Alexey Koltsov - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, poems



Voronezh land, which gave Russia many writers - from Ivan Bunin to Samuel Marshak, in the first half of the 19th century presented the Russian literature of the peasant nugget Alexey Koltsov. The works of the poet, who sometimes refer to Russian Burns, became the forerunner of Creativity Nekrasov and Yesenin, inspired composers to writing songs and romances.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Koltsov was born in the fall of 1809 in the wealthy family of Voronezh Promanin, which was characterized by a steep temper. The mother of the poet did not own a diploma. And Vasily Petrovich Koltsov, which was engaged in preferably distillation of petty cattle along the Don Steppes and Trade, and his wife Praskovya Ivanovna lived over 75 years and survived Alexei's son. The exact number of prasol children (so then called the Koltsov-senior occupation) is unknown.

Parents Alexey Koltsova

Alyosha, addicted to the county school to read, seemed to be a stranger in a harsh patriarchal family who did not have books and referring to writing as a stupid noble fun. According to Belinsky, in the medium of ring peasant, rudeness was complemented by the Meshchansk Pride. After a year and a half, the father took the boy who mastered the grammar and arithmetic aza, from the school, found that the son of the formation was sufficient.

The future poet continued to greedily read: enjoyed the library of a friend, the merchant son of Vintar, and spent money on books issued at delicacies. In the future, the Voronezh bookseller of Cashkin helped the passion for reading the guy. A special impression on the young koltsov produced a collection of eastern fairy tales "Thousand and One Night" and the poetry of Ivan Dmitriev.

Portrait of Alexey Koltsov in youth

Alexey's first verses composed for 16 years. Subsequently, the poems told Belinsky about the shock that embraced him southern at night, when words, wandering in the head, and feelings, close in the chest, suddenly connected into poetic lines. The student Andrei Srebryansky and Professor of the Voronezh Seminary Veliamenov, and Professor of the Voronezh Seminary Velijaminov, were a great influence on the formation of the Koltsov-poet, and Sukhachev managed to publish Alexei's debut poems under his name.


Although the poems of Alexey Koltsov about nature often include in the texts of the poet, there is nothing addressed to the young audience in the work of the poet. Many works of the writer ("prayer", "grave") are imbued with deep sorrow.

The early poems of Alexey Koltsov were the imitation of the work of Zhukovsky, Delivia and Pushkin. However, in the best works, the poet magically embodied folk poetry in the author's lyrics. For the creativity of Koltsov, as well as for Russian folklore, the association and the use of a pair ligament of words ("sadness-longing", "steppe grass", "WORLD-WILL"). It is no coincidence that many poems have become songs.

Alexey Koltsov visiting Pushkin

The most successful poems of Koltsov are "not the noise of you, rye", "kosar" and "harvest". Gleb Gorbovsky considered the writer with a unique singer of agricultural labor. The idle poems of Kolzov, in which rhymes were either absent, or were primitive-verb, highly appreciated the author of Evgenia Onegin, who took the Don Nugget in St. Petersburg in 1836. In memory of the poet of literary critics, they call the favorite size of the "five-piece Koltsov".

Personal life

Alexey Koltsov's personal life was rare unhappy.

"I didn't get to the Pavam, and I beat off the chicken" - so described my status of the poet.

Metropolitan writers, patronized by Alexey and even contributing to the numerous litigation of Vasily Petrovich's numerous litigation for the family, belonged to the Voronezh nugget.

The first love of the young men became the fortress girl of the Dunya, taken by the family of a poem to the service. The guy's father found the connection of the son with a faded peasant Mesallians. After sending Alesha to a business trip, Vasily Petrovich issued the Dube to the Don Cossack.

Portrait of Alexei Koltsova

Returning, the young man rushed in search of his beloved. After a while it became known that the girl died from the beatings of a cruel spouse. The longing of the Dunya inspired Koltsov to create a number of poems.

A year before the death, the heart of the poet conquered the young merchant widow of Varvara Grigorievna Lebedev (Ogarkov). Blue-eyed brunette with a thin waist of Koltsov devoted the poem "Last Kiss". Having sympathizing with the plight of the Warrow, who endowed with Alexei's imagination by all virtues, the writer spent the last funds on it. Soon, the woman became the content of the officer and left Voronezh, infected Koltsov to the farewell of syphilis.


Alexey Koltsov died at the age of Christ in the fall of 1842. The cause of death was the exacerbation of tuberculosis, aggravated by indifference to the family. Father did not give money for treatment, the younger sister of Anice, who was preparing for the wedding, increased the suffering of a patient with smoking incense and noisy running with girlfriends. Meshchansky environment Petravilo Alexei as a trapped beast. Only Mother and Medic Malyshev with participation belonged to the fading writer. The tombstone over the grave in Voronezh Necropolis contains a mistake in the day of the death of Koltsov.

The biography of the poet formed the basis of two artistic films - "Song about Koltsov" (1959) and "at the dawn of foggy youth" (1997). In Voronezh, the Don nugget was installed 2 monuments, and earlier (bust of work A. A. Kyui) - one of the first Russian monuments by writers in general.

Monument to Alexey Koltsov in Voronezh

Interesting fact: both sculptures "nomocated" in the city - the bust was deployed 180 degrees and transferred to several meters deep into the square, and the 10-meter granite monument, performed by I. A. Savichev, 20 years after the installation moved from Soviet Square to the dramatic theater wearing the name of the poet.

Artists (especially countrymen of the verse) continue to create portraits Alexey Vasilyevich. As a rule, the picturesque canvas reproduce the Koltsov dialogue with the "Sun of Russian Poetry" ("Meeting Pushkin with Koltsovsky" G. A. Goncharov; "Pushkin and Koltsov" V. P. Krivoruchko; "Il from Falla Wings are connected" I. E. Lopatina ), Awakening in the young Prasol Poetic inspiration ("Youth of the poet" G. A. Goncharov; "Birth of a song" M. I. Likhacheva), Communication of the self-taught writer with his native nature ("Koltsov in the Don steppes" G. A. Goncharov) .


  • 1829 - "A.P. Srebryansky "
  • 1831 - Song of Pahar
  • 1834 - "Not Shumi You, Rye"
  • 1835 - "Vintage"
  • 1836 - "Prayer"
  • 1836 - "Tomb"
  • 1836 - "Young jicial"
  • 1836 - "Cosar"
  • 1840 - "Separation"
  • 1840 - "Last Kiss"

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