Alesha Peshkov - biography, appearance, fate and character, heroes, quotes, photos


Character History

The main character of the autobiographical lead to Maxim Gorky "Childhood". A boy with a challenging fate, which had a lot of misfortunes, poverty and violence after the death of the Father.

History of creation

Maksim Gorky

The essay, from which the story "Childhood" later grew, was called "Grandmother of Akulin" and was published in the Samara Gazeta in 1895. Work on the story, nevertheless, was delayed, and graduated from the bitter text only in December 1913 in Italy.

The story "Childhood" in 1938 was based on the biographical film "Childhood of Gorky", which was released at the studio "Soyuzden Film". The director of the tape was Mark Donskoy, and the role of Alesh Peshkov was performed by actor Alexey Liar.

Alexey Liarsky as Alexey Peshkova

Literary critics believe that the "autobiographical" trilogy of Gorky "Childhood", "in people" and "My Universities" consider a reliable description of the life of the writer in early years it is impossible. These are not artistic texts, and real events are largely distorted by the imagination of Gorky. The context affected these stories, the fact that the texts were created in the revolutionary era, taking into account new circumstances and requests of society.

Gorky mythologized the history of the family of pussy and cascore, and the main character - Alyosha Peshkov - is not always identified actually with bitter. In addition to characters and events that have a real basis and are based on the memories of Gorky about childhood, in the text there are many fictional episodes and heroes. It is impossible to consider the story in the literal sense of the writer's biography.

Monument to Alesh Peshkov

In Nizhny Novgorod in the yard of the Museum of Childhood Maxim Gorky in 1957, a monument to Aleche Peshkov was delivered, which depicts the writer himself as a child with a book in his hands.

Tale "Childhood"

The name of the main character of the story "Childhood" coincides with the current name of Maxim Gorky - Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. Alyosha has a fragile appearance - long height at a thin and light figure, a smoky nose, noticeable cheekbones. At the same time, the hero of the deft and strong for his own years.

Alyosha Peshkov is easy to study, quickly develops reading and arithmetic, but cannot tolerate a letter and badly understands grammar. The hero has a tenacious memory and stubborn character.

Alyosha Peshkov - Illustration

Parents of Alyosha are originally living in Nizhny Novgorod, in the Flegene, surrounded by the garden. The hero is born there. Then the little Alyosha with his family moves to Astrakhan. The early life of the hero is filled with carelessness and happiness. The boy rarely happens to cry, physical punishments do not apply to Alyasha. Life with parents remains a bright spot in the memory of the hero.

The father of the hero is one of the few positive images in the story, a merry and kind man. However, he dies early, sick cholera. Following the Father, Alyosha's newborn brother is dying. After that, the mother and grandmother of the hero together with the boy return to Nizhny Novgorod.

There, Alesha Peshkov lives in the mother's family - in the house of Kashirini, where the hostile atmosphere reigns, and people hate each other. Relatives are constantly quarreling and even fighting. Alesha suffered unusual to such an atmosphere suffers, but trying to hide this condition, getting involved in fights with boys on the street and mischievous. The hero is often returning home with a colored nose.

Portrait of Alesh Peshkova

Grandfather Alyoshi is a dry old man, an aggressive man, prone to domestic violence, owner of a beautiful workshop. The grandfather beats the heroes of Rogging and once scores the boy to an unconscious state, so he spends the hero for some days, pain. Violence made Alyosha unusually touchy and sensitive to pain. As the hero grows up and becomes stronger, the grandfather is even less raising his hand on him, having come down swearing. The hero himself begins to break the Bates of the grandfather often.

Alyosha's mother throws her son to the merry of his grandfather and is absolutely not interested in the upbringing of the hero. The house also live Uncle Alyosha - adult men with families. Those are not too glad to appear sisters with a child. Uncle Aleshi - Nikudushny hosts, and at the same time have long been dreaming to divide family property and disperse. However, grandfather, providing that it will not end with nothing good, does not give the topic inheritance. The only "positive" person in the house is a grandmother, which indulges and protects Alyosha.

