Georgy Jungvald Hilkevich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



Georgy Jungvald-Khilkevich - Soviet and Russian director and screenwriter. For 25 years he held the post of staff director of Odessa film studio. Among his most famous filmmakers - the picture "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" and the screening of the novel "Count Monte Cristo". In addition to cinematic works, on the account of the director theatrical productions. He also tried himself as director of clips.

Childhood and youth

Georgy Jungvald Hilkevich was born on October 22, 1934 in Tashkent. During this period, life in the Soviet Union was not easy, and the parents of the boy moved to Central Asia to escape from repression. Mother George was a ballerina and came from a noble family.

Perhaps the tendency to the direissant was handed over to the son inheritance, because his father was famous opera director. Becoming the founder of the Uzbek opera, Emil-Olgerend Jungwald Hilkevich worked at the Tashkent Opera House. He also installed performances in the Uzbek State Opera and Ballet Theater.

In the biography of Jungwald Hilkevich was a period of 4 years, when, being in the cast, he could not move. Fate ordered such a serious illness provoked the emergence of the main hobbies in the life of the child. When the teenager was 14 years old, he damaged his foot in a sports training. Doctors diagnosed osteomyelitis. This is a parable, progressing in the bones and bone marrow.

Georgy Jungvald-Khilkevich

Free time George spent with benefit, plunging into reading books. During this period, the young man studied the novels by Alexander Dumas and Onor de Balzak, who played a significant role in his creative activity.

George was lucky: he recovered and was able to complete training at school, and then entered the architectural institute. The young man felt the need for creative development and decided to receive education at theatrical and Art Institute. Ostrovsky, where he entered in 1963.


After receiving the second higher education, George Jungwald-Hilkevich worked in the theater and cinema by the artist, but soon realized how his soul was lying. He entered the highest scripts and directors with the "Mosfilm". The document on the profile formation of the new producer received in 1966. His first work was removed on the "Uzbekfilm" and "Tajikfilm" film studios. At the same time, George was the artistic director of Music-Hall in Tashkent.

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The debut film of Jungwald Hilkevich was the picture of the "Rainbow Formula". At the heart of the comedy lay the plot of a scientist who tried to develop a rainbow formula, but it was distracted by meetings and meetings all the time. Images of heroes in the film embodied Frunzik Mkrtchyan, George Vicin and Savely Kramarov. Real Glory came to the director in 1969, when the tapes "Dangerous tour" and "drying" came to the screen.

The adventure picture "Dangerous Tours" replenished the filmography of Artists Vladimir Vysotsky and Nikolai Grinc. The plot base was built on the diaries of revolutionary Alexandra Klolltytai. The action unfolded in Odessa in 1910.

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It was about the underground worker who under the guise of a businessman comes to the city to supply forbidden literature from Odessa to Russia. The cover becomes the theater-variety, touring the country. Describing the genre affiliation of the film, critics called him historical and revolutionary waterville.

Tape "Dryness" narrated about the construction of an underground complex for the Eastern Hitler rate during World War II and the actors who were at this moment near Vinnitsa.

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George Jungwald Hilkevich woke up a real star after in 1978 the premiere of the film "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers" took place. The tape, which became the legend, made famous and executors of the main roles of Mikhail Boyarsky, Valentina Smirnitsky, Veniamine Staryov and Igor Starygin. The role of the Constantia was performed by Irina Alferova, although Evgeny Simonov was invited initially to shoot.

It is curious that serious passions raged around the painting. The director was joined with Mark Rosovsky, who wrote a script for the picture, and Yuri Ryashetsev, the poet, writing poems for songs from the film. The proceedings contributed to the fact that the project was on the shelf and a whole year could not wait for the premiere.

