Mikhail Gusman - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



Native Brother of the film director Yulia Gusman is a famous journalist, TV presenter, a public figure Mikhail Gusman - for many years has been devoted to his own information agency TASS, in which today is held by the post of first deputy general director. But most viewers know Husman Jr. as a brilliant interviewer thanks to his author's program "Formula of Power", which goes on television screens since 2000.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Solomonovich Gusman was born on January 23, 1950 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Father Solomon Moiseevich Gusman - Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service, Chief Doctor of Polyclinic Caspian Shipping Company. Mother Lola Julievna Barsuk left after marriage left the profession of the actress and learned on the translator, became Professor Ineyaz.

Mikhail became the second son of a couple. Julius's elder brother was born in 1943. The childhood of the brothers passed in the center of Baku, Gusmans lived in an old house on Peter Montin Street, held a communal apartment on the 2nd floor, the neighbors were representatives of various nationalities - Jews, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Russians.

The brothers grew by friendly, despite the difference of characters, had a common circle of communication, which included young intellectuals of those years: Writers Rustam and Maxud Ibragimbekov, Anar, composer Leonid Weinstein and Faraj Karaev.

Mikhail Gusman and his brother Julius Gusman in childhood with his mother

Julius, despite the choice of a medical profession, for creativity, became Cavencen, participated in self-conceiving. Mikhail, since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a diplomat, but admission to MGIMO was not crowned with success. Then Gusman Jr. chose the Baku Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and was already a student to pronounce himself in Komsomol work.


After serving in the army (in the Caspian flotilla) and graduating from the institute, Mikhail entered the Higher Party School Baku, which he graduated in 1973. A promising graduate is immediately taken to work in the Committee of Youth Organizations (CMO).

13 years old Gusman held a deputy chairman of the Committee of Youth Organizations of the Azerbaijan SSR. And in 1986, at the invitation of the Chairman of the CMO USSR, Vladimir Aksenov went to Moscow to increase. By the way, it happened a little earlier moving to the capital of Elder Brother Julia, who was appointed to the board of the central house of cinematographers only in 1988.

"I headed the division engaged in information support of youth cooperation. My current Tasse life, it seems to be rooted from there, "says Mikhail Solomonovich.

The head of the press center of the CMO USSR, Gusman studied all the Allied Press, worked with journalists and recorder experience himself. According to Gusman Jr., "KMO is a good school for the information officer." In this position, Mikhail spent 5 fruitful years.

In 1991, when the political regime change occurred and Komsomol ceased to exist, Mikhail Gusman's career makes a new round. He heads the General Directorate of Infomole Information Cooperation.

New appointment Gusman receives in the 1995th - Vice-President of the Ankom-Tass International Agency. And since 1998, his career has been firmly connected with the oldest information agency of Russia. At first, the managers worked as the head of the General Directorate of International Cooperation, Public Relations and Special Projects of ITAR-TASS. And since 1999, Mikhail Solomonovich is the first deputy general director of the TASS information agency.

"Tasu is not compared with anyone. Great agency, a unique brand, national heritage, if you want. For many years now, my family has been TASS and TASS, I say without stretch, "the leader is divided.

And in the early 2000s, the professional spheres of the Gusman brothers began to intersect. Julius Solomonovich has long launched cooperation with television, worked for ORT, led the Talk Show "Theme" and "Evening with Julia Gusman." Younger brother chose a political show format. Under its authorship on the federal canal, the program "Formula of the Power" began to be published - the first issue was dated November 2000.

"On the idea of ​​the transmission, a snapshot came with me, on which all the heads of state after the UN Summit in New York were photographed together. When I saw her, it seemed interesting to me to try to make teleports of these people - historical personalities. "

So began a global creative project, in which the Interviewer worked in dozens of countries of the world and met with the first persons of European countries, Asia, Africa, the CIS. The first hero of the transfer was the head of the Czech Republic Vaclav Gavel, whom Gusman really appreciated for high moral and human principles. For a successful interview, the author of the program was put on the yellow tie "Versace", and since then this detail of the wardrobe has become his working talisman.

In the lens of the Journalist Camera Mikhail Gusman, the chairman of the PRC Hu Jintao, President of Poland Alexander Kvasnnevsky, King of Jordan Abdalla II, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President George Bush and Barack Obama, executed Muammar Gaddafi and many others. In 2017, the number of transmission heroes exceeded 350, which is a kind of global record.

The television work of the journalist was reflected in the book activity: in 2005, Gusman released the book "Formula of Power: 55 Interviews in Golden Tie". In 2010, the new edition of the "Power Formula: 60 Interviews in the Gold Tie" comes out. In the same memo, Gusman Jr. receives two high government awards - the Order "For Services to Fatherland" IV degree and the breastplate sign of the Russian Foreign Ministry "For Contribution to International Cooperation", replenishing the already long list of regalia.

Personal life

Personal and family life Mikhail Gusmana, like a true native of the East, remains out of public and prying eyes. It is only known that the wife of Jameman Gusman's journalist is half Azerbaijan, half of polka.

The couple brought up the only son of Vadim, who learned the doctor in the United States, but eventually went in the footsteps of the Father, engaged in political scientists, journalism, also works at the TASS agency.

In 2017, Mikhail Solomonovich released another book - "Life Formula", dedicated to the biography of his parents, on the pages of the publication the author describes the years of his childhood and youth.

Mikhail Gusman now

Now Mikhail Gusman continues to work as a manager in the TASS Agency. Continues to be broadcast and the transfer of the "Formula of Power" on the TV channel "Russia-24".

In 2019, plots were held with the participation of the first president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Lebanon Michel Auna, General Director of UNESCO Audrey Azul.


  • 2005 - "Formula of the Power: 55 Interviews in Golden Tie"
  • 2010 - "Power Formula: 60 Interviews in Golden Tie"
  • 2015 - "Formula of Power"
  • 2017 - "Formula of Life"

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