Ivan Bullery - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Football 2021



Before the next qualifying matches of the European football tournament - 2020, scheduled for June 2019, coach Stanislav Salamovich Cherchesov decided to rejuvenate the composition of the Russian national team and attracted new players who have proven themselves in the last season of the country's national championship. Several athletes were claimed to get into the foundation, among which experts preferred a graduate of the Zenit School, the current midfielder of CSKA Ivan Bullyakov.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Sergeevich Oblyakov was born on July 5, 1998 in the village of Vindin Island, located in the Volkhovsky district of the Leningrad region. Sergey's father, the former football enthusiast, always dreamed that his own team was in his homeland, and with the help of fellow villagers organized training and competitions on a school garden purified from plants.

After infecting the passion for the parent, Vanya joined the non-professional and in the summer morning he drove the ball with other children from neighboring streets. In winter, the workout continued at home, and the mother of Nina and his sister Margarita still remember how men's half of the family, yielding to Gaming Azart, crossed the furniture in the living room with a miraculous surviving windows and a TV.

Another activity was viewing football matches of the Russian championship and the analysis of the most interesting heads, combinations and programs. It helped the boy to figure out the theory and gave rise to a desire in the near future to become a player.

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Father supported Ivan and went to St. Petersburg to organize a view in the famous Zenit school. The wife stayed at home in anticipation of good or bad news. When it became known that the Son was enrolled in a sports school, which occupied the preparation of young football players, the biography of the family was cool changed.

Blinds threw work in the village and moved to the northern capital, and the 9-year-old Ivan began to train under the guidance of the mentor Viktor Vsevolodovich Vinogradov. Football field in the village of Valindin Island is not left without hosts, and now there is a children's and adult team "Fortune", and a physical cultural complex is built near 200-300 people.


During his studies in the sports school-youth school of the Olympic reserve belonging to the St. Petersburg football club "Zenit", Ivan, which has reached 175 cm growth at 74 kg weighing, coaches were determined in the midfield. In this role, the guy began to participate in local tournaments, working out his own player of the game.

In 2016, after speaking at international competitions dedicated to the memory of the first vice-president of FIFA Valentina Alexandrovich Granatkin, 18-year-old football players noticed and offered a place in the Moscow teams "Lokomotiv" and CSKA. However, blossoms, while in the reserve of the duplicating composition of Zenit, waited for a contract with the main Petersburg team and did not consider the prospects to start a professional career in the capital.

Ivan was not familiar with the club policy, according to which the leadership was easier to buy an expensive experienced player than to invest in the education of young people. As a result, despite all the successes and achievements, the talented young man did not receive a long-awaited contract and was forced to start independent search for a suitable team.

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After several months of training in the Moscow Dynamo, Slischkov signed a contract with Bashkir Ufa under the leadership of Viktor Goncharenko and in July 2016 first entered the field in the official match of the Russian Premier League.

Then the young football player played under the top of the famous champion of Russia Sergey Simak and in the 2017/2018 season brought the team 6th place in the National Championship. This allowed us to go to the qualifying round of the Europa League and hold a brilliant match against the Luxembourg "progress" before the Tribunum of the home stadium "Oilman".

Having taught the position of the midfielder, Ivan on a par with forwards participated in the attack, and at the 64th minute, thanks to a goal scored left working foot, the match ended with a score of 2: 1 in favor of Ufimtsev.

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Such a result helped the Bashkir club to get into a series of playoffs and show a good game with the hard middle of Scotland championship. Having lighted the first meeting on a visit, the coaches of "Ufa" made a permutation in the composition, and until the 52nd minute of bluings remained on the bench. He was talking about, because at that moment the new mentor CSKA Viktor Goncharenko solved the issue of the transition of the former ward to the midfielder of the Moscow Club.

After the draw of the result and departure from the Juroccov draw, the head of Ufa, Shamil Gazizov, let go of Ivan, and the next morning the young footballer arrived at the CSKA training base. On the same day, in the evening match with the "Ural", the midfielder, who received a T-shirt with Number 98 replaced the member of the Russian national team Ilzat Akhmetov, but due to a lack of time did not receive an assessment for his debut game.

Despite the efforts made, the blossom did not manage to open an account with personal achievements, but the leadership believed in a young player and entrusted him in the qualifying round of the Champions League. In a response duel with the Italian "Roma", the midfielder fell into the starting lineup of the Moscow Club and for 90 minutes I tried to create sharp moments at the opponent's gate.

After the match, it turned out that Ivan received a fracture of the right hand in the brush area and because of the injury will miss the principled game of the Russian Championship against St. Petersburg "Zenith".

Finally recovered to the spring part of the Premier League draw, bullies with new forces rushed into the fight. This time, good luck smiled at the midfielder, and in the game with rivals from the Orenburg team, he from a standard position scored almost from the center of the phenomenal goal. As a result, CSKA completed the season 2018/2019 at the 4th place and got the opportunity to participate in leading European tournaments.

Personal life

Ivan Slyakov does not like to talk about his own achievements and in the interview persistently bypassing questions relating to personal life. He believes that before you have a family, you need to firmly stand up and get a decent salary.

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His girl named Natasha, adheres to the same opinion and does not hurry a football player with a wedding. In conversations with journalists, she gladly tells how after acquaintance in the classroom in St. Petersburg school, friendly relations, tied on the basis of common hobbies of sports, turned into tender attachment and love.

Now Ivan and Natalia live in different cities of Russia, but this is not an obstacle for the present feeling. Judging by the photo published in Instagram, young people often come to visit each other and spend time traveling around the neighboring attractions and nearby settlements.

Ivan Bullery now

On the eve of the new stage of team selection to participate in EURO-2020, Ivan Slaughter was summoned to the location of the Russian national team.

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The player fell into the advanced composition of the national team as a midfielder who could replace Anton Mirachuk and his brother Alexey in matches with rivals from San Marino and Cyprus.

Stanislav Cherchesov has not yet decided how much time a young player will hold on the field, and does not exclude the possibility that it will be 2 matches for 90 minutes.

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