Irina Alföhrov and Mikhail Boyarsky (frame from the movie "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers")

The inspiration that the novel read in his youth, prompted the director to remove and the painting "Musketeers twenty years later." There were 2 more thematic tapes for her who narrowed about the defenders of royal honor and their adventures. In 1979, the light saw the film "Ah, Waterville, Waterville", shot on the story of the "daughter of the Russian actor" Peter Grigorieva.

Then the "season of miracles" came to the screen. In the 1985 ribbon, Alla Pugacheva and Mikhail Boyars played the main roles. Following this musical fairy tale, a year later presented a second similar project "Above Rainbow".

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In 1988, Jungwald Hilkevich again turned to the classic literary work. The historic tape "Prisoner of the castle IF" today is considered a classic of Soviet cinema.

In the late 1990s, a creative crisis is called in Soviet cinema. Pictures, relevant earlier, no longer enjoyed the interest of the public, and the work of Jungwald Hilkevich turned out to be undeservedly forgotten. The director moved away from the filming and sent a creative gust on theatrical layouts.

In 2000, the director published the autobiographical book "Our Movie. Behind the scenes".


Georgy Jungvald-Khilkevich tried forces and as a theatrical director. Having moved to Moscow in 1990, he became a member of an unusual partnership. The director began to cooperate with the famous cat's trainer Yuri Kuklachev. In parallel, he became an invited screenwriter, an artist and a director in different theaters of the USSR and abroad. The creative experience of Jungwald Hilkevich replenished the shooting of clips. In one of them, the actress Evgenia Kryukov was shot.

Director Georgy Jungvald-Hilkevich

Since 2003, the director served as an artist-designer at the Satira Theater and continued to work at the Cat Theater. In 2015, together with Yuri Kuklachev, he released a new performance. It was the last premiere of a man.

Personal life

George Jungwald Hilkevich had a big family. The director was married three times. For the first time he married youth. His wife became the costumes Svetlana Markov. Young people worked together at the Odessa film studio, and their creative process closer. In 1960, a pair had a daughter. She was called Natalia. Molded, the girl became a journalist. 10 years after the girl appeared, the family broke up.

The second marriage director concluded from the ballerina the Opera and Ballet Theater Tatyana Chernova. They worked together on the set, and the novel turned out to be inevitable. The girl left a career for the sake of his beloved spouse and dedicated himself to assist. Tatiana worked as an assistant director on the set of the painting "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers". This union existed not long.

Georgy Jungvald Hilkevich with family

The third spouse of the director was Nadir Jungvald-Khilkevich. The woman was younger than the spouse for 35 years, but it did not prevent her to make his personal life George happy. Wedding took place in 1995. After some time, Nina's daughter appeared in the family. With both children, the father supported the connection.

When it comes to the grandchildren of the director, some suggest that Actress Anna Hilkevich, who starred in the series "University", accounts for a reference. The actress itself does not know whether her blood bonds with George Jungwald Hilkevich associate. In an interview, she admits that he did not try to learn the truth, and the photo to determine the relationship is difficult.


George Jungwald-Hilkevich died on November 11, 2015. Death was recorded by the doctors of the Botkin hospital, where the man came shortly before.

He spent a couple of days in a medical institution, until a heart survey went. Problems with the cardiovascular system and served as the death of the director. His grave is located on the Troyeksov cemetery in Moscow.


  • 1966 - "Rainbow Formula"
  • 1969 - "Dangerous tour"
  • 1971 - "Dryness"
  • 1978 - "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeer"
  • 1979 - "Ah, Waterville, Waterville ..."
  • 1983 - "Two under one umbrella"
  • 1985 - "Wonderland" season
  • 1986 - "Above Rainbow"
  • 1988 - "Prisoner of the IF Castle"
  • 1989 - "Art of living in Odessa"
  • 1992 - "Musketeers twenty years later"
  • 1993 - "The Mystery of Queen Anna, or Musketeers thirty years later"
  • 2003 - "New Year's Romance"
  • 2007 - "Return of Musketeers, or Treasures Cardinal Mazarini"

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