Deborah Ann Wall - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



American actress Deborah Ann Wall played in dozens of popular films. Since 2015, the celebrity was filmed in the "Sorvigolone", and since then, since then, her heroine Karen Page has become part of the film marvel, appearing in adjacent projects. Deborah annually participates in several shooting, it is mostly episodes of the series, and loud roles in the full-length movie is still ahead.

Childhood and youth

The ancestors of the actress arrived in the USA from Europe, German and Irish blood flowing in the veins. She was born in New York in 1985, and her childhood was held in Brooklyn. By the sign of the zodiac Wall - Aquarius. The future actress was brought up in an intelligent family: his father served as an architect, and Mom taught literature.

Love for drama from an early age suggested Debora, that hypocrisy is her vocation. From the age of 14, the girl visited acting courses, took the lessons of dance and playing the piano in parallel with the study in the older school Brooklyn Heights.

Having received a certificate, the girl moved to the West and professional education received in the theater school of Southern California, which he graduated from the degree of bachelor's degree. The desire to learn and improve led the actress to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, where she passed an intensive course.


The creative biography of Deborah began in 2007 with the appearance in the film "Life" and continued on the set of the cult American series "Ambulance". Since then, the girl gets small roles in such major projects as "law and order", "My name is Earl," C.S.I.: The crime scene ", but these works can hardly be called noticeable.

However, soon the novice actress hits listening to the new TV series "Real Blood" and receives an invitation to play Jessica Hambi - the red-haired high school student, which he drew into the vampire.

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In the books of Charlin Harris, according to which "real blood" was put, there was no such character, but this did not prevent the fact that from all the heroes of the second plan Jessica caused the greatest interest in the audience. Deborah had to play a complex character. Of difficult childhood, in which Puritan education was aggravated by family violence, resulted in the riot. They began to live a young convert vampire. And the romantic line of the immortal blood purity with an ordinary person even more attracted an audience.

After the success of the TV series, the girl began to enter the shooting offers in the full-length movie. While this roles of a minor plan in the films "Mother's Day", "Little Killer", "Seven Days in Utopia" and others. The series also continue to fade in filmography, among them "Mentalist", where Wall plays Carrie Shhahan in the episode "Red Brick and Ivy" of the 1st season.

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In 2015, the actress starts shooting in the "Sorvigolone" - the filmmaker of the Marvel comic about a blind attorney-avenger. In the criminal drama about Matt Merdock Deborah plays the secretary of Karen Page and is responsible for the romantic line of superhero. Wall Pecked Character to Marvel TV Series-crossovers from Netflix - "Defenders" and "Puncher".

On the account of the artist only one main role in the full meter, this is a job in the Drama "Forever" (2015), where a woman is reincarnated into the heroine, broken loss of a loved one. The partner in the site and the on-screen beloved was Luke Gheims, with whom the performer met on the filming of the "real blood".

Personal life

With his beloved man, Deborah met through the dating site even before the fame came to her. Edward J. Scott builds a comedian career. Couple together for many years, and their lucky personal life is based on mutual understanding and trust. However, no problems do not cost: the fact is that the man suffers from the hereditary eye disease. As a result, Edward's Horoodemia gradually loses sight and, by disappointing forecasts, it has chances to finally be blind.

In an interview, a woman admits that difficulties make a relationship only stronger. Fame did not turn her head, she remained a devotee and loving her friend. In addition, the actress uses celebrity status to attract the public attention to the problem with which her guy and thousands of other people have to live. Deborah herself suffers from celiac disease - intolerance to products containing gluten.

In December 2018, the lovers celebrated the 11-year anniversary of relations and became her husband and wife, but still call each other a guy and a girl. Wall does not want "Mrs." to appeal to it. A couple have no children yet, three big dogs live in their home.

Deborah Ann Wall now

Deborah now continues to be filmed in popular projects. From January 2019, on the NetFlix platform, the 2nd season of the "punisher" series was laid out, where the actress was shot. In the same year, a psychological thriller "Claustophele" was released on the screens, where Wall played Amanda Harper. The film about the game for survival, when a group of people need to go through a terrible quest, gathered a solid cashier around the world, including in Russia.

The actress announces new projects in the Instagram account, where the number of subscribers is calculated by hundreds of thousands. Here fans can see photos of lovers without makeup and in evening outfits, on the carpet of solemn ceremonies and at home. A woman does not consider it necessary to lay out pictures in a swimsuit, although it has an impressive figure: with 178 cm height, its weight is 59 kg.


  • 2007 - "Life"
  • 2008 - "Ambulance"
  • 2008 - "Mentalist"
  • 2008-2014 - "Real Blood"
  • 2009 - "Law and Order"
  • 2011 - "Little Killer"
  • 2012 - "Ruby Sparks"
  • 2015 - "Forever"
  • 2015-2018 - "Sorvigolov"
  • 2017 - "Defenders"
  • 2017-2019 - "Puncher"

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