Vladimir Sharov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Books



Proser, Essuraist and Poet Vladimir Sharov became a significant part of Russian literature in the early 90s. During this period, the measured stroke of the story collapsed, shook himself with grains on the heads of citizens, and instantly everything became incomprehensible: not only about the life of today's life or will consist of tomorrow, but even that represented yesterday.

Novels, essays, poems of the writer reflect this difficult era, telling about it honestly and straightly, and also cover the artistic interpretation of the history of human development.

Childhood and youth

Sharov Vladimir Alexandrovich was born on April 7, 1952 in the capital of the Soviet Union. He grew up in an intelligent family supporting Jewish traditions. The boy's father named Alexander was a famous journalist and a children's writer, so the attraction to the literature passed to Vladimir by inheritance. Anna Livanova's mother worked as a physicist.

The first educational institution, where the boy was received was the metropolitan physico-mathematical school number 2. According to compatriots, it was almost kicked out from there because of problems with academic performance. However, afterwards the future author managed so tighten his knowledge that he graduated from school with a gold medal.

In 1969, Vladimir became a student of the Plekhanov Institute, but after just a month after the start of study, signed documents about academic leave to write and publish a collection of fairy tales. After the year, the balls tried to return to the university, but he was excluded from him because of involvement in organizing strike on a student trip to the collective farm.

The fact is that the fair young man outraged the fact that schoolchildren from senior classes and university students are forced to help help with harvesting.

The social activity of this nature also caused the fact that the writer had problems with re-admission and employment. His accidental acquaintance and a long conversation with historian Alexander Nemirovsky failed a little easier. The man invited Vladimir as the last admissible student of the historic faculty in Voronezh University.

Thoroughly considering this proposal, the young man moved to Voronezh in 1972. When it came to passing exams, he stayed at the memoirovka Natalia Stampel. Due to the fact that the balls were not a Komsomol, he was not accepted on the day office, so I had to come on correspondence.

After completing training in a higher educational institution in 1977 with a red diploma, the balls managed to work as a literary secretary and a loader, as well as to protect the candidate dissertation a few years later.


The debut literary work of the writer was published in 1979 on the pages of the Soviet magazine "New World". And his first full-fledged novel, called "Furniture in the next: Chronicle of the same kind in thoughts, comments and main dates", was published only in 1991. He also first appeared in the magazine, this time called "Ural".
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Later, the publication of other works from his bibliography, such as the "Resurrection of Lazarus", "be like children", "old girl". In 1993, readers were able to get acquainted with the novel "before and during", which caused a grand scandal in the circle of literary critics.

Participants in the collegium editors of the "New World" editors were categorically agreed with the understanding of important historical events in the author's work. Critics said that thoughts raised in "before and during" thought and daring.

In one of the interviews, Vladimir Alexandrovich claimed - he never believed that one day would be a successful writer. At a young age gave longer preference to oral speech. The guy did not even start the diary, although in those years it was a fashionable phenomenon. In writing Vladimir began at a considerable age - closer to 30 years.

When computer technologies began to develop in Russia and various gadgets began to appear in each house, the balls refused such benefits of civilization, preferring to use the printed machine to implement their creative ideas.

Once a writer admitted to journalists of one of the media, that he adores the warmth of paper sheets. Computers are needed to create scientific work, but for the artwork, another approach is required. It is important to feel, and it is possible to carry out this, only if the author accepted to rewrite the text itself.

Everyone of his literary work, Vladimir Alexandrovich considered philosophical. It was critical to him to recreate a chronological chain from beliefs and beliefs that influenced certain events in domestic history.

Personal life

About the personal life of the writer, poet and esseist is known to be extremely small. His wife is called Olga Dunaevskaya, but there is no information about its activities and age on the network, even the photo depicting a woman can be found with difficulty. It was also unclear whether Olga and Vladimir family were in the family or not.


For several years, Vladimir Sharov fought with a severe oncological disease, which was the cause of the death of a talented writer. He passed a course of treatment, which, however, did not give essential results. Biography of Sharov-Jr. interrupted at the age of 66.

In July 2018, his new work was published, the name "The Kingdom of Agamemnon". As it turned out, it became the last in the work of the Esseist. The death of the ball was seriously experienced family members, as well as fans of his talent.

He remained in the memory of readers as one of the most famous novelists-historians. Vladimir Alexandrovich is a researcher who always addressed the topic of family values ​​in his works. Everyone his novel is impregnated with invaluable human experience, which the writer willingly shared.

Vladimir Alexandrovich Sharov's funeral took place in the ritual hall of the Semashko Central Clinical Hospital in Moscow on August 20, 2018 at 12:00 local time.


  • 1991 - "Furniture in the next: chronicle of one kind in thoughts, comments and main dates"
  • 1992 - "Before and during"
  • 1997 - "Rehearsals: I will not regret"
  • 1998 - "Old Girl"
  • 2002 - "Resurrection of Lazarus"
  • 2005 - "between two revolutions"
  • 2008 - "Be as children"
  • 2013 - "Return to Egypt"
  • 2015 - "My company"
  • 2018 - "The Kingdom of Agamemnon"

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