Frame from the film

The house also lives the adoptive son of Ivan Gypsies, to whom the grandfather constantly threatens to write the economy than annoying sons. Gypsies - a reliable young worker with an independent character, master in his business, and this like her grandfather Hero. Alyosha meets the Gypsy and quickly with the more converge, but soon the Gypsies dies, addressed a huge heavy cross, who endured the hero with uncle. Uncle of this death was unusually rejoiced.

Life in the grandfather family, in the house of Kashirini, glooming, heavy and dreamed, because of what the hero from time to time torment the attacks of depression, when Alyosha "lived, as in the deep pit ... blind and semi-limit." Conduct with the atmosphere of the hero help reflections on God. The religious feeling was the only light and inspiring feeling in the Hero's life, while real life with cruelty and mud only excited in Alya aleach and insult.

The main characters of the story

With the age of Alyosha, the grandfather is completely ceased to fear and "fights away from the hands." The mother gives a hero to school, where he learns to be worn, but still turns out to be a threat of deductions due to hooligan behavior. Despite the indifference to study, the hero loves the book. One day, Alyoshen buys the Mother of Mother Alessen, who read the tales of Andersen, who read with pleasure. However, mother beats the hero and takes the books.

In the end, the Santa's beautiful workshop still moves uncle, and Alyosha with his grandmother and grandmother moves to a new home. In a new place at the Hero, new buddies appear, among which - a paralyzed boy Lenka. The guys take out of the house on the trolley, which was specially built for this.

Mother, meanwhile, married the second time, and Alyosha becomes a witness to how the stepfather hits a woman's legs. Later, the hero, together with his grandmother, juts in the kitchen, while mother with a new husband live in two rooms.

Alyosha Peshkov and Grandma

The life of Alyoshi and grandmother financially provides grandfather, but things are going badly. After the section of the workshop and banking collapse, the old man is deprived of funds. The grandfather sells good, htorated for many years, but this money is missing for life. In the end, Grandfather Alyosha flows into need and turns into a beggar, which is interrupted by random alms.

After the grandfather is ruined, both the hero himself, and the grandmother has to look for work to survive. In the morning, the boy with a bag bypass the courtyards, collecting paper, rags, nails and beef bones, and then sells the collected waste paper and rags with dummy on dummy. This "part-time job" brought tiny, so Alyosha began to steal firewood in forest warehouses.

The hero becomes a street boy and turns buddies among other such overannants. Such life is much more like Alese than life in the family. On the street, the hero felt independent and tested sympathy for comrades who constantly wanted to "do something good." The boys lived together and did not swear with each other. In the family, the hero feels loneliness, discontent, anger and calls what is happening at home "lifeless nonsense."

Alyosha Peshkov (Frame from the movie

Having finished the second class, the hero throws school and returns to street life and work. Meanwhile, Alesh's mother died because of a consumers, and after a couple of days after the funeral, the grandfather drove the hero from the house. So Alyosha went to people - began to live independently.

The only significant person in the family for Alyosha Peshkova became a grandmother - a kind and restless old woman named Akulin, which remained the best friend of the hero throughout his life. As a child, the hero recognized the mountain, but in many respects thanks to Grandma was able to preserve a good heart.


"We have a lot of rules, and there is no truth." "Living, the washing rainbow of those feelings that are referred to as love, faded in my soul, increasingly broke out the carbon monoxide lights of anger on everything, tolere in the heart a feeling of serious discontent, the consciousness of loneliness in this gray , lifeless nonsense. "" The grandfather's house was filled with a hot fog of mutual hostility of all with everyone. "" - Little always beat? - I asked I.Babushka calmly answered: "Always". "It was nice that she was not like anyone, but sad that she says a little, and if not to ask her, so she is completely silent." "Long later I understood that Russian people on poverty and the scarcity of their life, generally love to amuse the grief, play them as children, and rarely shame to be unhappy "

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