Vadim Zeland - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The identity of Vadim Zelanda is covered with mysteries and secrets. The author of the unique esoteric works, called the "transfing reality", does not disclose information about his personal life, practically does not appear in public events, does not postpone the photo on the Internet and is not published without glasses with dark lenses that fully hiding his eyes. According to this and not only the reason, the person's person is so interesting to modern readers, the books do not leave the list of bestsellers not the first year, but the quotes of them have become for many readers an effective motivator.

Childhood and youth

There is not almost a single confirmed fact from the biography of Vadim Zelanda. The writer who created the world bestseller "TransSerphing Reality" prefers to lead a secluded lifestyle. In one of the few interviews, a man admitted that dark glasses help him remain unrecognizable in the crowd.

In the work of the "reality vertex", a man told that before the Soviet Union was collapsed, he was fond of quantum physics, after which he began to create computer games. Zeland is a representative of Russian nationality, but Estonian blood also flows in his veins.

Before the beginning of the writer's career, Being Vadima was not distinguished by nothing remarkable. It does not hide the fact that at the time of the student, the unhealthy lifestyle was led - abused alcohol, tobacco and even narcotic substances. Then the guy could not even imagine that in a few years he would learn to launch a "caretaker" in his own soul and will teach thousands of people, and forbidden drugs will disappear from his reality.


According to the author, humanity should not be abused by the benefits of civilization and move to a natural vital version. He gave his own literary work "Lantern at the end of the tunnel", but additionally warned readers that not only see his light. It is also necessary to actively work with your feet to achieve the final intentions.

Vadim told in detail about the moment, in which he was overtaken by the idea of ​​managing reality. In that significant moment, a black strip came in the life of a man, and the impression was created that it was not possible to escape and establish everything.

However, once in the morning he felt that he was as if he was "woke up" and imprisoned brains. First of all, in the head of a psychologist from nowhere, the word "transfing" originated, and later the incoherent pieces of unique knowledge began to appear. In his free time, Vadim began to fix them on paper on paper.

A little later, he realized that it was not enough to collect fragmentary thoughts in the notebook, and, ordering them, began to write a full-fledged book. Only after the completion of esoteric work, a man understood how much the grand work he managed to create.

In it, he told about the fact that "pendulums", how to achieve conscious dreams and subjugate reality. At the same time, in the process of the writings of the "transfing of reality", Zeland in thoughts considered himself a genius creator of a unique theory, which was doomed to world recognition.

Further, the writer began visualizing the situation in which the publisher himself turns to him with a request to publish it. Subsequently, it came out, and the work in a matter of months gained phenomenal popularity. The main task of Zelanda is to prove to the reader that each person has an unprecedented space of options and that we ourselves decide which way to choose in the end.

Especially actively readers were interested in the person's personality in the early years after the release of his debut book. To date, the new works of Vadim acquire most of their true connoisseurs of non-standard techniques, but also among young people are interested in the author's recent publications. The first works of Zealand were 5 steps from themselves, which in general and compiled a full course of "transfing reality".

Further, new works were published, called the "hacking of the technogenic system", "practical course of transfing for 78 days" and "apocryphic transfing". The man even went to the conference to France, where in a compressed form presented his views on man-made civilization, as well as her threats to man and society as a whole.

Recently, Zeland also argues to manage reality in their works, which entitled "Live cuisine", "Clibe. End of the illusion of rapid safety "and" Tafti Priestess ". The last one has complicated the readers of the technique even more difficult to read readers, but at the same time revealed new ways to fulfill desires. The followers of the "transfing of reality" fell to taste all the works of the popular psychoanalyst.

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The date of birth of the writer, and his patronymic is not disclosed. It is known that for 2019 he is about 50 years old. There is a lot of contradictory rumors about the person of the author, for example, that Vadim was killed because of the scandalous statements, including the idea that politically affects the modern universe. There is some interlayer readers, frankly not taking the fact that the materialization of thoughts does not occur immediately and it is necessary to wait for a while.

Among the unfriendly public, which negatively applies to the practices of reality management, there are psychologists and writers who envy that they are not the authors of this teaching. Low-educated and illiterate people simply do not understand what this book is about, but thanks to the writings of the author they develop and become strong personalities. It is recommended to discard the envy and engage in the way of life, which a person can achieve on its own.

In addition, there are several assumptions about where the author of esoteric works was born. The most eccentric one is on Mars. More realistic include places like Estonia, St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad. It was in these places that Vadim met most often. Also, a common rumor refers to the idea that the image of the writer was invented by the publishing center. However, whole lectures in video format are posted on the Internet resources, of which it is clear that the man is absolutely real.

Personal life

As about all the fact, as for the writer, it is not known for certain, whether Vadim Zelda has a wife and children. A man is registered in social networks such as "Instagram", "Facebook" and "VKontakte". Anyone can find reliable links to them by going to the official website of the writer.

Vadim Zeland now

Now a man is afraid that fame and interest in his personality surrounding can take away a piece of soul. It is for this reason that he prefers to lead a modest, mysterious and very ascetic lifestyle.

Zeland promotes healthy nutrition, arguing that only live food is able to fill a person with the right energy. Vadim is the author of the work of managing reality, which earned fame not only in Russia, but also around the world. Writer's books are published in 20 languages.


  • "When solving problems, one golden rule must be followed. Before making a solution to the problem, it is necessary to reduce its importance. Then the equilibrium forces will not interfere, and the problem will solve it easily and simply. "
  • "Not a goal is achieved with the help of money, and money come on the way to the goal."
  • "I don't need to fight for happiness - you can simply choose your own option."


2005 - "Transching reality. Stage I. Space options"

2005 - "Transching reality. Step II. Shelest of morning stars"

2005 - "Transching reality. Stage III. Forward in the past"

2006 - "Forum of dreams"

2012 - "Hacking a technogenic system"

2013 - "Clibe"

2014 - "Transfer reality. Stage IV. Reality Management"

2014 - "transfing reality. Step V. Apples fall into the sky"

2015 - "Tipper Reality"

2019 - "Kitchen ancestors. Food forces"

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