Max Planck - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Physics



The full name of the German scientist is Max Carl Ernst Ludwig Planck. For many years in a row, he was one of the leaders of the German scientific community. He owns the opening of a quantum hypothesis. The physicist studied the thermodynamics, the theory of quanta and thermal radiation. The work of the scientist makes it the founder of quantum physics. One of the few who dared to defend the Jews during the Nazism in Germany. Until the end of the days, remained faithful science and did it until Health was allowed.

Childhood and youth

Max Planck appeared on April 23, 1858 in the city of Kiel. His ancestors were from the old nobility. His grandfather (Gottlieb Jakob Planck) taught theology at the University of Göttingen.

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Max Wilhelm Planque Father is a lawyer and a professor of law at the University of Kiel. He was married twice. Two children appeared in the first marriage. The second time he married Mother Max Emma Pettsig, in marriage with which five children were born. She was from the pastoral family and to a meeting with Wilhelm, the plank lived in the city of Greifswald.

Up to 10 years, Max lived in Kiel. In 1867, his father receives an invitation to a professorship at the University of Munich, and the family moves to the capital of Bavaria. Here the boy is given to Maximilian gymnasium, where he is listed in the ranks of the best students of the class.

A great influence on the young Planck provides teacher of mathematics Herman Muller. He will learn from him for the first time what is the law of energy conservation. Max shows brilliant mathematical data. Classes in the gymnasium secured in it interest in science, in particular to the study of the laws of nature.

Max Planck in childhood

Another children's passion for the plank was music. He sang in the choir of boys, played several tools and worked a lot over a piano. At one time he studied the theory of music and even tried to compose, but it came to the conclusion that the composer would not work out. By graduation, the plank has already formed its addiction.

In his youth, he wanted to devote himself to music, becoming a pianist. He dreamed of engaging philology, showed great interest in physics and mathematics. As a result, Max chose accurate science and entered the University of Munich. Being a student, does not leave music. He could be seen musitizing on the organ in the student church. He led a small chorus and conducted by the orchestra.

Father advises Max to turn to Professor Philippe von Zholly to help him immerse themselves in the study of theoretical physics. The professor persuaded the student to refuse this idea, as, in his opinion, this science is close to completion. According to him, there are no new discoveries already to wait, the main research is made.

Max Planck in youth

However, the placker does not give up. He does not need discoveries, he wants to figure out the basics of physical theory and would like to deepen them if possible. The student begins to attend lectures on the experimental physics of Wilhelm von Betz. Together with Professor Philip, the von Zholly conducts a study on the permeability of the heated platinum for hydrogen. Max can be seen in classrooms in the audiences of professors - mathematicians Ludwig Zeidel and Gustav Bauer.

After acquaintance with the famous physicist, Hermann Helmholz, the planke is leaving to receive education in Berlin University. He visits the lecture mathematics Karl Weierstrass. He studies the work of the professors of Helmholts and Gustav Kigoff, which takes for themselves for a sample to imitate on the skill of the complication of complex material. After familiarization with the works of Rudolph Clazius on the theory of warmth, it chooses a new direction for research - thermodynamics.

The science

In 1879, the plank receives a degree of doctor after defending the thesis on the second principle of thermodynamics. In his work, the physicist proves that with a self-sustaining process, heat is not transferred from the cold body to a warmer. Next year, he writes another work on thermodynamics and receives the post of Junior Assistant at the Physics Faculty at the University of Munich.Embed from getty images

In 1885, the placker becomes an adjunct professor at the University of Kiel. His studies have already begun to bring him dividends in the form of international recognition. After 3 years, the scientist is invited to the University of Berlin, where he is also in the position of Adjunct Professor. Together with this receives the post of director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics. In 1892, Max Planck becomes a valid professor.

After 4 years, the scientist begins to engage in thermal radiation research. On the theory of the plane, electromagnetic radiation cannot be continuous. It goes with individual quanta, the magnitude of which depends on the radiated frequency. Max Planck removes the energy distribution formula in the absolute black body spectrum.

