Pavel Korchagin - biography, character and image, prototype, feats


Character History

The autobiographical novel "How Steel was tempered", which Nikolai Ostrovsky wrote, tells about the life of the Komsomol residents in the 1920s. The main character, Pavel Korchagin, reminds the author, who has always been taken with Azart for party tasks, whether the organization of the revolution, war, the rescue of the forest, who worn by the ice flow, or the construction of a narrow-chain under the oppression of the attacking typhoid. Writer Epole in 24 years and found himself chained to bed because of paralysis, but continued active activity as a writer.

Writer Nikolai Ostrovsky

The book about the first generation of Komsomol residents shows how young people were ordered, we have laid life on the altar of the struggle for the well-being of the Motherland.

History of creation

The novel was completed in 1932, but the first publication appeared only in 1934 on the pages of the journal "Young Guard". An independent book was released in the same year and separated by a circulation of 36 million copies. Literary critics define the genre of work as socialist realism.

The plot for the novel was the events, the witness of which was the island itself. He described the civil war and the post-war period, when the whole country worked for the restoration of life. Socialist construction was in full swing, and everyone who was involved in him, daily performed a feat for the sake of future generations.

Book Ostrovsky

At first, the Ostrovsky independently wrote the text of the novel, but the disease did not weaken and took the top over his body, so it became more complicated every day. I realized that it was impossible to disassemble his lines, the writer began to use the conveyor. When the hands refused, he resorted to the dictation, and thanks to the voluntary secretaries, the book saw the light. It was not easy to work, as the writer spoke slowly and intermittently. 19 people participated in the return of the novel.

The product is divided into two parts of 9 chapters in each. They describe childhood, adolescence and youth of the main character, his mature years and illness.

Plot and feats

Pavel Korchagin

Pavel Korchagin has a difficult biography, like Ostrovsky himself. The work begins with how the main character is expelled from school per prank. The son of the cook falls into the adult world, in which he is forced to not just survive, but also adapt to modern realities. When in the provincial town where he lived, I had a message about the overthrow of the royal regime, the boy was no longer a lazy schoolboy. He drunkenly worked and tried to quickly navigate in changing circumstances. Paving hid weapons, despite the strict decrees of Germans.

After the arrival of the Petlura, he watched the robbery, pogroms and murders of the Jews. The guy was outraged by what was happening, and tried to help the victims to help. Therefore, he came to the revenue of the sailor Zhukhray, a friend of his brother. Zhukhraya opened Pavlu's eyes to what is happening, as he saw in him a resistant fighter and believed that the hands of such Yentsa, like a paving, the future was going on.

Frame from the film

Korchagin saved Zhukhray, beating him down at the convoy, for which he himself pleased with the petturovtsy. The hero had nothing for the soul, and his courage is justified. A strong, muscular guy did not experience fear, making decisions, but when the avere was offered to shoot it, she pulled. He miraculously managed to escape and hide at a friend, Tony. The daughter of a forester, a girl from another society that has always liked him, was able to rescue the hero in a difficult moment.

After the Civil War, Korchagin returned to his hometown and joined the Komsomol organization. His beloved tonya was not accepted by a local society. She seemed too frightened against the background of local girls. Paul was disappointed in her. The hero became a member of the CC, but in a new place he felt superfluous. Military injuries affected. After some time, he went to Kiev, where he became a member of a special department. This end the first part of the novel.

Rita Ustinovich

Roman continues the trip to Korchagin at the provincial conference in the company with Rita Ustinovich as an assistant. The girl taught him a political diploma. The rapprochement happened by itself, but Korchagin was confident that personal life could not take first place when the question arises about the construction of socialism. He prefers to leave the girl friend and forget that she is attractive.

Working in four shifts, the Komsomol members build a narrow-chain without rest and breaks. Permanent gangster raids make it difficult to process. Working without food and clothes, Paul is falling like a typhoid. His loved ones think that the guy died.

Recovery, the hero is again started to work: comes workers in workshops, where makes the Komsomol residents bring order, at meetings acts as a defender of comrades, and on the streets - the intercessor of girls. The main thought of the novel, transmitted by the mouth of Korchagin, is that life needs to live like that "so that it was not ashamed for the aimlessly lived years." This motto he follows throughout his life, appreciate it and seeking to bring as much benefit of the party.

Pavel Korchagin

He participates in the defeat of the opposition of workers and opposes the followers of Trotsky, sewing on the Party's covenants. The death of Lenin advanced Korchagin, and the will of the fate he met with Rita Ustinovich, who became a member of the Central Committee. The love between them is again impossible: the girl already has a family, and Paul's health has been dried by the disease. The hero is sent to the sanatorium. His condition is rapidly deteriorating and leads to paralysis. Remembering his life, Korchagin begins to write and proud to not live aimlessly one day.


The novel "How Steel hardened" was repeatedly shielded in the Soviet Union. The first film on the well-known plot was released on the screens in 1942 and turned out to be timely for the raising of the combat spirit of people participating in the Great Patriotic War. The feats of the main character were inspired by heroic accomplishments, and his image served as an example for thousands of Soviet citizens. The actor Viktor Perestchenko came to the role of Korchagin. Upon completion of filming, the artist went to the front, where he died in an enemy shootout.

Actor Vasily Lanovova in the form of Pavel Korchagin

In 1956-57, the film "Pavel Korchagin" was shot. Directors Vladimir Naumov and Alexander Alov were invited to the role of the main hero of Vasily Lanovoy.

Later, in 1973, the image of Komsomolets on the screen was embodied by Vladimir Konkin, starred in the series based on the novel.

Vladimir Konkin in the film

In 1975, the audience saw a ribbon cinema with the same name.

In 2000, China's inspired by the work organized the filming of the film in Ukraine. At the role of Korchagin, Andrei Samminin spoke in this project.

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