Gwen Stacy - biography, appearance and character, actress, quotes, style


Character History

Fixing the comic book "Marvel" introduce the audience with all new heroes that would be ignored if it were not for creative thinking of producers and directories. Among the curious heroine - Gwen Stacy, the girl, to whom the sympathy of a superhero Spiderman was.

History of creation

Stan Lee and Steve Ditko

Gwendolin Stacy is a secondary hero of the narration about Peter Parter. She became a character of comics about a spider man thanks to Steve Ditko and Stan Lee. Gwen Stacy made his debut in the comic "The Amazing Spider-Man", published in 1965. A pretty blonde with shining blue eyes was the first love of Peter Parker. Its personal biography is described in detail in comics, but remains unknown in the screenings.

The death of the heroine remained at the conscience of Parker and became a turning point in the history of comics. The scripts are often arguing about who loved the Spiderman more, - Mary Jane or Gwendoline.

The details of the death of this character narrate the 121th and 122th issues of comic, published in 1973. The name "Night, when Gwen Stacy died" was kept secret. The cover of the magazine intrigued the hint of an unexpected storyline.

Comics about a spider man

Gwen Stacy

According to the legend Gwen and Peter met during the training at the university. At first, the girl did not attract the interest of the young man, mired in family problems. When the relationship with the aunt Mei stabilized, Parker began to give Gwen more attention, and the sympathy was mutual.

The character of the girl did not differ in progress. The rebel and a reasonable representative of the beautiful sex was renewed inside it. A lover of candid clothes, Gwen boldly established himself before the team of aligns and was remembered by a bright statement about superhero.

Mary Jane Watson, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy

The relationship of young people was not easy. Vina has become an unpleasant moment. Hvedolin's father, being under hypnosis, provoked a fight with Parker, and the guy was forced to answer. The girl missed what was happening and completed the relationship.

After some time, the heroes managed to reconcile, but the father of Gwendoline again influenced the development of events. During the fight of man-spider, the father of Gwen turned out to be buried under the wall of the collapsed house. The girl accused Parker in what happened and left the city, going to London. Spiderman rushed after her, but again found himself before the need to save the city from the villains. The situation was glowed to the limit, and Gvedolin could reveal the secret of Peter, so the hero was forced to go home. But his efforts were not in vain. Returning, Gwendoline agreed to reconciliation.

Doctor Octopag

Although Pether's beloved did not possess specific abilities and skills, she had a persistent character. In addition, the girl was distinguished by the mind and everyday wisdom, which appreciated her young man. Gwen understood well in humans and could quickly make a true first impression of a new acquaintance.

The death of the girl is easy to read by the side effect of the vocation of Peter Parker. Stacy was in the very epicenter of a spiderman fight with a green goblin (normal ozochene), which happened on the Bridge of George Washington. She fell from great height and did not survive. Fate did not leave her chances, but the heroine fans continued to guess whether an attractive girl returns in the next issue of comics, and were confident that the heroine compete pages.

Peter Parker did not immediately understand, died or not his beloved. He managed to grab the girl's body with a network, but fate turned out to be unfair. Such a turn of the plot of critics found the failed. The death of Stacy changed Peter and became the final event in the silver age of comics. It is curious that a few years later, a twin Gwen, created by Shakal, appeared in the Universe "Marvel". The scientist used the image of the girl, coping the growth, appearance and style of clothing, but the Spiderman guessed the deception.

Death Gwen Stacy

Marvel has developed an EDGE OF SPIDER Comic Mini-series preceding the publication "Spider-Verse". In it, Gwen Stacy appears as a heroine of an alternative version of the legend. She became spider and gained outstanding abilities.


The first appearance of Gwen Stacy on the screen took place in the film "Spiderman 3: the enemy in reflection" directed by Sam Raymi.

Bryce Dallas Howard in the role of Gwen Stacy

In this tape, the actress Bryce Dallas Howard appeared in the image of Gwen. The plot of the paintings coincided with the narration of comics: Gwen and Peter studied together. But the girl's sympathies were not on the side of the superhero. She was in a relationship with Parker's competitor, Journalist Eddie Brock. In this film, the life of the heroine was threatened when the building crane crashed into the building where she was. A spiderman came to help her.

The kiss of young people at the time of the solemn transfer of keys from the city saw the whole city. Mary Jane was out of herself, because she was a girl Parker. Soon the relationship between Peter and Mary collapsed. In the body of a spider man united the vein. Symbiote skillfully used Gwen to take revenge on the former Girl Parker.

Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy

In the film "New Spiderman" in the role of Gwen Stacy starred Emma Stone. According to the plot of this tape, the main characters were classmates. Peter himself told his beloved about his secret. Thanks to Gwen, antidote appeared, through which he managed to overcome the villain of the Lizard attacked by the city.


"On such a beautiful day it is easy to think about that everything is fine, but gloomy days are waiting ahead. Days when we are alone. On such days, hope is most likely, even if she lives deeply deeply. Even if you are very bad, promise me that you do not lose hope. Do not let her die. We must overcome our suffering. I wish you so that you hoped to each other, she needs people. Even if not everything happens, for what else to live in the world. "

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