkina, Valentina Mazunina, Music, Stas Kostyushkin, Sergey Zhukov, Valentina Mazunina, Music, Julianna Karaulova, Timur Rodriguez, Vlady, Timor. Also agreed to the experiments of sports commentators George Cherdanes and Dmitry Guberniev.

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