Gustave Flaubert - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Novels



In the middle of the XIX century, Güstava, Gustava Flaubert considered vulgar and immoral, and today the French writer is considered the leading national master of the pen on a par with Gi de Maupassan and Onor de Balzac. The popularity of Flaux brought the books "Mrs. Bovari" and "Education of Sovements", written in the genre of realism with notes of psychologism and naturalism.

Childhood and youth

Gustave Flaubert was born on December 12, 1821 in the historical capital of Normandy - Ruang. Surgeon Achille Cleafas Flaubert and Anna Justin Caroline Fleurio, a doctor's daughter, with trepidation waited for this baby - three children died to Güstava in the family: a girl and two boys.

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The future novelist was brought up with the elder brother Achille, who inherited from his father not only the name, but also the occupation, becoming a surgeon, and the sister Caroline, which was born 3 years later Guestava. Childhood they passed in the inside atmosphere of the Hospital Rouen, in which the head of the family worked.

They say Flaubert became interested in writing another 8 years, while studying at the Royal College. In 1832, the young man entered the Lyceum of Pierre Cornelel, where he met Ernest Chevalé, the future French politician. Two years later, friends organized the handwritten magazine "Art and Progress", in which the first public text of Flaubert was published.

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In 1840, the future novelist went to Paris to learn the right. The capital of France appeared to Flauer disgusting, and the chosen profession is boring, so at the end of the same year the student went on a journey through Pyrenees and Corsica. This period of the writer's biography was reflected in the "Memoirs of Madness" (1901).

In early 1846, Flaubert's father died, leaving the son of 500 thousand francs. Then the young man realized that the jurisprudence was not his sphere, and threw the university. The feasible inheritance guaranteed a young boyless life, even in the case of unemployment, so he decided entirely to devote himself to writing.


On September 19, 1851, Flaubert, inspired by his friends Louis Bui and Maxim Duucan, took over the composition of the novel "Mrs. Barova" (in other translations - Madame Bovarie). 56 months later, in May 1856, the book was completed. She came out from October 1 to December 15 of the same year in the journal "Paris Review".Embed from getty images

In February 1857, the director of Paris Ferris and Gustava Flaubert was accused of disrespect for public morality and religion. " The writer even appeared before the court for the "vulgar and shocking image of the characters", but the punishment escaped. Removing the accusations not only contributed to the publication of Mrs. Bovarie a separate book, but also provided a splash of popularity.

In the center of the plot - Emma Bovarie, unhappy in marriage woman. Madame is not ashamed to change the spouse that firmly loves her. For gifts for young chosen women, a woman spends a family condition, over time begins to lay jewelry and real estate. Female outcome from dissatisfaction with life surrounding shame and its own worthlessness - this is what ultimately expects Mrs. Bovarie, and her faithful spouse who continues to communicate with his wife's lovers - stigma of Nondery.

Bold, the naturalistic history of Gustava Flaubert burned for living not only the modern French society, but also directories of the XX and XXI centuries. The first film on the novel "Mrs. Borkov" was shot in 1933 with a compatriot writer, then German, Argentinean, American, Italian, Russian and British film simulation followed.

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The next essay of Flaubert was significantly different from Mrs. Bovari - the historic novel "Salambo" about the Libyan War in Carthage, which unfolded in 240-238 before. NS. The change in the style of the narrative and the unusual choice of the theme is due to the fact that the writer considered himself "the last romantic", while the book about the slituer spouse hung on him a stamp of naturalist.

The Salamo Flauber approached with full responsibility - he studied about 100 volumes about Carthage and events of those times, visited Tunisia. 5 years later, painstaking labor, in 1862, the novel was born. French society willingly perceived oriental fiction, tired of realistic works. The composition was appreciated and in Russia - the translated version appeared in the same 1862 in the journal "Public Notes".

It is probably the most difficult Flaubert to write the novel "Education of the Senior" (or "sentimental education"). He first launched an autobiographical history in February 1843. A reason for writing was the meeting of the writer with Elise Schlesinger - a woman aged, in which Flaubert fell in love with madness.

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The fact that came out from under the feot of another inexperienced writer, in the circle of writers, it is customary called "the first" education of the senses ". The debut version was completed by 1845, and published after the death of Flaubert - in the 1910th. Interesting fact: This novel has nothing to do with the work printed under the same name in 1869.

