Gerasim ("Mumu") - biography, story "Mumu", image and characteristic characteristic, quotes


Character History

The story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Mumu" is a classic work of world literature. This is a touching story about the difficult fate of fortress peasants, their simple values ​​and harsh solutions, which is capable of a worn heart of those who have gained power. Based on the story shot of the same cartoon.

History of creation

The biography of the writer played not the last role in his work. Born in the family of the landowner, showing cruelty towards the peasants, the boy watched terrible violence over those who could not answer her hatred of the case. Understanding the power of social injustice, Turgenev opposed serfdom. In the story, "Mumu" there was a reflection of the events that took place in his generic estate.

Writer Ivan Turgenev

Work on the writing went, while the author was in conclusion. He was not easy for the death of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Being a close writer, he was terribly worried about his death, making up a necrologist. There was no word about Gogol's death in print. The necrologist published by the Moscow Vedomosti was the reason for which Turgenev came under arrest. In the wild he was a month later.

Being imprisoned, Turgenev lived at the gaze, next to the execution room, where the fasteners sequels. Constantly listening to the screams and moans of people whose fate was not favorable, the writer recalled the cruel torture, held in his mother's house. Resumeing experienced emotions in mind, the car wrote the story of "Muma", the actors of whom heroes, resembling his mother and the local Janitor of Andrei. The building description said that the action was developing in House No. 37, located on Ostozhenka Street. This house in Moscow can be seen today.

Work Turgenev

The plot of works is similar to the story, which Turgenev observed the boy. The janitor Andrei was a serf, brought by his mother from the village. The appearance of the peasant said that he was a real Russian warmer. The trouble was that he was deaf down. The janitor had positive features of the character, which he attracted a landowner. The accumulating temper and the execution fell by the mistress, and the whole Moscow spoke about his great strength.

One day, Andrei found a puppy and brought him to the courtyard. Baryna ordered to get rid of the animal. The janitor did not dare to disobey. He did not kill the puppy, but he did not appear anymore in the house. Turgenev changed the final of the story, adding him dramatic intensity. The characteristic of the fictional hero was deeper than his prototype.

Gerasim and Mumu.

It is no coincidence that the chief character is called Gerasim, which means "venerable". This again emphasizes the degree of worship of the hero before the power of the hostess. After the work of Turgenev has become available to the public, the name Gerasim often began to be used as a nominal one. They are often called deaf and dumb.

"Mu Mu"

The main acting face of the story was the deaf-and-dumb peasant Gerasim. The ailment accompanied the man from birth, but he was partly compensated for physical strength. Any business for which the peasant was taken was laid. Life in the village and the city was very different for a man. Stone bridges and houses caused his diligent longing in the village and nature. He, like a wild animal, locked in a cage, wounded.

Illustration for the work of Turgenev

In the city, Gerasim had less work, so there was free time. He did not communicate with the yard, since his appearance scared the surrounding. Over time, he began to experience the location of Tatiana, which possessed a meek temper. He did embarrassing steps and actions towards a woman, but the decision of the subsidian prevented their happiness. Tatiana was married to the capitone. Gerasim was seriously worried about this coincidence. He would probably marry himself. Their not established union has become a big experience for the hero.

He was often seen sully and gloomy, because the only attachment was destroyed. Randomly seen the dog became a stitching in the life of Gerasim. He caught her in the river. Probably someone wanted to drown a puppy, but the janitor helped him escape. The deafness was published pet, cherished him like a small child. He gave the dog all tenderness and affection accumulated in the shower. Unable to exercise words, he called the dog to Mum. They were inseparable, and the dog devotedly accompanied the owner of a year and a half until a lady noticed her.


The dog was angry with the mistress and caused it a woman's discontent. The butler instructed to get rid of the pet. Mummy sold secretly, afraid of Gerasima. The burning owner stopped noticing others, he was out. He could not tell anything to those who deprived him of a friend. A miracle happened: the dog was broken from the leasing of the new owner and found the house where it focused. Gerasim hid the muum in the room, carefully extended the courtyard and redid all the work, surviving about the pet. Sometimes he visited the dog, and at night decided to bring her to a walk.

The chaplaining dog issued Gerasim. The lady found out that the janitor was dismissed by her order. In anger, she ordered to destroy the dog. Gerasima had to take this heavy burden on himself. Nading a festive costume, feeding the dog in the restaurant, he rushed with her pet. The janitor took two bricks and the rope, got into the boat with a dog and despair from the coast. He had to take a volitional solution and keep the word. Gerasim drowned a dog.

Gerasim says goodbye to Mum

This event in the root turned his life. The hero could not tolerate existence in the city and Cause himself for not saving Mum. Gerasim gathered the belongings and despite the will of his hostess left the house. He rebelled against reckless solutions and demonstrated the hardness of character and determination. The happening forever remained in the soul of Gerasim by a heavy memoil. In the final of the story, Turgenev says that Gerasim never raised in life to any dog ​​and did not have a relationship with women.


Heavy and unpredictable was the fate of special people in the era of serfdom. To be born the deaf-and-and-membered meant to carry a grave cross of existence among people who did not understand how to express with a hearing person, how to get an answer from who cannot speak. The peculiarities of Gerasim were inhuman strength and the physique that was protected from the attacks of serfs. Barskaya Will ruined the character's life.

Despite the external inaccessibility and rudeness, Gerasim was a tender sentimental man, which became obviously in his care about the dog:

"No mother cares so cares for his child, as Hrasima cared for his pet."
Dog Mum

It is said that pets are similar to their owners. Smoked Muma, like Gerasima was cheerful until a certain point. She was warmly loved by the owner and felt his care, paying devotion.

"Gerasim loved her himself without memory ... And he was unpleasant when Others stroked it: did he be afraid, or for her, whether he was jealous to her - God's god!"

What happened to Muma became the tragedy in the life of Gerasim. His share fell a lot of burden related to the perception of others. As soon as happiness, he was always forced to say goodbye to him. He was deprived of such trifles as pet love.

"And still lives Gerasim Bobil in his lonely hut, healthy and mighty still."

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