Antipych ("Storeroom Sun") - biography, image and characteristics, main characters, quotes, photos


Character History

Mikhail Svtain is a Soviet writer who chased the nature of his native country. The works of the writer are permeated with love for flora and fauna, to the native edge. The story "Storeroom Sun" reality is combined with a fairy tale, and a folklore description of nature is adjacent to the description of the life of the post-war period.

History of creation

Writer Mikhail Svtain

In the "storeroom sun" the fiction and yawls are intertwined. This is obvious at the level of language, vocabulary and plot. Heroes are saved from imminent death with nature. Readers have no reason to not believe the logic of events, because this happens in life. But fabulous leitmotifs refer to the presentation of epics and legends.

The main heroes of the works were Sirots Nastya and Mitra, an old antipych hunter and a dog grass. Nature here becomes an independent hero, capable of helping other characters when the need arises. The author describes the reaction of the surrounding world to what is happening in the relationships of children. When Nastya and Mitra died, quarreling, in different directions, the branches of the trees walked over their heads and departed the sunlight. Played a hurricane wind. All swamp over and stored, surviving the conflict guys and foreshadowed possible tests.

Nastya and Mitrash

The image of Antipycha resembles a description of fabulous heroes, wise elders who speak riddles. The hero keeps the mystery of nature, hears her voice and easily finds mutual understanding with herb. Dying, the hunter trusts a faithful friend the main secret of human existence: it is necessary to live in harmony with nature. Mutual love with all alive helps to gain assistance in difficult situations. Saving Mitrah in the swamp, the grass acquires a new owner and transfers all the love, intended for Antipych, on the "Little Men."

"Storeroom Sun"

All information about anti-type is provided by the author in the format of the biography and the history of the life of the hunter in the forest. The reader does not find the hero alive. He was too old, and no one knew the accurate age of the old man. The narrator remembers this character alive and describes as a good and intelligent person who can come to revenue. Like other heroes of the work, Antipych walked in harm. The man was trampled by hunting and the holidays of firewood.

Antipych (illustration to the story

The hunter's vesthouse was the Old Domishko, where local hunters were often cane and just familiar to get advice and listen to interesting stories. A disinterested old man helped, as he could. He did not have the farm. It seems that anti-the hero is out of time, and his house became a shelter for everyone who needs support. Wise councils were accompanied by proverbs and sayings, which became clear to listeners after time.

Antipycha - its truth. The hero believed that the actions of a person should be disinterested. On this covenant, he lived, responding to the requests of people and existing in harmony with nature. He is the coast around the world and treated him with gifts that allowed to survive in a wild forest, without needing. The wise hunter tried to convey his truth to others.

Dog grass from story

The grass was a faithful antipycha satellite. She lived with an old man in the forest, hunted and almost wild. The dog became the best friend of the hero, and these characters lived for each other. After the death of the hero, herbal scary for the owner after all her life took place next to him.

The logic of the Privain is that everyone must comprehend the truth independently, through certain experience and testing, actions and errors. The truth determines the motivation of man. Antipych promotes love that cannot be lost in harsh tests. In trying to survive a person should not become an embittered beast. His main goal is to preserve the pure and correct, which is laid by nature.

Illustration for story

"Storeroom Sun" was open to the hunter, because he intelligently ordered her treasures and did not take more than it was necessary for life.

The main goal of the Hero's life was to love nature and merge with her together. Bereraby the world around me meant to love my homeland.


There is little quotes in the work that could characterize the heroes expanded. Privain creates images, drawing them by common lexical strokes. The fabulous character of the character is viewed in speech revolutions used by the author.

"... And the old man, I think, myself forgot how old he was, everything lived, he lived in his forest guard, and it seemed - he would never die," the age of Anti Peak describes this.

This is a sage whose death seems impossible and unpredictable event. She becomes big grief for dog grass:

"... already two years have passed, as the terrible misfortune happened in the life of the grass: died by her forester, the old antipych hunter ..."

The dog was saved from the death of the flair and the fact that she spent all his life under the wing of a skillful hunter and herself could find food.

The death of the hero becomes sadness and for nature. She seems to respond to his death loudly, foreshadowing scary battles:

"... And the antiych died. Soon after that, the Great Patriotic War began ... "

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