Alexey Sidorov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Alexey Leonidovich Sidorov always removed and produced films about purely male occupations - knightly tournaments, criminal disassembly, sports martial arts and confrontation with pirates. In 2019, a tape of the events of the Second World War appeared on the filmography of the director, which became very popular with Russian spectators.

Childhood and youth

The author of the iconic paintings was born in Severodvinsk in August 1968. The director is proud that the grandfather had a real Russian name - Ivan Petrovich Sidorov. Father and Uncle Alexei - Professional boxers: Leonid Ivanovich - The first in the Arkhangelsk region of the Arbitrator of the Republican Boxing Category, and Yuri Ivanovich 10 years before the birth of the nephew became the master of sports of the Soviet Union.

Alexey Sidorov at the premiere of the film

Alesha literally grew in the ring. Leonid Ivanovich, who has had time to sing in Chamber Choir, and his wife Svetlana Nikolaevna was raised two children: Alexey has a sister Elena, which is now working in the prestigious lyceum of his hometown.

After graduating from school number 12 Severodvinsk, the young man wanted to study philology and entered the Petrozavodsk State University. At 20, Alexey became a father. With the mother of his son, named after Father Leonid, the future director legalized the relationship 2 months before the birth of the kid.

Sidorov studied, worked and did not delve into how little Lenya grows. Not enough attention to the child also paid a spouse Alexei Larisa, suffering from alcohol addiction. Soon Alexey and his wife deprived parental rights.

Sidorov continued her education in Moscow on the highest scenic courses. Alexey's training was completed only at 31 years old, removing the diploma work in his native Arkhangelsk, in the area of ​​the awkward enterprise "Star". In the big cinema, the future director of the "Brigades" debuted as a scenario and montager tape "Knight's Roman".


The first Sidorovy picture was the legend of Russian cinema. It was a brigade gangster saga - the post-Soviet analogue of such films as "once in America" ​​and "Godfather". "Brigadier" Sasha White remains for 2019 by one of the most memorable viewers of the roles in the movie actor Sergey Bezrukova 15-serial tape made famous artists Pavel Maikova, Dmitry Duzheva, Catherine Gusev and Vladimir Vedovickov.

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A negative charm of major roles turned out to be stronger than the directorial promise about the harmfulness and tragedy of the criminal path: among the teenagers of Russia, Russia has become popular to imitate the characteristics of the series.

According to a number of researchers, Brigade pushed a lot of young men to create their gang. The fate of some actors who played in the picture were tragic: in 2013, the performer of the role of the main villain - Andrei Panin, in 2015 Dmitry Gumenetsky was sentenced to 8 years in prison - the "main bodyguard" of Sasha White.

An important stage of the cinematic biography of Sidorov was the trilogy "Fight with the shadow", dedicated to his favorite sport Alexey - Boxing. In all three tapes of the cycle, the native of the Arkhangelsk land made as a screenwriter, and the first and third films, moreover, has served. In the final film of the epic episodic role of the referee played the father of the director.

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The shooting of the painting "22 minutes", based on a real event - the seizure of the Russian ship by Somali pirates, ended with a scandal. Alexey Sidorov accused the centers "Central Partnership" in the abuser above the copyright and removed his name from the titles.

In the patriotic militant "T-34", published on the screens on January 1, 2019, the main role was given to the star of the "Policeman from Rublevka" with the same simple as the director, the last name. Alexander Petrov performed in an unusual - heroic - role, and the film itself tells about the validity of the Soviet tankers during the Great Patriotic War, became the leader of the film distribution.

Personal life

Personal life Alexey Sidorov is closed from correspondents. The director has no pages in "Instagram" and other social networks. It is known that the Creator of Gangster and Sports Saga continues to be friends with an old buddy - Severodviny writer Alexander Ipatov, and his favorite film considers the Japanese picture of 1964 "Three Samurai".

Leonid Sidorov, son Alexei Sidorova

Alexey secretion is explained by the fact that in the biography of the director there is a black spot - relations with the son of Leonid. In early 2008, the Internet had a photo of a high young man in a prison robe: the director's offense committed a number of grave crimes, including murder and rape, and was sentenced to 13 years in prison. In an interview, the guy claimed that the father had a new family, and the only relative, who continues to be interested in them, is Grandma Svetlana Nikolaevna.

In November 2016, Directorist Director, Edward Abrosimov, accused Alexei Sidorov in defeating. The occasion for the conflict was the photos of Eve Kalashnik, stored at the victim. Sidorov requested Abrosimov to destroy frames with a girl, but the documentalist refused to do it. It is known that Kalashnik worked as a supervisor script on the shooting of the film "T-34", that is, was responsible for the absence in the painting of annoying flashers like a sudden disappearance of the bandage, which the actor's head was bandaged in the previous frame.

Alexey Sidorov now

In January 2019, the director participated in the morning program Sergey Stallavina "Cast" on the Radio Station "Lighthouse" and told about the prototypes of the heroes of his new tapes and talents that the tanker needed. The photo taken after the transfer is laid out in the "Instagram" of the radio.

In March 2019, it became known that Alexey Sidorov plans to remove the sports drama "World Champion" with the participation of both Russian (Konstantin Khabensky, Alexander Petrov) and foreign (Eva Green, Milla Yovovich) Movie stars. The film will be dedicated to the nearest sports type of sports - chess and tell about the confrontation of Victor Victor and Anatoly Karpova.


  • 2000 - "Knight's Roman"
  • 2002 - "Brigade"
  • 2004 - "Starry"
  • 2005 - "Fight with shadow"
  • 2007 - "Fight with shadow 2: Revenge"
  • 2010 - "Dark World"
  • 2011 - "Fight with shadow 3D: Last Round"
  • 2014 - "22 minutes" (removed himself from the titles)
  • 2014 - "Seventh Rune"
  • 2017 - "Operation" Muhabbat "
  • 2018 - "T-34"

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