Vyacheslav (Glory) Polunin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



Vyacheslav Polunin from those who do not seek to imitate someone in pursuit of popularity. The artist has long found a unique style, and dissolving anyone else has provided him with not only fame in his homeland, but also global recognition.

Western journalists focused on Vyacheslav the title of the best clown of the world, and numerous international prizes and regalia are the best confirmation of that. Clowning performed by midnight turned into great art. At the show of the actor and his troupes come not for entertainment, but to think, surprised and measure the audience of different countries. Fortunately, the language of the pantomime is universal and comes to the heart without words.

Childhood and youth

Glory Polunin was born in 1950 in the Oryol region, in the small ancient town of Novosil, where there were hardly 3 thousand people. His parents had no relation to creativity. Mom Maria Nikolaevna engaged in trade, and Father Ivan Pavlovich consisted of public service.

Clowning boy was carried away at school age, but did not think about the profession of artist. First of all, because parents considered it a frivolous. Mother believed that her son was worth going to engineers. The glory could hardly focus on the fact that he was not interested.

Vyacheslav Polunin in youth

The lessons often vital in the clouds or mixed the comrades of pantomimes and the ul. Films Charlie Chaplin, whose gait and manners boy loved to portray in the courtyard, and later on school competitions, became the biggest impression. After graduating from school, the graduate went to actor to Leningrad, but there were problems with diction, and the semi-mining contest did not pass.

After obedient by the Council of Mother, decided to study at the engineer, but quickly realized that he would not be able to change his own vocation, and the institute threw. Becoming a student of the Leningrad Institute of Culture, a young man in 1968 collects the first composition of the Pantile Pantomime Theater. In an interview, the artist noted that in those years impregnated with a total censorship, it was possible to engage in free art only in this wordless genre.


Mime Theater "Lyedie" was engaged in a comic pantomime and was successful in the Leningrad public. And Polunin in his youth clouds studied in the libraries of the book on the history of theater and a mute comedy to know about the genre all. For 10 years of the existence of the troupe, he found fans and regularly performed, from time to time even appearing on television.

The real popularity came in 1981, when Glory appeared on the ether of the New Year's "Blue Fight" in the image of the Asyssia - a touching man in a yellow overalls that loveliness misunderstanding. So Polunin found his hero, who became a favorite of the public for the years, and the actor himself woke up a celebrity. This status allowed a man in the USSR in the 1980s creative shares.

In 1982, Vyacheslav organized a mime parade in Leningrad, in which hundreds of artists of the genre from all over the country took part. And in 1985, within the framework of the Festival, young people invited foreign legends of Pantomime to Moscow - Dzhango Edwards and Franz Joseph Bogner. In 1989, the festival of street theaters "Caravan Mira" was held, which traveled to Europe on the wheels, introduced to the medieval tradition of fair folk theaters.

By the time the "Lyedie" made performances "Chuddaki", "fantasies", "catastrophe". The favorite hero was expected to be asyssi, which appears in the miniatures "But Blue Canari" and others. Becoming the famous houses, Polunin goes to conquer the world. And this artist manages.

In the 1990s, Vyacheslav lives and works abroad, including in the famous Canadian Cirque du Soleil ("Circus du Soleil"). It puts his own rooms and performances, filming the cinema, receives world recognition as a unique actor. Whether works are highly valued in the USA, Europe and Australia.

In 2000, Polunin returns to the Russian viewer with performances, the main of which is considered a "snow show". At the same time, the man resumed the work of the "Academy of Fools" - a project on the revival of Carnival culture. Under his start in Moscow, the "ship of fools" was built - theatrical and cultural center of the glory of the midnight. In 2013 he began to lead the large circus in St. Petersburg, where he worked for 3 years.

Personal life

The first wife of the midnight called Galina. They worked together in the "hypocrites" and practically not separated, because they were united by family and work. However, when Vyacheslav met Elena Ushakov, the first spouse had to leave the troupe. Lena appeared in the theater in the late 1970s. Fragile and feminine, a woman reminded Japanese and therefore received nicknamed Fuji. The wedding lovers did not make sure, and got married, between tour and rehearsals. This celebration took place only after 20 years.

Vyacheslav Polunin and his wife Elena Ushakov

By the time the couple had three children: the sons of Dmitry, Pavel and Ivan. The guys are creative, and after the parents came to work in their theater. Elena has long been not just an actress of the theater, but an indispensable assistant husband, muse and ideological inspirer.

The family lives into several countries: they have apartments in St. Petersburg and New York, working centers in Moscow and London, a house in Paris. This dwelling Polunin calls a yellow mill and equipped as a dream house, where all rooms are thematic. There is a special magic bedroom for the granddaughter of Mia, where toys live from all countries of the world.

Vyacheslav Polunin now

Vyacheslav Polunin and now continues to live intense creative life and gives concerts in different parts of the planet. Famous "Snow Shows", addressed to "children of senior and old age," continue to collect the full halls. The updated version of the speech entitled "Snow Symphony" The artist presented in the fall of 2018. In February 2019, Muscovites could have been observed for the month of the Russian Song Theater Scene during the month.

Clown does not lead a page in "Instagram", where it is customary to share the facts of biography, fresh photographs and news from personal life. However, a man is open to the public. It is known that Glory loves to stay in the auditorium after the speeches to communicate with fans. Polunin willingly gives interviews, so in October 2018 he became a guest of the video blog of Oleg Menshikov, where he told about the new show and shared his life philosophy.

Keeping Russian citizenship, the famous artist most of the year spends on trips to peace or in the Parisian house. Being a twin on the sign of the zodiac, he and in a solid age remains in constant movement and creative search.


  • 1980 - "Only in Music-Hall"
  • 1983 - "Nonbyvalchina"
  • 1984 - "And here came Boombo ..."
  • 1985 - "Four clown under one roof"
  • 1986 - "How to Be Star"
  • 1988 - "Kill Dragon"
  • 1996 - "Hi, foolie!"
  • 2002 - "Cloon"
  • 2009 - "Gofmaniada"


  • 2014 - "Alchemy Snowfall"
  • 2015 - "Snow Show Fame of Polunnina"

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