Peter Zhukov - Biography, Photo, Career, Personal Life, News 2021



Peter Alexandrovich Zhukov is a famous entrepreneur, in the past, a successful investment banker. In 2011, founded Indigo Capital Partners, which is engaged in investments in promising small and medium-sized business projects. In 2012, created Endemic Capital. Its activities are focused on supporting startups.


Zhukov Peter Alexandrovich was born on September 2, 1982 in Moscow. A graduate of the Faculty of Law in NiU "Higher School of Economics" in 2004 received a diploma diploma. Candidate of Economic Sciences - in 2008 graduated from graduate school RGSU.

Peter Zhukov

In 2017-2019, Zhukov was trained in several foreign programs for managers and business owners. In particular, he studied at Harvard Business School (HBSOPM) and in Singularity University, as well as a member of the International Organization of Young Presidents Organization (YPO).


Peter Zhukov more than 8 years old worked with success in the investment banking sector. He began his career in 2003 by analytics in Brunswick Capital.

In 2004, he moved to the Moscow department of UBS, where as a project manager participated in the preparation of M & A transactions for the Udmurtneft and the Baikal brewing company, as well as in preparation for the placement of Sberbank Eurobonds and VimpelCom.

Peter Zhukov (photo from the personal archive of Peter Zhukov)

In 2006-2007, he worked as a project manager at UBS Investment Bank in London. Among Zhukov's clients during this period were the largest companies from the sector of the heavy industry, mining and chemical, manufacturers of consumer goods and building materials.

In 2007, Zhukov was appointed vice president of the Moscow branch of Credit Suisse Investment Bank. Under his leadership, Investbank worked on large projects for the LSR development team, Sheremetyevo Airport, First Quantum and others.

Business activities

A new stage in the life of Peter Zhukov began in 2011, when he created an investment company Indigo Capital Partners. She specializes in direct investment in the IT sector, the production of consumer goods and private medicine.

Endemic Capital, founded by Zhukov in 2012, is engaged in supporting business projects at the initial stage of development.

Peter Zhukov today is a co-founder and investor of a number of Russian companies: the fitness club "Section", online platforms for small and medium-sized businesses "Tenders", the manufacturer of the manufacturer of beverages under the brand "B. True" and others. According to Peter Zhukov, his main business investment in startups and mature companies.

"If we talk about startups, the investor invests money, of course, in people," belongs to Zhukov. - Ideas, hypotheses can be erroneous and demanding refinement, and only a talented team is capable of it. Therefore, people are always above ideas. "

Personal life

Peter Zhukov is married. His spouse Tatiana is interested in sports and manages the fitness club "Section".

Peter Alexandrovich Zhukov with his wife

Useful Tips Peter Zhukov

Peter Zhukov participates in business forums for entrepreneurs. In 2018, he was a speaker on a business show F ** K Up Show of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, where he told about management mistakes, which he calls "a fee for experience and education." According to Zhukov:

"Do not cry too much about the money lost in the business invested in the product, which turned out to be failed, because the history of the investor is the story of" Fakapov and the responsible money. "
Speech by Peter Zhukov on reforum

The entrepreneur advises to carefully choose business partners and refuse to cooperate immediately, at the initial stage, as soon as the feeling of misunderstanding arose. In order to avoid failures, Peter recommends investing money in understandable industries, evaluate the quality of the products of which the investor is in a state, and not be guided by intuition. To understand the prospects for the project, the investor considers it important to use a rational approach:

"It is extremely rarely able to stumble upon oil, even if you continue to dig. But this exception proves the rule that it should not be done. The numbers are very stubborn and good thing. Draw yourself a certain plan and determine what feature you are willing to go. Then much easier will make decisions. "
Fight Shackoks with Peter Zhukov

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