Valery Kukhareshin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, "Witcher", voicing, in youth 2021



Valery Kuhareshin - Petersburg actor theater and cinema, known not only to the audience, but also to listeners. The owner of an excellent voice timbre became famous for no less, if not more, it is like a speaker, a dubbing artist and a storyteller, based on audiobook.

Childhood and youth

Valery Kukhareshin was born in Leningrad on December 7, 1957. Father was an electrician at the Pskov Regional Aerodrome, and the mother worked in the laundry. Together with his wife, Kukhareshin-Sr. moved to the northern capital, where the son was born. Valera since childhood was active and mobile, so often turned out to be in the epicenter of boyish fighting and hooligan stories. He did not show interest in their studies, so he could not work acceleration. The boy was engaged in a music school, but it seemed unsherre, because they had pleasses at that time were fond of sports.

The creative potential of the future artist felt in myself in the 9th grade, when for the first time came to the scene in school. In 1974, the young man from the first attempt came to the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography and turned out to be a student of the famous course. His mentors were Lion Dodin and Arkady Katzman. It was the first stream of students filmed by directors together.

Required and harsh teachers with extensive experience taught the wards of life and creativity lessons. Challenged by the demandingness of teachers, students after release have become multifunctional and versatile artists.

Theater and films

Valery Alexandrovich's creative biography is connected with the youth theater on the fountain. This scene took it immediately after the release from the university. At that time, Vladimir Malyshichitsky was the main director of the theater. Having come to the youth theater in youth and gaining a house in it, Valery Kukhareshin comes out on this scene and now.

After the departure of the Malichesky, the main director took the Efim Padve, and in collaboration with the director Kukhareshin was involved in comedy performances, psychological dramas and even experiments like rock opera. At the important post, Padve changed Semyon Spivak, and Valery was again lucky to work with a talented director as part of the troupe.

The dramatic potential of the actor saw many directors, so he did not refuse to work in other theaters. Kuhareshina was interested in trying himself in new role, working with a different dramaturgical material. Working in other scenes, he perceived not as betraying the native theater, but as an experience and chance to know the actors. Among the famous performances of that period with the participation of the actor - "Turbine Days", "One of the Blevie Brothers", "Lunar Wolves", "Fernando".

Creative Maneru Cuhareshin is distinguished by a deep thinking of character character, justifying his actions with objective causes. He is interested in disclosing the topic of an internal child in adult characters. Creating a psychological image Actor sees the main component of the work on the role.

In addition to the theater, Kukhareshin is in demand in cinema and television. Often a static actor with a proud profile and straight posture offer roles in historical films. The aristocratic appearance of the Contractor dictates its laws, and any image in its embodiment becomes noble and attractive.

Film Valery Alexandrovich began to film from 1983. The actor filmography was made of episodic roles in films and images of secondary characters in the series.

In a touching documentary film about the last period of existence of the "Zoo" group "Bugi-Vui every day", the actor took part with the central character of the plan - the leader of the team Mike Naumenko.

Critics and the public shared acting in cinema and in the theater. Kukhareshin noticed in an interview that there is no such difference for him. Cinema is removed quickly and remains static. The performance is a momentum and changeable process. But work on the role, the briefing of the image remain equally obligatory.

Sounding and audiobooks

Valery Kukhareshin is the owner of a pleasant velvety voice, which presented the opportunity to work on the dubbing of films and sounding audiobook. Among the latter - the Cash Bestseller "Witcher".

The first experience in this direction for the artist was the work in the theater. He was offered to voice overseas actor, and Valery liked this experiment. The acting piggy bank gradually replenished with work on the heroes of Richard Gira, Bruce Willis, Eddie Murphy and other Hollywood celebrities.

The main hero of Bill Murray in the "Surk Day" - Phil Connors - also voiced Valery Alexandrovich.

In the most famous TV series "Dr. House" for 8 seasons and 177 episodes, the main character tells the voice of the famous artist. In the work on the manner created for Kukhareshin there is no restrictions in the form of nationality, singularities of speech and other nuances. It is easily adjusted to the character, and the fact that the heroes of different films speak in one voice, remains invisible for the viewer.

