Michael Bom - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Journalist 2021



Michael Bom is an American journalist who has become famous on Russian television thanks to exacerbate relations between the United States and Russia. Speaking by an expert on political shows, he analyzes the situation from the position of the browser and man, deeply immersed in the question. The advantage of the journalist is objectivity in assessing the actions of associates and impartiality in judgment.

Childhood and youth

Michael Bom was born in the American town of St. Louis on November 8, 1965. Besides him, parents raised another son and daughter.

Thinking about the future profession, the young man entered the school of the International Relations of the Columbia University in New York. The profile direction Bom chose the study of Russia. Preferences were justified by the country's saturated political life and a large number of curious events occurring in this area in Russia.

The first acquaintance with Russia, then another Soviet Union, took place in 1987. It turned out to be long: 10 years Michael worked in a foreign country, but was forced to return home, receiving a position in the insurance business. Having become an office clerk, Bom understood that it should be devoted to an occupation that wakes emotions in it and the love of work. Politics and journalism from this moment were the matter of his life.

In the US, this area has not been particularly interested: politicians did not differ in bright individuality, such as Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Their performances were predictable, and transfers with the participation of government representatives - fresh and boring. Laws in the United States regulate accurate actions and behavior in most cases. And in Russia there are loopholes for discrepancies and convenient interpretations, which provokes around them disputes.

In those years, Michael first tried himself in a large formal genre, writing a debut book about Russian mentality. The publication was issued by a limited number of copies and was not in demand. In addition to passion from Russia, the biography and youth years of Michael Boma is not known anything. A journalist prefers to leave a personal life beyond media reach. The public remains to be focused on the characteristics of the media person who are revealed due to its performances.


In the early 2000s, returning to Russia, Michael debuted as a guest in transmission of politics. The observer was invited to the show "Judge for yourself", which was presented by Maxim Shevchenko. The project accompanied the scandalous reputation, so the emergence of the representative of the American side turned out to be fresh trend. The interest of the audience increased dramatically, since many were curious to hear a look at what was happening in Russia from representatives of immediate opponents. Michael then was still with difficulty expressing in Russian, so the translator was accompanied by his show.

Journalist Michael Betr.

In 2007, Michael Bom received an invitation to the newspaper "Moscow Times" to the post editor of the "Opinions" block. This position he occupied until 2014. Leaving the publication, which became native, Bom found the status of an independent journalist. The first to cooperate was invited by Radio Echo Moscow and the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper. Later, in demand, the journalist received an offer to become a teacher at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

As an expert, he was invited to participate in political transmissions. There are rumors about whether guest participation is paid for the service, but they do not have confirmations. The name of Michael Boma became recognizable in the audience after participating in one of the socio-political programs of the NTV channel. The journalist spoke in support of the rights of homosexuals, in response to which he received a wave of condemnation from the leading transfer and guests of the studio. The point of view, the expert did not change what the respect of the public won.

2015 turned out to be a peak of popularity for Michael Boma. The foreigner appeared in the ether on political debate. He was invited to the studio of the show "Politics", "Meeting Place", "Fight", "Special Correspondent". Most often, the journalist's opinion was treated by the Translation Organizers "Time". Speaking of patriotic feelings to the native country, Bom objectively perceives criticism and capable of dialogue. It is a big rarity for participants in political discussions in Russia.

The specific atmosphere reigning on the transmissions of this kind, provoking conflicts and often fights, does not confuse the international expert. In 2017, on the air show "Time will show", he accidentally became a participant in the Potatovka, which began due to the negative response of the leading Artem Sheynin, who sketched on the expert with fists.

Nevertheless, Michael is glad to participate in projects where people are not indifferent to the political atmosphere. In the aggravated and difficult relationship between Russia and the United States, the journalist often turns out to be a psychological pressure of opponents, but steadyly experiencing them, defending his own point of view. According to the American, he considers himself a "unofficial public diplomat."

In 2017, the media appeared in the media that the book, belonging to the authorship of Michael Bom, appeared on the shelves of the stores. The publication called "Putin's mistakes" began to sell under his name. Bom decided to sue fraudsters, and a series of court proceedings pursues him up to 2019.

The specifics of the public speeches of BomA appreciated the participants of the KVN team "The United Kingdom team". In 2018, the journalist was invited to participate in the etude, shown in the Moscow Mayor Cup draw.

Personal life

About the family of an American journalist knows a bit. He scrupulously refers to the preservation of the secrecy of personal life, does not make a relation to the public and the photo illuminating his weekdays is not divided. It is known that Michael was married to the Russian. His wife was called Svetlana, the girl was 16 years old with a spouse. Wedding occurred in Russia in 2013 and was probably caused by the fact that the lovers planned children. Michael very soon became the father of his daughter, which Nicole called.
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In 2015, the family broke up, a divorce took place. Svetlana and Nicole live in the suburbs. Michael supports communication with them and often comes to visit the daughter. Whether the new lover appeared in his life, until it is known. But on the page of the journalist in Facebook it is indicated that it consists in relationships.

In 2016, the journalist expressed the desire to receive Russian citizenship and prepared the necessary package of documents. Immersed in the specifics of Russian journalism and politics, Michael is not going to leave the country in which he lives on a permanent basis. Now he owns the Russian language at a high level.

Michael is a fan of a healthy lifestyle, he tries not to drink alcohol and visits the gym. By the way, the same club as Bom, chooses Vladimir Soloviev. The journalist often visits the United States to visit their relatives: parents and brothers with sister.

It is curious that, living in Russia, the bom did not refuse the beliefs characteristic of the American. He prefers the subway cars, preserves pragmatism and prudence inherent in this nation.

The growth of Michael Boma is 168 cm.

Michael Bom now

Bom continues to work as an independent expert and often appears on political show. Michael is a permanent gost of the "right of voting" and "time will show." The journalist uses the Twitter and Facebook social networks and most television speeches comments in personal accounts.

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In addition to expert activities, Michael is engaged in charity and acts as a teacher on journalism in several Moscow schools.


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