In the "adult", the final version of the "Education of the Sovereigns" of 1869, the protagonist Frederick Moro in love with Maria Arnu, the marriage lady of Balzakovsky age. Because of the thoughts about the elect, Moro cannot establish relationships with other women, leads a celebrating lifestyle and rolls to the bottom. After 27 years, Moro and Arna randomly face and understand that all this time loved each other and, although they could not enjoy a mutual feeling, were happy. They break up, satisfied with the recognition.

"The upbringing of feelings" caused mainly negative feedback from critics and colleagues Flaubert on Peru, but everyone noted the autobiographical motif of the work. Gi de Maupassan said that "a lot of personally experienced and depressing sad concluded in this novel", Emil Zola called the work of the "personal book" Flaubert. Somerset Moem argued that "Frederick Moro is part of the portrait of Flaubert himself, which writer saw himself."

Despite the dramatically worsening health and frequent attacks of epilepsy, in April 1874, Gustave Flaubert published the final version of the poem in the prose "The Temptation of St. Anthony". The idea of ​​the work was born back in 1845, when the writer saw the picture of Peter Breygel's the same name - the younger. The hero of the poem of Anthony, like the Faust created by the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, is forced to continue through demonic temptations towards a happy life.

In March of the same year, the collection "Three Test" came out, which includes the "simple soul", "Legend of Holy Julian Milosive" and "Irodia". These works of Flaubert considered the rest between the creation of final labor - the novel "Buwar and Beiyusha". Because of the admission of the author, the creation of each of the leads occupied for six months.

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The satirical book "Bwwar and Beiyusha", whose writing to which Flaubert began in 1872, was not destined to get an end - the weakened health of the writer made a failure. The novel was published affected in 1881.

In the center of the plot - men by the names of Buwar and Beiyusha, who accidentally get acquainted on the street. Both of them are the corresponders, but secretly dreaming to move to the village and engage in agriculture. Friends decide finally, embody dreams into reality and buy a house. The first time men are fond of fishing, logging, art, but over time they understand that their real happiness is to rewrite. An end with the novel was supposed to be the scene in which the Bwwar and Beiusha fill the sheets of paper under the dictation of each other.

Personal life

In the spring of 1846, a multi-year Roman Flaubert with the French poetess Luiz Coola began. In letters to the beloved, which reached this day and were published in the book "Verbena and Musk", the writer reasoned on the role of creativity, the subtleties of French, the relationship between a man and a woman. Last letter dated March 6, 1855.

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Flaubert had mistresses in Brussels, Paris, Munich, he did not hurt with women and men of easy behavior, but, despite the active personal life, his wife and children did not get. This position is due to the quotation from the KOLE letter of December 11, 1852:

"The idea of ​​bringing someone to the world fills me with horror. I would have cursed myself if I became my father. Better let my flesh perish than I do someone on the shame of existence. "


In recent years, Gustava Flaubert has increasingly disturbed epilepsy. Forgotten friends and inflicted, the light of French literature died on May 8, 1880 in the village of Croassset. The cause of death is hemorrhage into the brain during the next attack.

The funeral took place on May 11 in the presence of famous writers - Emil Zola, Gi de Maupassant, Edmond de Goncard, Alfons Dodé. The body rests on the monumental cemetery of Rouen.

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Dozens of works, hundreds of films, universities and streets called him name remained in memory of Flaub. In Ruang, in 2008, Gustava Flaubert was even built - the highest lifting bridge in Europe, whose total height is 91 m, and the horizontal lifting of the road cannon is 55 m.

But the most important thing is the work of Flaubert influenced more modern writers: if not "Mrs. Borkov," the world would not read the works of Franz Kafka or Jean-Field of Sartre. French writers still put Flaubert for one step with such legislators of national creativity, like Arthur Rambo and Charles Baudler, and his novels enter a new round of popularity.


"Be to be a fool, an egoist and possess good health - these are the three conditions necessary to be happy. But if the first of them is not enough, then the rest are useless. "" Lies have become needed by the need, mania, pleasure, and if she said that yesterday walked on the right side of the street, then it was necessary to believe that in fact she was on the left "." You can not touch the idols: the gilding remains on our fingers. "


  • 1838 - Memoirs Madness "
  • 1842 - "November"
  • 1857 - "Mrs. Bovarie"
  • 1862 - "Salambo"
  • 1868 - "Education of Sensities"
  • 1874 - "The Temptation of St. Anthony"
  • 1877 - "Three Stories"
  • 1881 - "BUVAR AND PEKUY"
  • 1913 - "Lexicon of Capital Truths"

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