Bellatris Lestrange - History, Photo, Books, Film, Actress


Character History

Saga about Harry Potter is known for fantastic creatures, incredible events and unsurpassed wizards. Negative plot characters in the work worthy of no less attention than popular positive heroes. Bellatris Lestrange plays an important role in the narration. She is a nebid wizard and death eater, a fanatical fan of Wolan de Morta and a real pros in magic.

History of creation

Bellatris Lestraj.

The name of the Bellatrix is ​​derived from a French word, which means "warriot" translated. The power of a woman is really impressive. It turns out to be even dark Lord and destroys all those who come across a hot hand.

Bellatrix is ​​one of those whose hands Volan de Mort paves the way to power. When the Dark Lord disappeared, Barti Crappiest, Raban Lestrange and Magician with her husband Rudolfus rushed to his search. Bellatrix fell into Azkaban for torture to spend the Cruciatus, which has subjected the Dolbupps family. In the book "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix" heroine runs out of the conclusion in the company of other eaters. It becomes an important figure in the battle that occurred in the secretion department. From the hands of Bellatrix her brother died, Sirius Black.

Bellatris Lestrange - Art

In the work of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" heroine paid great attention. She interrogates Hermione, kills Nimphador Tonks and fights with young wizards. Molly Weasley managed to save friends from Bellatrice attack by an unknown spell.

"Harry Potter"

Mrs. Lestrange came from the ancient kind of mags of Blacks, who were inherent in a reverent attitude to the purebredness of the wizards. Sirius and Regula Black had to a woman with brothers, and Andromed Tonks and Narcissa Malfoy - sisters. The wizard graduated from the Faculty of Slytherin School Hogwarts, learning with Lucius Malfoy, Weasley and Avery. Her younger sister married Malfoy, and Belastris became a wife of a friend of Volan de Mort Rudolfus Lestrange. Despite the harsh image, the woman was subject to real feelings: all his life she loved the Dark Lord hotly.

Family Malfoev

Bellatris never was pregnant, and in marriage with Rudolfus neither son nor daughter did not appear. Becoming the Death Eater, she quickly got into the role of Fans of Wolan de Morta. After the disappearance of the owner, the woman was looking for him, not embarrassed in the means and applying a wand where it was not necessary. From life imprisonment in Azkaban, she freed the possibility of escape.

A woman knew about the prophecy. Her suspicions fell on Harry Potter and Neville Dolbupps. Realizing that the mother of Harry Potter and his father was dead, she went to the second family and spent terrible torture, trying to derive where the owner was.

Bellatrix Lestrange with a Magic Wand

Dark Lord organized the escape of his subordinates. Hiding from persecution, they began to attack wizards. Bellatris participated in the seizure of prophecy, threatening Nimphadore Tonks, Sirius Black and Kingsley Brasser. The sadist was enjoyed using the forbidden to spend the Cruciatus against its enemies. Severus Snape under pressure Letya Lestrange gives an immutable vow, and Draco Malfoy becomes a pawn in its plan. A teenager knows the Ase of Dark Magic, preparing for the fulfillment of the mission entrusted to him.

The entire family suffers from the activity of Bellatrix. The woman does not stop in front of the murder of relatives and gets at a niece, who almost made her laugh before the dark Lord. The wizard lost a wand in the battle with Potter and was almost killed by the angry Volan de Mort, when he learned that Harry was free. Later she participated in the struggle for Hogwarts, and she killed Molly Weasley, who managed to apply paralyzing spell.

Bellatrix Lestrange in the film about Harry Potter

The character of the character of the sorcerer is impressive. After quick-tempered, unable to restrain emotions, the neurasthenic and frightening beadrix is ​​distinguished by bloodthirstiness. Krcituatus, Avada Kedaur, Patronus and any other spell, able to deliver pain and discomfort near, it applied to the right and left, achieving its goals. Torturing prisoners, the heroine experienced pleasure and excitement. The sorceress demonstrated outstanding techniques of magic and possessed the techniques of combat magic. In black magic, she also had little equal.

Bellatris is principled in relation to the "purity of blood", therefore does not recognize "dirty" and despises them. A woman does not experience a flour of conscience, killing relatives. Perhaps only Draco causes her warm feelings, but his sorceress is ready to use. Narcissa, mother of a teenager, causes respect from Bellatrice. Although it is easy to justify that the sister is stronger in spirit and suppresses the heroine.


Bellatris Lestrange in school years

The exterior of the whitelatrix is ​​specifically described in the work. Perhaps she was good in his youth, but in mature years after imprisonment in prison began to look bad. She did not save makeup, and the hairstyle reminded that the woman does not take care of her. All her forces were aimed at serving Dark Lord.

Actress Helena Bonmem Carter performed the role of Bellatrix Lestrange in films about a wizard boy. Initially, Helen Macrory was to participate in the project, but the pregnancy did not allow the artist to embody this plan. Later she got the role of Narcissa Malfoy.

Helena Bonham Carter reliably and realistic embodied his character. At some points of the actress, it was so influenced that her actions were coarse and unpredictable, similar to the solutions of whitelatrix.

Actress Helena Bonm Carter

Like the heroines from Tim Berton films, Helena Bonm Carter created a characteristic negative image of the witch, half-handed and unbalanced, striving for killing and anticipating revenge. Her love for the owner reached the stage of fanaticism and filled the whole life of the wizard. In the Final Franchise about Harry Potter Bellatris, despite the literary source, dying, crumbled into dust.

Summer Lestrange became the heroines of the franchise "Fantastic creatures and where they live," where the young years of the wizards who became the teachers of Harry Potter and his friends are described.


Bellatris Lestranges on a par with other characters in the Maglas and wizards became a character of art fan fiction. In the images and photos dedicated to the film and the literary work, the heroine turns into the end of hell. In a shabby dress, with a pendant on the neck, it produces a frightening impression.

"... a woman with heavy centuries and crown brilliant, black hair - she sat in a chair like on the royal throne ...", - so describes Bellatris J.K. Rowling.
Suit Bellatrix Lestrange

In the life of the wizard there was nothing but blindly worshiping to your owner. She sincerely believed in his power and at the moment when the Dark Lord acquires absolute power. "Be sons from me, I would gladly gave them to the Dark Lord service!" - says Bellatrix, I regret that I put a personal life on the altar of the service of Wolan de Morta.

The purpose of the life of Bellatrix was helping Teno Lord. She chose this path herself and would never dare to roll it from him: "My Lord, what you are here in our childbirth, honor for us. More joy just can not, "she greeted the embodiment of evil in the childbirth estate Malfoev.

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