Paul Thomas Anderson - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



A talented screenwriter and producer, a distinctive American director, eight full-length pictures of which are nominated for Oscar. Film crimits will not be sealed on the compliments of Paul Tomas Anderson, calling him the most striking and promising among contemporaries.

Total Film Authoritative Tabloid took the director 20th place in the list of the greatest director's masters, and the weekly Entertainment Weekly called Anderson the best among contemporaries, giving the 10th place as "one of the most dynamic producers who declare themselves in the last 20 years." It is not surprising that the kinomans are looking forward to the new film from the master, anticipating the appearance of the next masterpiece.

Childhood and youth

Anderson was born in the summer of 1970 in Studio City. This is the area of ​​Los Angeles, which is cozy and located in the San Fernando valley. The immediate proximity to the "Dream Factory" and the atmosphere in the family helped to decide on the floor of Tomas with a future profession. Ernie Anderson Father Two-thirds spent on television: actor, TV presenter, speaker on Ey Bi-Si. The grown son was watched with the interest of the Night Horror Show "Golopdi" on one of the Cleveland TV channels, where the dad "reigned".

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Paul Anderson changed a lot of schools and rushed from side to the side in search of himself. At the age of 12, his father gave him an old film chamber, at which the teenager recorded the first video frames on the 8 mm film. At 17, the floor tried to shoot at a 16-millimeter tape, discovering new opportunities.

Debut amateur film The guy removed in 1988. Pseudo-documentary tape lasting in half an hour, called "Ding's History of Diggler", told about the artist of films for adults John Holmes. Becoming the director, Anderson remembered Holmes, making him a prototype of a key character of his painting "Night in the style of Buoga."

In his youth, Paul Thomas never received higher education. The fascination of cinema led him to Emerson College, then Anderson went to study the subtleties of the director of the New York University, but nowhere for the future master of the long meter was not delayed. The time he spent on studying is placed in 2 years.

Having settled on the post of assistant to one of the film studios of New York, Paul threw the university, preference to the study of directorial skill in practice.


The creative biography of the director-self-taught was launched in New York and Los Angeles, where he as a production assistant helped the masters at the filming of movie cartin and video clips.

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Having squeezed his hand, watching the work of the senior colleagues, Paul Thomas Anderson in 1992 she took off the second short film "Cigarettes and coffee", consisting of 5 stories of people who met in cafes and enjoying coffee and tobacco. Their lives will soon go away with a fantastic way, and fate will be favorable not to all. The short film was shown at the Independent Cinema Festival in Park City, where the jury noted the skill and promising of the young director.

After 3 years, Paul Thomas Anderson presented to the court of viewers and film critics a new job. This time the director removed the full-length picture, calling her first "Sidney", but then changing the name on the "rock eight". For the first time, the audience saw the audience a competitive program "Special Look", which is held annually in Cannes. The debut full length received 5 nominations for American film "Independent Spirit".

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The real taste of fame wizard felt in 1997, when he presented the Drama "Nights in the style of Buoga." Anderson took the first short filler on the Dirka Diggler and Porn-industry, developing it into a full-length format. The script for the film wrote himself, continuing the practice in the future.

In the box office did not use a success, but film critics unanimously gave the palm of the championship to her, calling the best film of the year. Berta Reynolds, who played a porn traveler, was put forward to the main world filmmaking. Mark Wahlberg and Julianna Moore, involved in the painting, approved in the rank of highly paid artists. The tape literally trembled awards and nominated for Oscar, Golden Globe and BAFTA.

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Anderson is not too fruitful and not every year pleasing fans with another masterpiece. For 20 years of work, the director's filmography has 8 full-lengths. But each of them is a phenomenon in the global film industry, which is discussed by years.

In 1999, the premiere of the new ribbon, which Anderson called his beloved work. The film "Magnolia" is based on the history of the suicide of a fictional citizen of Ronalda Opus.

And again the rewards generously fell on the director. The picture won the competitive program "Berlinale", and Paul Thomas Anderson took home "Golden Bear". Tom Cruise, the artist of a secondary role, nominated for Oscar and handed the Golden Globe. The nomination to the main film chart received Anderson as a screenwriter.

Tom Cruise (Frame from the Magnolia movie)

In the new century, the master gave fans a comedy "Love, knocking from the legs", in which Adam Sandler and Emily Watson played the main characters. This is a sparkling story about a young businessman who depresses 7 sisters, because of which it is necessary to deal with uncontrolled aggression. Everything changes love with his life. In Cannes, a picture for the best director was put forward to the main award - "Golden Palm Branch".

In 2007, Paul Thomas Anderson took off the free adaptation of the novel Sinclair, calling her biblical quotation "and there will be blood." In the Russian rental film is called "oil". He liked both film crimits and a wide range of spectators, collecting the amount of the amount, three times broken costs.

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Oscar received the actor Daniel Day Lewis, the leadership of the leading role, and the operator Robert Elsuit, in collaboration with which Anderson shot 6 paintings. The director got a "Golden Bear", FIPress Prize, 3 BAFTA awards, Golden Globe and Nomination for Oscar for the director.

After a 5-year break, the Hollywood Matthew Self-taper presented a shrill drama "Master" with Hoakin Phoenix in the lead role. The premiere took place at the beginning of the autumn of 2012 in Venice, where Anderson was presented with "silver lion." In Russia, a new hit of the American master was shown in February 2014. As it often happens with the pictures of the floor, the "master" failed at the box office, but earned the highest critics assessments.

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Two years old needed Anderson to create the next masterpiece - a black comedy "Congenital vice", where the key role directed by Phoenix again entrusted. The project starred Hollywood stars Reese Witherspoon, Benicio del Toro and Josh Bolin.

Tomas Anderson film criterics tapes put in one row with the works of Quentin Tarantino and Stephen Golberg. The Master has a director's handwriting that the cinema's subtle connoisseurs will learn from the first frames. Brilliant self-taught has developed a special visual style, loves long plans and detailed outlines.

Personal life

Hollywood celebrity does not please the paparazzi scandals and a stormy personal life. It is amazing constant. For a long time, Anderson met with the singer Fiona Eipl, on the composition of which wrote clips. But the feelings are cooled, and the couple broke up.Embed from getty images

In 2001, Paul met a new love - a television show star and comedy artist Maya Rudolph. Beauty answered consent to the director's proposal. The wife gave Anderson four children - three daughters and son.

The director does not have a page in "Instagram", Anderson's photo appear on the fan account, but not found by family pictures.

Paul Thomas Anderson now

The last work of the master is the Drama "Ghost Thread". In Russia, the picture was seen in 2018. London served as a place of filming, as the film's plot unfolds in the post-war British capital.

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In 2019, Anderson is working on the first family film, which Lucy's daughter asked him. The girl is watching the filming and wants the new story to be bright in contrast to the father's previous paintings.


  • 1988 - "Ding History Diggler"
  • 1993 - "Cigarettes and Coffee"
  • 1996 - "Rock Eight"
  • 1997 - "Nights in the style of bugs"
  • 1998 - "Special flagpole"
  • 1999 - "Magnolia"
  • 2000-2001 - "Saturday night in the lone of air"
  • 2002 - "Love, knocking down"
  • 2003 - "Sofa"
  • 2003 - "Advertising" Man-Mattress ""
  • 2003 - "Flowers and blood"
  • 2007 - "Oil"
  • 2012 - "Master"
  • 2014 - "Congenital Pulk"
  • 2017 - "Ghost Thread"

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