Crispin Glover - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



American actor Crispin Glover became known thanks to the role of George McFeew, the father of the traveler in Marty McFele from the movie "Back to the Future". Once, his unusual appearance and natural charisma was interested in cinematographers Oliver Stone, David Lynch and Tim Burton, and now Glover is predominantly the actual actor of the second plan.

Childhood and youth

Crispin Hellion Glover was born in New York on April 20, 1964. He is the only son of the actor Bruce Glover and the dancers Mary Elizabeth Lillian Betty Crachi (in Major Bloom Kröbeber). Both left creativity after the birth of the boy. In blood, Crispina was mixed by the British and Swedish roots of the Father, Czech and German - Mothers.

The unusual name Glover Jr. received thanks to the favorite product of the parents - the play of William Shakespeare "Heinrich V": On the day of St. Crispina, the king of England led people to the battle during Azenkur. In the historical battle of century war, the British significantly inferior to the unlimited French, and Henry V in the glory of Saints Crispina and his brother Kripinian convinced the army to remember the great victories. This monologue in the literature was called "Speech of St. Crispina".

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The second name of Bruce Glover, the father of the future actor - Herbert. He did not like the German origin of the name, so he came up with another Hellion. He inherited Crispin. When the boy turned 5 years old, the family moved to Los Angeles, California. Here was the childhood of the Glover. From the 1st to the 9th grades, he studied at Mirman School, in the 10th and 11th grades - in Venice High School. In 1982, he released from Beverly Hills High School.


Life in the "Kuznitsy" movie stars put a significant imprint on the biography of Krispina Glover - already at 13, the boy was in front of the cameras. Begins a hereditary actor with Sitters "Happy Days" and "Family Tives". In 1983 he made his debut in the big cinema - sex comedy "My Mentor". Then followed the films "Teachers" and "Friday, the 13th: Last Chapter", the short-castor "The Orkly Kid" from the "Bobrova Trilogy" Trent Harris. Crispin played a teenager, obsessed with the works of Olivia Newton-John, Australian singer.

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Popularity found Glover still in youth - the Americans turned 21, when the blockbuster "Back to the Future" came out on the screens (1985). He fulfilled the role of George McFeew - Marty McAgla's father, who travels in time with the scientist Emmett Brown. It is noteworthy that in the life of Crispin for 3 years younger "Fox" Michael J. Fox.

For shooting in the second part "Back to the Future", the glover requested a double fee, and producers refused. In the 1989 film inserted frames recorded during the filming of the first part. In actor's credits, they lacked like this: "George Macfly in the frames from" Back to the Future "." At the same time, the "real" crispin Glover "diluted" by the image of the filled Jeffrey Weisman.

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Crispin filed to the producers to court for the fact that they used his face without permission (thanks to the overhead of the nose, the stools and chin, Waisman became the twin brother of the Glover) and did not pay for the reuse of the material from the first part "back to the future". After this proceedings in the contracts of the guild of the US film actors, an item appeared, prohibiting commercially used under other media.

Crispin Glover liked Eccentric characters: Annie Andy Warhol from the Biographical film "The Doors" (1991), an office worker "Dead Letters" from Bartlby (2001), who speaks rats from Horror "Willard" (2003).

Another splash of popularity by the Americans brought the role of the skinny, the enemy of the supergels of Angels Charlie from the Dilogy of the 2000 and 2003. Initially, the character had replicas, but Glover counted that skinny was unique and without voice. Thus, all the lines were excluded from the script.

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Glover divided the shooting platform for the Beowulf fantastic drama (2007) with Anthony Hopkins, Angelina Jolie and John Malkovich, playing Monster Grendel. The actor's face in the film does not appear: Motion Capture technology was used for the image of the monster. Robert Zeekis was engaged in the shooting "Beowulf", director "Back to the Future".

In 2010, the filmography of Glover was replenished with the project Tim Berton "Alice in Wonderland" (2010), a comedy of John Cusaca "Time Machine in Jacuzzi" (2010), the militant "Seven Psychopaths" (2012).

In 2018, a fantasy television series "American gods" was released on Starz TV channel, based on the novel of the Nile Gamean. In it, Crispin acted as one of the gods - Mr. World.

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Hollywood knows not only the Glover-actor, but also the Glover director. In 2005, at the Sundance festival, the premiere of his debut painting "What is it?". Roles performed actors with Down syndrome. An American has invested $ 150 thousand to the project - funds reversed for participation in Charlie Angels and Willlard. Canceling the final version of the film took almost a decade. The fact that was originally thought as a short film and was shot by 12 days, turned into a full-length ribbon, worthy praise of film critics.

Scenario for the second movie Glover "Good! Things are good!" Created Stephen S. Stewart, actor and writer, born with severe cerebral paralysis. For more than 10 years, the man spent in the nursing home. The resulting picture is psychedelic retelling of life from the point of view of Stuart. The premiere took place in 2007 at the Sundance festival.


Glover is not only a good actor, but also a musician. In 1989, he released the album "The Big Problem Does Not Equal The Solution, The Solutions Equals Let It Be", which included original songs ("CloWny Clown Clown") and Caverits. So, Crispin quail "These Boots Are Made for Walkin" Nancy Sinatra and I'll Never Say Never To Always Charles Manson. Total on the plate 16 compositions.

The actor left a trail and writing art. His Peru owns more than 15 books. Glover does not fully create a story, but complements the already known work. His "Rat Catching" (1988) is written on the basis of "Studies in the Art of Rat Catching" Henry S. Barkley, released in 1896, and Oak-Mot (1989) is the interpretation of the novel of the 1868 novel.

The works of the glower are born during reading: it leaves the books in the fields, which are then harmoniously woven into the story. This method allows you to create a new literary masterpiece: For example, the ending of its version "Oak-Mot" is significantly different from the original.

Personal life

About the personal life of Krispina Glover is known to be a little, but these facts are enough to judge his thrust to the luxurious women.

From 2002 to 2003, Crispin met with Alex Lauren, the owner of the title "Pussy of September 1999" according to the erotic magazine "Penthouse". One model was replaced by another - since 2004, the Russian woman Marina was friendly, then the actress Courtney Peldon came to the list.

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From 2007 to 2008, Glover's eye was pleased with Amber Hörd, a partner in the film "Murder Sexuality" (2005), then fleetingly - Vanessa Marano and Mindy Lakka, actress Mara Londtein.

From May 2012, near the actor was the model of Sandra Shelly. In 2018, their joint photos were also replicated in the press, including those published in the Glover Account in "Instagram".

Despite active personal life, at its age, the Glover did not get a wife nor children.

Crispin Glover now

In February 2019, Glover completed the shooting of the third film "Untitled Crispin Hellion Glover Project", the main roles in which he performed himself and his father Bruce. There is no information about the premiere.Embed from getty images

Now the shooting of the 2nd season of the series "American gods". Glover - among the representatives of the main caste.


  • 1983 - "My Mentor"
  • 1984 - "Friday, 13th: Last Chapter"
  • 1985 - "Back to the Future"
  • 1986 - "On the river bank"
  • 1990 - "House where the heart"
  • 1991 - "The Doors"
  • 1993 - "What Gilbert Grape is"
  • 1995 - "Dead"
  • 2000 - "Charlie Angels"
  • 2003 - "Charlie Angels 2: Just Forward"
  • 2007 - Beowulf
  • 2008 - "Nine"
  • 2010 - "Alice in Wonderland"
  • 2012 - "Seven Psychopaths"
  • 2017-2019 - "American gods"

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