In December 1900, the physicist at the meeting of the Berlin Academy of Science reports about his opening and gives rise to a new direction - quantum theory. Already next year, based on the formula of the Plank, the value of the Boltzmann's constant is calculated. The bar is managed to obtain a constant avogadro - the number of atoms in one mall, and the scientist sets the charge value of an electron with a high degree of accuracy.

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Albert Einstein subsequently contributed to strengthening quantum theory.

In 1919, the scientist Max Plank receives the Nobel Prize of 1918 for the opening of the energy quanta and the development of physics.

In 1928, he resigns, but continues to cooperate with the company of fundamental sciences Kaiser Wilhelm. After 2 years, the Nobel laureate becomes his president.

Religion and philosophy

Max plan was brought up in the Lutheran spirit, and for him always in the first place was the values ​​of religion. Every time he uttered a prayer for lunch. It is known that since 1920 and until the end of the life served as a presbyter.

The scientist was against the unification of science and religion. Under his criticism, astrology, theosophy, spiritualism and other fashion directions came across. At the same time, he believed that science and religion were equal in their significance.

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His lecture "Religion and Natural Science" from 1937 was popular, which was reflected in its repeated publications subsequently. The text has become a reflection of events in the country, which was under the authority of the fascists.

Plank never calls the name of Christ and is forced to constantly refute rumors about the change of their faith. The scientist emphasized that he did not believe in the personal God, but it remains religious.

Personal life

For the first time, Max Plank married the childhood friend Mary Merk in 1885. Four children were born in marriage: two sons and twin daughters. He loved his family, was a caring husband and father. In 1909, his wife dies. After 2 years, the scientist is trying to arrange his personal life for the second time and makes the proposal to the niece Marge von Heslin. A woman gives Max a bar of another son.

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In the biography of the scientist there comes a black strip. The eldest son dies in the First World War, in 1916, and daughters die in childbirth in 1917 and 1918. The second son from the first marriage was executed in early 1945 for participating in a conspiracy against Hitler, despite the petition of the famous father.

Nazis knew about Max Planck's views. During his visit to Hitler, when the physicist headed the Society of Fundamental Sciences Kaiser Wilhelm, he turned to him not to persecute the Jewish scholars. Hitler angry with him in his face expressed everything he thinks about the Jewish nation. After that, the planke kept silence and tried to be restrained in his thoughts.

In winter, 1944, after the aviation of the army of the Allies, the house of the scientist completely burned down. In the fire destroyed manuscripts, diaries, books. He moves to a friend Carl Still to Roghets under Magdeburg.

Monument to Max Plak.

In 1945, during a lecture in Kassel, the professor almost dies under bombs. In April, the temporary house of the spouses of the plank was also destroyed under aircraft. The scientist and wife go to the forest, then live by the milk. The health of the plank has worsened - the arthritis of the spine was aggravated, and he walked with great difficulty.

At the request of Professor Robert Fields, the American military departs for the Nobel laureate and take it into safe hetgetingen. For five weeks, he is on the hospital bed, and then, after recovery, it starts working: reads lectures.


In July 1946, a man went to England for the celebration of the 300-year-old anniversary of Isaac Newton. An interesting fact: the scientist was at the event the only representative from Germany. Shortly before the death of Physics, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society is renamed Max Planck, thereby noting his contribution to science again.

Majila Max Planck

He continues to speak with lectures. In Bonn, the scientist fell ill with bilateral inflammation of the lungs, but managed to defeat the disease. In March 1947, he last appears to students. In October of the same year, the state of McCa Planck deteriorated sharply, and he died. The cause of death is stroke. He did not live up to his 90th anniversary. The grave of the Nobel laureate is located in the graveyard of Göttingen.

After myself, the scientist left the manuscript, books, photos - heritage, which is invaluable and continues to bear the disinterested ministry of science.

Awards and Prize

  • 1914 - Helmholts Medal
  • 1915 - Order "For merit in science and art"
  • 1918 - Nobel Prize in Physics
  • 1927 - Lorentz Medal
  • 1927 - Franklin's Medal
  • 1928 - Adlerschild Des Deutschen Reiches
  • 1929 - Max Planck Medal
  • 1929 - Copley Medal
  • 1932 - Gutrei Medal and Prize
  • 1933 - Medal Garnaca
  • 1945 - Götte Prize

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