Artur Gray - biography, comparison with associate, image and character, quotes


Character History

Character of the Staff of the Equipment of Alexander Green "Scarlet Sails". Young Captain of the Ship, a man of noble origin and a romantic warehouse.

History of creation

Alexander Green wrote "Scarlet Sails" from 1916 to 1922, and the first publication of the story took place in 1923. The idea of ​​the story was born from a writer when he saw a toy boat with a white silk sail in a shop windows. Green seemed that there is some potential for history in the boat. The writer presented that it would be, if on the site of the White Sails was scarlet, and it became a push for the deployment of history.

Writer Alexander Green

In the winter of 1920, Green finished preliminary work on the story, and in the next two years he brought several times in the story of editing. In the spring of 1922, the chapter from the story was published in the newspaper "Evening Telegraph", and in 1923 the text was fully published in the form of a book.

"Scarlet Sails"

Artur Gray at the time of basic action - 24 years. The twenty-year-old young hero went to swimming and looked four years before the moment he met with the main heroine, Assol. In fifteen years, the hero has already become Junga and at that time looked "like a disguise girl." Graya had small arms, pale leather and elegant clothes. Over time, the image of the hero has changed - he tanned, Matya and became a muscular young man. Confidence appeared in movements, and it was a brief and accurate.

Arthur Gray and Assol

The hero comes from a rich and noble family. Arthur's childhood has passed in the present castle. Arthur's parents were arrogant people and secular societies. The father of the hero was engaged in state affairs and managed the estates, I made frontal trips to hunt, dictated memoirs, led a complicated correspondence. Because of the workload, the father was far from the family and so rarely saw Arthur, which forgot how much the hero of the years. Mother loved and balung Arthur, a passing hero of pranks and quirks.

Arthur was an active and curious child. The hero studied the castle from top to bottom, penetrated the attic, where he found the details of the knighthood, ancient books and pigeons, and in the cellar, where the wines were kept. Arthur did not like to learn, was a naughty child and used to do what he wants. The hero's freedom was never limited. Adults listened to the wishes of the child. Arthur could ban the trees to cut, ask for a forgive someone, to take dogs in the castle - and the desires of the hero were performed.

Despite the dislike for lessons, Arthur loved to read fairy tales and stories. The hero was generous to people and once gave a hundred pounds, which kept in a piggy bank, a barn and his young bride so that those were able to acquire the economy.

Captain Artur Gray

Gray grew up unspoiled luxury and wealth man, had a romantic warehouse of character and was not going to lead the same secular lifestyle as parents. Despite the spoilness in childhood, the hero became a targeted, hardy and calm person who had a lot and resolutely worked to master the seaman craft for him.

Gray loved the sea from the young age. The hero escaped from the house at the age of 14 to become a sailor, and as a jungle sailed to Schoon in Marseille. Since then, the hero has constantly floating and returned home only in twenty years. After some time after that, Gray bought his own ship and became captain.

Gray made an impression of the "strange" captain on the crew, but the seamen still loved the hero. Gray used to commit "unexpected" flights and stay in non-trap and deserted places for a long time.

Assol - Illustration for the book

The hero is active, but impracticious. Gray agreed to transport only those loads on the ship, which seemed "picturesque" and pleased the imagination. Spices, porcelain, silk, tobacco, coffee, valuable trees. "Boring" loads, like soap, nails or parts of cars, the hero to transport refused.

Romantic Gray Nature pushes him to "do wonders" for others where possible. At this soil, the hero converges from Assol, the main heroine of the story. As a child, the girl met in the forest of some old gatherers of folklore named Egle. He helped the girl to return the toy boat lost in the stream in the stream with Alami sails and promised that when the girl grows up, the prince fell out on the same ship and takes her heroine into a distant country.

When the girl retells this conversation, the story was overhearding the local beggar and spread across the entire district. The children began to tease the associate. The girl was first asocial, and now he was glad to be crazy.

Illustration for book

Gray turned out to be near the terrain where the Assol lived when his ship moored nearby, and the hero himself went to the hero with one sailor. Gray stumbled upon Assol in the thickets, where he found a girl sleeping. The girl struck Gray, and the one before to leave, put on her little finger on the Mysiper.

Later, Gray was in the restaurant, where the young innkeeper told the hero that the Assol was a local crazy, who had a brief about the Prince, who was sailing behind her on the ship under Alay Sails. Gray himself was a bit "not from this world", so he took this statement without trust and sympathy. Heroes have grown in families with different financial and social status, survived a different experience in childhood, but they have relaxed a dreamy attitude to life.

Scarlet Sails

The hero went to the next city, I purchased a scarlet silk in the bench, from which he ordered to sew sails. The crew was surprised by the wishes of the captain to change the sails on the scarlet and go to some village, but such faders were in the custom of Graha.

The ship under Alaya sails approached the village, and the shocked Assol rushed to the sea. On the shore, residents of the villages have already been crowded, who silently missed the Assol. Gray picked up a girl on a boat and drove to the ship. Further biography of heroes unknown.


The first screen version of the story "Scarlet Sails" was published in 1961 at Mosfilm's film studio. The director Alexander Ptushko removed the ribbon, actor Vasily Lanova came up as Arthur Graya. The role of the hero in childhood was performed by Sasha Luplenko. Shooting was carried out in Crimea and Abkhazia, as well as in Baku.

Vasily Lanovova in Arthur Graya

There are some differences between the film and the book. Green Hero buys a ship for the Mother's money with which she keeps wonderful relationships. In the film, Gray is hired by the captain on the ship on the protection of another captain. The book does not have a political subtext, while in the film Gray depicts a supporter of the revolution. The time of action in the film was transferred from the beginning of the twentieth century in the middle of the XIX century.

In 1982, Boris Stepantseva "Assol" was released, where the game cinema was combined with elements of animation. The role of adult Arthur Graye is performed here by actor Andrei Kharitonov, and the hero as a child played Andrei Govorov and Denis Bondar. In the film there are no dialogues between the actors, only voice-timer text sounds.

Alexander Bukharov (Frame from the series

In 2010, the four-sterlene Ukrainian mini-series "Truthful story about scarlet sails" was released. The script was based on a few works of Green - Actual Sails, "Xaveri", "from a commemorative card" and others. The role of Arthur Graya was performed by actor Alexander Bukharov.


"We need to be able to close a boring book, leave bad cinema and part with people who are not going to you." "" Thanks to her I understood one unaccompanious truth. She is to make the so-called miracles with her own hands. When the most important thing for a person is to receive a shipping penny, it's easy to give this penny, but when the soul is tatting a grain of a fiery plant - a miracle, make it a miracle, if you are able to. The new soul will have a new one. "" If Caesar found that it was better to be first in the village than the second in Rome, Arthur Gray could not envy Caesar in relation to his wise desire. He was born captain, wanted to be them and became them. "

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