Patrick Melrose (Character) - Photo, Biography, TV series, Benedict Cumberbatch, actors


Character History

Patrick Melrose is the protagonist of the book of British writer Edward Saint-Oba, as well as the eponymous series of these novels. A witty playboy of aristocratic origin with a tendency to drug addiction and alcoholism. The hero overcomes the complexes across in childhood and as a result comes to healing.

History of character creation

The premiere of the mini-series "Patrick Melroz" took place on May 12, 2018. The series was released by the American showtime cable TV channel and removed the director Edward Berger according to the scenario of David Nichols. The scenario is based on the novels of the British writer and the bucker nominee Edward Saint-Oba.

The prototype of Patrick Melrose was the Edward Saint-Obnee himself. British writer's novels are semi-friendly character. The series came out five books, which were written and published in the interval between 1992 and 2012. The Saint-ubey family belonged to the cream of the British society, however, the situation in the house where the writer grew was unhealthy.

The author of the cycle was given a novel with a characteristic British humor. Quotes and behavior of the main character cause laughter. But further acquaintance with the plot turns out the current opinion on the first pages. Reviews readers are talking about being very scary to be a Patrick Melrose. A tragic story makes think about many things, including to look at a different angle on those people who deliberately destroy their lives.

Biography and image of Patrick Melrose

The roots of the complex nature of the British aristocrat of Patrick Melrose go to childhood. The hero was raised by the hero in the family from his father, and his mother silently felt this bullying.

Traumatic experience leads to the fact that adult Patrick solves personal problems with alcohol and drugs, inclined to suicidal behavior, adventures and narcissism. The hero is trying to tie with self-destruction and to heal a normal life and, ultimately, succeeds in this.

The topic is indicated serious, but there is a lot of humor in the series, which dilutes the drama. The hero itself is shown ironic and witty heart, a typical British dandy from the highest society, a lover of classic coats and scarves in a cage.

A detailed description of the biography of the character is revealed in the first series of the film. Patrick remembers the terrible scenes from childhood, re-experiencing emotions of powerlessness and resentment. Melrose decides to refuse a detrimental addiction, and it almost succeeds.

In 2003, the hero leads a healthy lifestyle. Patrick will acquire a family, he has two sons and the wife of Mary. But the calm turned out to be short. His mother, Eleanora, a stroke occurs, and the Melrose family decides to visit the sick woman. The news that the mother rewrote the generic estate by a charitable foundation is another blow to Patrick.

He does not withstand such news and begins to drink. After a long attempt to bring a spouse to Mary's feeling parting with him. In the last series of the film at the main character begins white hot. Because of this, it is placed in a rehabilitation center, where he begins to understand where his life rolls.

A sudden illusion helps the former drug addiction to realize that he has a goal for which it is worth changing his fate, his children. Using the error and taking finally their past, Patrick voluntarily returns to the center after escape and focuses on treatment.

Patrick Melrow in the series

Each episode of the series lasts an hour, and during this time there is a few days from the life of the hero. At the same time, the chronology of events in the series is violated. The first episode was published on the second book of St. Obane called "Bad News". This is probably done in order to introduce an adult header in the plot of the main character at once. The prehistory of Patrick Melrose and episodes from childhood are shown in the following series.

The main role in the series was played by British actor Benedict Cumberbatch, famous to the audience on Sherlock Holmes in the series "Sherlock". In Russian, Alexander Golovansky voiced the role. Interesting fact - information that Cumberbatch will play Patrick Melrose, appeared in the fall of 2013. The actor himself stated that I would like to play this character. Most likely, at that time Cumberbatch had already led some negotiations on participation in the future project.

In 2014, the actor again mentions the novels of St. David and the future film release of the director David Nichols, this time hinting that he wants to participate in the project and the rights of producer. In the same year it comes out in Times, where it is about Saint Abunce. The name Benedict Cumberbet is mentioned there in connection with the future series. Parents of the main character played Actors Hugo Wiving and Jennifer Jason.

Spectators celebrated the antines of the tragic series in the drama genre - bright details, juicy paints and delightful music. She, as if some spoiler, helps to predict both the condition of heroes and some events.

Photo from the filming of the second season, like me and other information about the continuation of the series, - fake. Probably fans hope to see the Happ-end History of a deeply unfortunate person. However, there are no official statements from the creators of the film about such plans.

Interesting Facts

  • Literary critics compare the novels of the Obaube with the works of another British writer - Ivlin in. Both writers create a rigid satire to the Higher Society of Britain.
  • The tragedy of the film is that the story of the hero is real. Edward Saint-Obnes also survived the violence of the Father as a child.
  • The appearance and the image of the main heroes of the series corresponds to the British aristocracy of the 60s.


A person can go crazy due to the fact that he is experiencing emotion, which he must suppress. The situation is an important thing, especially when you forgive you. And still love is at the same time and hope that someone gluits your broken heart, And the inevitable disappointment. The sun's sun. And what else should he do?


  • 1992 - "Nothing terrible"
  • 1992 - "Bad news"
  • 1994 - "Robing Hope"
  • 2005 - Mother Milk
  • 2012 - "Summing up"


  • 2018 - Patrick Melrose

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