The screening of the comic book "Spiderman" also did not cost without a dubbing in the face of Valery Alexandrovich, like Willem Defo, playing green goblin, is voiced by Cuhareshin. Spectators find similarities in the appearance of the actor with another Western counterpart - Donald Sutherland.

Artist's work over the dubbing cartoons to bear numbers. In addition to Western masterpieces, in his piggy bank, and the Oscar-posterior representative of Japanese animation - "worn by ghosts".

In the Russian paintings, Valery Alexandrovich also falls the ability to read voice-over text. Such a project was for the artist, the series "Gangster Petersburg", in which a noticeable role was given to the owner of another colorful voice - Armen Gigarhahanyan.

Literary works voiced by Cuhareshin are not limited to genres or publication time. In his piggy bank and the "golden key, or the adventures of Pinocchio" and Fantasy Angeya Sapkovsky, including the "baptism of fire". "Hero" Alexander Mazin, like the rest of the books of the Varyazhsky cycle, are told by the listeners with a pleasant voice Valery Alexandrovich.

In 2019, the film "Swans and the Shadow of Petipa" came to the screens. The main role in the documentary film was voiced by Valery Kukhareshin. The famous balletmaster speaks his voice.

Personal life

The life of creative people is filled with a favorite thing. Happy families among artists are rarely found, but Valery Kuhareshin from the number of actors, whose personal life has developed successfully. His first wife became Alexander Yakovlev. Bright beauty, a girlfriend in Ligitmik and in the subsequent actress of the film "Crew", was the star of the institute. She gave the actor daughter Elizabeth and the son of Kondrat. 5 years after marriage, the artists decided to disperse. About the reasons for disorders they do not apply.

The second spouse Valery Alexandrovich also turned out to be an actress. Galina Subbotina, the actress of the theater. Lensovet, already had two children at the time of dating with the future spouse. Kukhareshin adopted them.

Children of creative people often refuse to continue the dynasty. Kondrat tried to learn on cast, but nothing came out of this. Elizabeth did not become an artist, but, having received economic education, settled in the administration of the theater. V. Mayakovsky in Moscow. Maria received an art education, but, having married, went to Canada, and Vladimir is interested in computers and IT-sphere.

Valery Kukhareshin loves animals. In his house, they found the shelter canary, parrot and a gorge, as well as two dogs. The actor has a profile in "Instagram", which occasionally replenished with new photos. He also started a page in Facebook.

Valery Kukhareshin now

Kukhareshin still goes to the sovereign of the native theater and plays in the entrepreneurial performances. The actor always agrees to creative meetings with the public who are arranged within the framework of urban and district events.

In the spring of 2021, Valery Alexandrovich played the veshinin in the production of "three sisters" on the play Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. In the play "Lark", the seeds of Spivak about the Orleans Virgin Kukhareshin reincarnated in the Archbishop. According to the director, this is a work about the purpose of man, how to overcome the impossible impossible to become part of the history of mankind forever.

In the series "Sherlock in Russia", the artist tried the image of Drayzen. Vintage interiors for shooting detective Creators found in the famous St. Petersburg mansion on a large marine, where the decoration of the XIX century has been preserved.


  • 1991 - "Socrates"
  • 2000 - "Romanovs. Venetian family "
  • 2002 - "Killer Diary"
  • 2003 - "Demon Powder"
  • 2005 - "Brezhnev"
  • 2005 - "Favorit"
  • 2006 - "Sonya Golden Handle"
  • 2007 - "Conspiracy"
  • 2009 - "Palm Sunday"
  • 2009 - "Burry me for the plinth"
  • 2014 - "Poddubny"
  • 2017 - "Excellent"
  • 2019 - "There are nuances"
  • 2019 - "Green van. A completely different story. "
  • 2020 - "For the first oncoming"
  • 2020 - "Sherlock in Russia"

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