Daria Aslamova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reports 2021



A journalist Daria Aslamov seems to be confused. Behind the shoulders of this bold woman by 2019 - conversation Tet-A-Tet ​​with Saddam Hussein and Syrian refugees, reports from hot spots, arrests and even captivity.

Therefore, the charges of racism charged on this background after published material about the final of the Football FFM in 2018 it seems fine trouble. However, for the word in Pocket, the specialcore "KP" did not climb and gave the detailed explanations.

Childhood and youth

In early September 1969, the 8th, in the city on Amur Khabarovsk in the family of Aslam, replenishment happened - the girl had a girl who had awarded the "strong" name of Daria. She was experiencing a passion for literature from an early age, it passed her from his father.

He is famous in the Far East of Poetic Affairs Master and Translator Mikhail Fefanovich, the descendant of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks, the veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Mother worked all his life, differed in particular practicality and always discouraged the daughter from marriage with a representative of the creative profession. As for nationality, Dasha believes Russian.

In 2018, when the head of the family did not become, Daria Mikhailovna, known for its acute reports and statements, also did not decide to be silent. On October 18, he published an article where he honestly told about the wonderful salvation of his beloved man by Moscow doctors and inappropriately with the Khabarovsk region, leading to death. Touched a woman also the facts of family biography - as at 13th, the young Misha hit the military plant, produced shells and addicted to smoking.

After receiving the certificate of middle education, Aslamov in Lomonosovsky moved to Moscow, where he received a "tower" from 1986 in the University of the Zubforma.


At the end of the main metropolitan university, the graduate fell into the Komsomol truth. In the status of a special correspondent, it provided an exclusive material from dangerous places where military actions were conducted - Nagorno-Karabakh, Tajikistan, Chechnya, etc.

It seemed that the girl did not occupy the courage and the girl. From under the pen of the author, the reports were published, which she cooked right in the camp of the Mujahideen, and from Iran - forbidden to visit by foreign representatives of the Massia, especially female.

At the beginning of zero, she made it to a frank conversation himself, Saddam Hussein, in 2011, during a business trip to Egypt, it was subjected to four arrests, and in a year unnoticed and illegally managed to get to the camp of the Syrian refugees in Turkey. To do this, she had to fit into Muslim robes, tie a handkerchief, to introduce his wife to a citizen of Syria and Muslim compulsory searches.

The journalist was not left aside and from the situation in Ukraine in 2014, releaseing a documentary 30-minute film "Donbass also wants to go home. In Russia!".

In 2016, Aslamov took the post of leading her own show, where he was shared by the details of his "military" past.


"When the Soviet Union decayed, I took an interview with many politicians. When I worked as a military correspondent, I dedicated five separate books to the sexual scandals faced. However, after a while I was bored to write about it, and I switched to geopolitics, "she admitted.

In the mid-90s, one after another, frank and discouraging "Notes of the Drying Girl" and the "Adventures of the Drying Girl" came out, where, in addition to the scandalous statements and erotic photos in underwear and swimsuit, there was a place and memories of student life.

For example, how money on food was constantly not enough, the products on Borsch had to occupy from the neighbors on the hostel, and the scrambled eggs was an unqualious luxury. By the way, in 2013 in one of the interviews, Mikhail Feofanovich confessed that he read the works of Daria and considered them excellent.

To May 2019 in the writer's bibliography - several printed works. After the release of particularly pinpoint of them, the public had assumptions that Aslamov also did not have a prostitution in his youth. On the direct question of Daria, surprised, answered recognition that he was always engaged in journalism.

Personal life

Thanks to the scandalous literary works, the details of the personal life of young aslam became available to the reading public. For example, that the girl at the time when she and her girlfriend worked in the program Dmitry Dibrova and Andrei Stolyarov "Installation", was fleeting and far from an elevated-essential connection with actor Alexander Abdulov.

As for official relations, Daria Mikhailovna walked twice under the crown. First chosen - businessman Andrei Soviets. In marriage with him Aslamov learned the joy of motherhood, the spouses have the only daughter of Sophia. However, despite the presence of a common child, the family broke up. The reason voiced by the ex-wife of the entrepreneur is the lack of passion.

In 2005, Daria married a second time for a colleague from Croatia Robert Valleda. Everything happened to lightning - between the meeting and the campaign to the registry office, if you believe the media, only 3 days passed. The couple together brought up Sonya dedicated to medicine and study in the rhinm named after Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, and two children of men.

"Now it's like the story of two different women. When you do not have a husband and a child, you have a completely different look for life. I have a happy marriage in length of 20 years. My daughter turned 18. Now I am worried about how her life will be, "the writer recognized in 2013.

About habits, including harmful, correspondent says willingly and openly in his notes. For example, in the work "On the attitude of Afghans to the Russians. Why in Afghanistan will never be peace, "she admitted that a couple with the general was sophisticated by Turkmen vodka. As for social networks, the media representative now prefers the "instagram" now "Facebook".

Daria Aslamova now

In 2018, on the official website of Ilya Varlamov, there was a post about a blogger's trip to Sweden - as a response to the material of the Special Center "KP" on the wild orders reigning in this country. In my own example, the guy showed that not everything is so scary in Stockholm, as he wrote about him.

For example, a snapshot of a young man in the courtyard of a clean playground, he commented on this:

"The man turned out to be a refugee from Uzbekistan. He lives here for many years, was very surprised, having learned that they were raping and killed. I went out to fry meat with children into the yard. "

At the beginning of 2019, the employee "Komsomolskaya" visited Belgrade and Tokyo, which in detail and outlined in their as always acute essay.


  • 1994 - "Notes of Drying Girls"
  • 1995 - "Study Girl Notes - 2"
  • 1999 - "The Adventures of Drying Girls"
  • 2001 - "Dried Girl. Adventure continues »
  • 2002 - "Notes of the crazy journalist"
  • 2002 - "Sweet Life"
  • 2005 - "In Love, as in War"

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